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Simple list of suggestions for Infected

Infected suggestions  

7 members have voted

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Hey, I've made a post like this before quite some time ago, but, I wasn't very realistic about it. So, I'm going to dumb down my suggestions and make them simple. 

  • Infected doing more damage to the player. Being able to knock you (the player) unconscious, damage your clothing, and in general, just doing more shock and blood damage. I believe this is a necessity because, at the time being, infected are just an annoying pain in the ass that don't pose an actual threat to the player.
  • More human traits - Having the ability to bleed out, go unconscious, effects of stamina exedra.
  •  Screaming - Letting out an ear-piercing scream when spotting players, alerting other infected and players. Also when their legs are broken. 
  • Biting and scratching bare skin - If a player's bare skin is exposed and an infected A.I scratches or bites them, it can lead gain green/ wound infection, if not treated or bandaged properly. The same would occur if said player's gear/ clothing is ruined. 

 Alright, that's all I can currently think of. Please let me know what you think in the polls! If you do not agree with one or all, please explain why. 

Edited by billnyetherussianpie
Minor fixes

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1. At the time being infected are still work in progress, they aren't mean to be danger yet. 

2. ^

3. They do that now, sort of, not that loud but they do.

4.  I don't see the infected biting anyone, they aren't zombies. And yes infection will probably come at some point, like 2024 when we reach beta. 

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9 minutes ago, General Zod said:

1. At the time being infected are still work in progress, they aren't mean to be danger yet. 

2. ^

3. They do that now, sort of, not that loud but they do.

4.  I don't see the infected biting anyone, they aren't zombies. And yes infection will probably come at some point, like 2024 when we reach beta. 


Yes, my thoughts exactly. I probably should have been more transparent that I meant in the long run,I don't expect this to be in the next update or anything. And, I'm aware they aren't zombies, that's why I made sure to specify "infected". You'd have to figure that they're hungry and gotta eat something. From what I understand, they have an almost mutated rabies disease that turns their brains into swiss cheese. So, I figured it's not too far to say that they'd also bite. 

Edited by billnyetherussianpie

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Zod is right in that zombies don't bite when they attack, but I think it is planned for them to be able to infect us with different viruses (not the zombie virus of course).  There was talk of zombie 'Lifespans' in the past, was never fully explained (at least that I saw, I'm sure it was somewhere I missed), but I think they mean things like injuries and the like sticking with zombies, IE if you cripple one it'll crawl or hop instead of run, and even the possibilty of zombies dying of hunger or injuries after a set time (thus allowing 'fresh' zombies to respawn)

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Getting infected yourself by an infected attack was already in the game a short while (I think 0.58 or possibly early 0.59?). I once got attacked and needed alcohol to clean my wounds.

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are there now more infected than animals in this game or is it about 50-50 ?

ps - I bite (I aint a zombie .. infected maybe, but zombie - nope)

Edited by pilgrim*
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6 hours ago, pilgrim* said:

are there now more infected than animals in this game or is it about 50-50 ?

ps - I bite (I aint a zombie .. infected maybe, but zombie - nope)


I'm not sure, but I'm pretty sure that there's less animals than infected.

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As long as they also add to them the ability to grab you or in some way make your movements slower, everything is fine :3

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I often thought one a big advantage of weight/stamina is because of the zombs.. So if you have a heavy backpack, a lot of gear, they run FASTER than you - so you have to drop your pack to escape, and they might also gather around on the pack and leave you alone.. (maybe try to go back and pick it up later when things calm down) 

Even better -  if there are two or  three of you, the one with the most stuff will fall behind, so you can either stop to help him, or you can outrun him, knowing that his sacrifice is saving your ass. 


It will be GREAT to see zombs REALLY back in the game. In the MOD I have been trapped under a heap of dead zombies I killed with an axe (I was cornered, leg broken, I just kept FIGHTING). I had to wait untll they despawned before I could get out from under the heap and crawl away.


*ps "zombs" is only a slang word, our calling name  for "infected".. we just CALL them Zombies.. I don't want to be misunderstood. I know they are nice people really and it's not their fault. I try to be politically correct but <that word> just pops out. So I  apologize to any zombies reading this 


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1 hour ago, pilgrim* said:

*ps "zombs" is only a slang word, our calling name  for "infected".. we just CALL them Zombies.. I don't want to be misunderstood. I know they are nice people really and it's not their fault. I try to be politically correct but <that word> just pops out. So I  apologize to any zombies reading this 

Seems the devs call them zombies themselves in the code. In 0.61 in top right corner you see some stats like blood and "last damage" and for me it said something with zombie. I guess zombie is just a lot shorter word than infected ;)

Edited by nl
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On 07/11/2016 at 11:28 AM, nl said:

Seems the devs call them zombies themselves in the code. In 0.61 in top right corner you see some stats like blood and "last damage" and for me it said something with zombie. I guess zombie is just a lot shorter word than infected ;)

well.. if it LOOKS LIKE a zomb and ACTS like a ZOMB.. ya know?.. no one is calling this game <Day'Fected> or< Day-UnfortunateVictim> as far as I noticed..  hope i'm not causing any controversy by using the fireaxe shouting "die! die! damn zombie, die!".. I'm not intending to be insulting.

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On 11/9/2016 at 1:42 AM, pilgrim* said:

well.. if it LOOKS LIKE a zomb and ACTS like a ZOMB.. ya know?.. no one is calling this game <Day'Fected> or< Day-UnfortunateVictim> as far as I noticed..  hope i'm not causing any controversy by using the fireaxe shouting "die! die! damn zombie, die!".. I'm not intending to be insulting.

I am sure you know but the Z in DAYZ means ZERO not zombie. Also in official communications the devs always refer to 'infected'.

Edited by nl
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14 hours ago, nl said:

I am sure you know but the Z in DAYZ means ZERO not zombie. Also in official communications the devs always refer to 'infected'.

You are right of course

it is just instinct - when I'm in a fight (especially with maybe 3 or 5 of them) I DO kind of shout - << die die damn zombie die >> - etc. I DONT shout  <<die die you innocent yet ravening victim of a dreadful worldwide plague that has devastated your otherwise unimpeachable and previously peaceful life you poor infected fellow being still definitely always worthy of my sympathy yet unfortunately - DIE ya fragging Zombie - and please stop ripping my pants into useless shreds, because given the choice, you get the axe and i keep the pants, sorry old chap">>

- I KNOW  this makes me a BAD person..


Edited by pilgrim*
to make it shorter
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I would love to see a falling mechanic. Infected, wolves, bears, bores, players can make a player and others fall. Landing, getting back up, standing up, takes a bit of time, so the group of enemies can close in. This way a player can be 'caught'. Increasing the danger, adding a lot of drama, and making being in a team more important.

The falling should have player drop and go into prone, dropping what's in their hands. Getting shot in the legs also makes the player fall and drop what's in his hands. Off cause you can pick up whatever you had in your hands, but it's a consideration because sometimes it's better just to get up and run.

It may also happen over certain overgrown roots in the forest, so mind your step.

I think falling is dramatic to the affected, and making others fall is great fun. It is also great visual feedback, making the player feel to have more influence.

Edited by Troll_Hunter
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I seem to remember a time when the "not-zombies" COULD knock you down, back in the Mod, and it was around then that they also infected you with bad scratch/bite wounds that needed antibiotics IF you survived..   and it was HAIRY, really... you hardly ever had time to stand up again before they broke your legs and ate your liver... (or did I imagine that?)

[ ps by NZs I mean NPNZs of course.. ]

Damn, I LIKED those mod Zombies, they walked around like they were really GOING somewhere, if you lay flat and didn't move they might walk past 4 feet away and not spot you, if you made a sound they HEARD you, they had lousy tracking so their speed was double up and you could dodge and they kept coming, the mil pilots at the helicrashes were brill, and you never REALLY knew if one might stagger into your camp in the forest at 2am while you were boiling your drinking water in an old empty bean can. They were a FUNKY POPULATION, ya know?  - even now I still HATE that fat farmer dude.

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On 11.11.2016 at 1:42 PM, Troll_Hunter said:

I would love to see a falling mechanic. Infected, wolves, bears, bores, players can make a player and others fall. Landing, getting back up, standing up, takes a bit of time


On 6.11.2016 at 9:23 PM, exwoll said:

As long as they also add to them the ability to grab you or in some way make your movements slower, everything is fine :3

This would increase the lvl of difficulty alot! Like it.

Players should be able to do the grab function too. If someones weak because of bloodloss or have a broken arm/leg.

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I d like to see more loot on zombies, so we risk more to get more. Maybe even magazine or even a pistol on military zombies 

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For me, I'd love to see infected able to grab, and hold onto the player. Not in every situation, but have a high chance if you allowed yourself to get into a tight spot. There would need to be 'break free' animations added for both player, and infected though, as you wouldn't want it to be certain death ....just a really, really bad thing to happen as a mob closes in. If two or more get hold of you, you better hope you have a buddy close by to help you out before the hoard over whelms you.

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I think tackling / tripping / dropping a player would be enough. - and relative easy to implement? - Grabbing and holding, broken legs, I think is a bit too much. I like players to have a fighting chance.

I like to see zombies to have a patrol path too. Maybe a group could occasionally travel out to other residential areas? Maybe some could be armed with melee weapons. Those could break a limb.

I like to have the zombies to go by sound mostly. So like children they -by default- have a small forward looking cone of vision, but a sound would 'wake them up' and then they become increasingly skittish.

Edited by Troll_Hunter

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I know I bang on a lot about modding, but it's for good reason. When developing a game like this, you are never going to fully realize every persons unique difficulty requirements, and that's just a plain fact. I would never expect any good development team to do anything other than provide a 'fun' middle ground base game. The fact that the Dev team are talking about mods in the future, tells me they understand this concept also.

I'm no game developer, but if I was, and I wanted to see future sales increase, I would build based on the idea that a large portion of people would buy the game to play 'as is', and others (like myself), would be buying the 'base game' so as to play with a range of difficulty mods installed. Something like infected 'gabbing hold' is a core aspect in another game I love dearly (State of Decay), but within the base game, it is not inherently difficult to counter in itself ....but, when I modded the game, it became a much greater threat to the player. What I'm saying is ....base aspects maybe could be added, but not fully realized within the 'vanilla' experience, so as to keep the base game fun for the wider player base. But then, those aspects could be utilized by modders as a way to provide a far more brutal experience for those who want it. Don't get me wrong, I love the base game, and the core Dayz premise ...but I just understand how mods will play a large part in customizing the survival experience for a wider range of players, and it may be nice to have some code perimeters in there that may just be set to '0' in the vanilla files.

Being tripped, or dropped to the ground is actually frustrating more than anything else, as it periodically disengages the player from the combat flow. Holding on to the other hand feels fully engaging, as you are still actively fighting to break free as the rest of the mob closes in. It just feels less like 'being bullied' by the game, and more like the game is actually giving you an opportunity to 'fight harder'. 

Edited by ShaneRetter

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