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I have never noticed this until today, let me guess it is some ninja addition to see if infected have gear on them?


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you can put items in them, so i think zeds will have stuff on it later in the progress

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They've been 'lootable' for a while now, they just don't have any loot on them yet.

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in the future, infected will be pinatas full of candy.

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13 minutes ago, Red_Ensign said:

in the future, infected will be pinatas full of candy.

Hey my favorite Saskatoon player.. Sup buddy

All that stuff i lost today, some small group of ppl decided to pvp randomly appearing to pop right behind me.

Caught me off guard and i went down like a pinata too... i think i took one of them out.

Damn Brazilians lol

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The idea of nailing a head shot on a military infected with an arrow, running up to the body, and looting it for a 1911 with a full mag makes me happy.

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2 hours ago, IReadTheAgreement said:

The idea of nailing a head shot on a military infected with an arrow, running up to the body, and looting it for a Makarov with a full mag makes me happy.

Fixed it for you.

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Yeah, I saw that. That M65 is hurting my eyes, I am running in T-shirt and I am overheating somehow...

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It would be cool if we could loot military loot from zeds.  Sometimes you get an AK101, and sometimes it's a grenade with the pin already pulled. 

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1 hour ago, Parazight said:

It would be cool if we could loot military loot from zeds.  Sometimes you get an AK101, and sometimes it's a grenade with the pin already pulled. 

This is what i was thinking too. It would make it like $$$ looting we would do in other games, but items as its value.

Can of food, bottle of water, frag pin pulled!!! oh F....K run!!


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7 hours ago, Parazight said:

It would be cool if we could loot military loot from zeds.  Sometimes you get an AK101, and sometimes it's a grenade with the pin already pulled. 

Have a can of beans on me.

you evil bastard :)

just in case you don't get it that was a compliment good sir.

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