Hey guys, I wanted to sit down this evening and go over a few thoughts I was having in regards to publicly viewed roadmaps, developer stated goals, and things along these lines (anything projected release based).

Obviously - everyone involved, be it developer or consumer goes through the experience of gnashing of teeth when things come up that change, or in general push these back. We've tried annual roadmaps, quarterly goal roadmaps, we've tried heavily disclaimered target goals for a build - but in the end, it always ends up with one of us - the community around DayZ's development frustrated.

One of the great opportunities of allowing folks access to the development via Early Access is that we can experiment, see how things work, and change them up. Usually this is restricted to gameplay, and infrastructure - but it can also extend to how we interact with the community and discuss/release information.
Most folks might not know that as we move from one version to another (the two digit value before a build number . eg - 0.59.######) the leads from Prague and Bratislava spend a day and a half meeting, planning, and discussing what are target features and changes are for the next version.

What we're going to do moving forward is take that information, and bring you guys - the players - into our "milestone goals" for the version that happens to be being worked on at the time. So we're looking at the following: Compile a master list of our intended major feature set for 1.0 At the first Status Report after the Leads Meeting include a list of our milestone goals for the next version Each subsequent Status Report include a break down of our progress towards completing the milestone Per Major Feature Any major bugs we are tackling at the time Once said version (milestone) is moved to Stable branch include a break down of what milestone goals we hit AND what goals were pushed (and why)
We're hoping this will increase visibility into what our immediate goals are, and remove some of the speculation - as well as let you guys understand a bit more about what is going on "under the hood" at DayZ.