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Dayz Won't start after latest update

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I am guessing because my PC is crap.


Error creating enfusion engine, possible errors:

*GPU not supported

*GPU drivers not actualized

*DirectX broken

*other kind of error


When I could play it was laggy in built up towns but generally playable.

My PC specs are:

Acer Predator

Windows Vista Home Premium 64-bit SP2

AMD Phenom 9750 Quad-Core Processor, 6GB RAM, ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series.

It was a high spec gaming PC but its like 5 years old now. To buy a good gaming PC these days you are looking at £600+ and I just cant afford that.

So my question is, could I just upgrage the processor and the graphics card in order to play Dayz again?


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You would need to upgrade that GPU in order to play. However, I suggest buying both a new CPU and GPU. Maybe an i3 and a GTX 960? That shouldn't be too expensive.

Edited by DJ SGTHornet

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