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Brother Espa's List of Desireable Changes

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Mine, and others, collaborated ideas to turn this game into the Survival Gem we all wish it to be! I deeply welcome ideas and criticism!
Also, some of these ideas may actually be already IN-GAME - Therefore, if it is listed, it is merely because it is desired in greater quantities! Have a look, tell me what you like, tell me I'm an idiot, or what have you! I don't mind!

  • Statuses
  • Fatigue
  • More Injuries/Ailments
  • Right Hand/Left Hand
  • Removal of Inventory TAB/Updated Bag Entrance
  • Items (Weapons, Food/Drink, Appliance, Medical)
  • Vehicular Wishes
  • Weather Cycles
  • Interactions
  • Additional Buildings
  • Infected Personality
  • Other Dangerous Foes (Animals/Humanoids)
  • Atmospheric Horror Additions


More. - But the advent of a Tired/Battered vs. Relaxed system would go a long way in giving the player more realism, more actions to take care of, more variables to contemplate when engaging any situation. It also provides more of a chance to interact with a player (Whether by KOS because you desperately need their goods and you're still able to get at them, or another reason to try to be friendly and even barter/be at the mercy of others to assist you.)
Tired/Battered~the player character goes too long without Relaxing(sitting down by fire, drinking beer, smoking cigarettes) causes the player's movement speed to slow by 10%/20%, reduces energized/hydrated/stuffed status duration, slight/noticeable weapon sway. Battered can lead to Dizzy/Sickness status.
Relaxed~Reduces weapon sway aswell as causing Energized/Hydrated to last longer. Also rids player of Tired/Battered status. (Caused by smoking a cigarette, drinking a beer, sitting by a fire for a short while.)
Dizzy/Sickness~ Can occur when eaten rotten foods, been Battered for an extreme period, caught by Infection whilst being around others who have Sickness (Slows player down by 10% and blurs perspective minorly. - Then as it progresses to Sickness, causes vomiting occasionally, weapon sway, coughing, snifling) Can be cured by constant Hydration and Relaxation, Medicines, Time. - Sickness will KILL player if not treated eventually. 
Fever~ Prolonged Sickness will cause Fever, distortion in perspective, large weapon sway, Hydration dropping faster. (Can exist same time as Sickness)
Paralysis~Unable to move for a duration. (Perhaps randomly caused by bad mushrooms, fruit, rotten food, or having Sickness for an extreme period)
Heatstroke~Chance to vomit and collapse for a short while. (Caused by excessively sprinting while Hot and not Hydrated)
Agonized~After taking significant direct damage your character would randomly call out in pain, shiver, vomit, etc. 
Infection~You feel a Sickness coming on. When exposed to others who have the Sickness status and you aren't wearing a respirator/gas mask, there is a chance of catching the Infection status which will lead into the Sickness status in a short time.  
(This may be ambitious. . But if the Infected NPCs eventually proved a certain threat to players, perhaps all of the Infected NPCs contain the Sickness status and may have the potential to pass the Infection status onto a player. This would react normally and not turn the player into a zombie. . But definitely make the Infected NPCs way more threatening - Of course, I think a larger population of Infected NPCs will also be needed for this to work well.)
Adrenaline~After damaging another, the player will move 10% faster.
Drunk/High~caused by the player drinking too much beer or smoking too many cigarettes. (Weapon/Perspective sway/Distortion of surroundings)



As it's been requested for some time, many players would love to see a Fatigue presence in the game to limit the insanity of players being able to run for such distances, to keep players on their toes and only allow sprint for such a duration, or even have it affect their Health in some certain way. It seems that we all have a definition for what this could mean, but I'm going to place what I've found to be a rather interesting addition to the Statuses section above that could simplify how a few things work. The suggestion has come from MrAerospace. Thank you.
000 - 300 = Relaxed = 1.0x Max Stamina
300 - 600 = Tired = 0.7x Max Stamina
600 - 800 = Battered = 0.3x Max Stamina
800 - 1000 = Exhausted = 0.1x Max Stamina


More Injuries/Ailments

After some deep thinking today, I would like to propose a much more in-depth Injury/Ailment chart that would be in addition to what is currently in place. This came to me because I believe the current effects of damage to a bit too simple - Unconsciousness or Death shouldn't swiftly arrive from a gunshot/melee attack, but the breaking/disabling of the body should be occurring a lot more. I'll try to refrain from posting things that are already in the current state of the game - Simply more for complexity. Please feel free to add more ideas.   

Concussion- Player has withstood a blow to the head with a melee weapon or sufficient damage from brawling from Infected/Players. Message would read, "My head hurts terribly. ." For a mild duration, any excessive running would cause the player to pass out into the Unconscious state. Cured by drinking and eating and remaining somewhat slow. Suggested to have a slight ringing noise and small distortion of perspective.

Impaled- A projectile is stuck in the players' body (Arrow/Spear) and will cause bleeding to occur UNTIL FIXED. When pulled out, will cause massive bleeding and require timely bandaging as well as either a blood bag, or simply waiting out the period by eating and drinking to stay healthy. Message would read, "I'm Impaled!".

Gutshot- Player has been shot in the stomach and will bleed (minorly) until the wound has been fixed instantly by cauterizing the wound by lead pipe that has been introduced to a fire, or sewn up and then waited out by remaining healthy and not sprinting for a small duration. Message would read, "My stomach is bleeding out. ."
Strained Muscles- Occurs when a player continues attempting to sprint for a medium duration after their character's stamina has been emptied and when the breathing of the character is excessively erratic. Would slow character by 20% and lower Stamina by 10%. Cured by not sprinting for a mild duration and remaining healthy. Message would read, "My muscles are sore. ."

Headache- Minor ailment that occurs from player binging on Colas for too long without any water intake. Slight weapon sway. Message would read, "I have a bad headache." - Fixed by drinking water and/or eating natural foods (Ones planted and harvested).
Frenzied- Player has eaten raw human meat (without cooking) and will acquire the Dizzy status after a prolonged state that will progress to Sickness over time if not cured, but also. . It would give the message, "I'm starving for more. . human. ." and increase durability by a small amount, as well as increase stamina (when introduced) by 10% - Cured by natural remedies to fix Dizziness or Sickness, and not eating more people. . Haha.


Right Hand/Left Hand


A small addition to the game that I think would pay off in loads of depth. Simply the idea is, you have two slots for your equipable grip. Smaller items would be able to fit into one hand, essentially allowing the player to hold two small items in their hands, albeit not being able to operate at full capacity unless utilized by the DUAL HAND function (Middle slot). However, small firearms/melee weapons could likely be placed in both hands and operated but without the essential DIRECT AIM (Right click feature) - More of firing/swinging from the hip.

-Larger items would not be able to fit into one hand, such as anything larger than a small firearm or bandage/what have you, and would automatically be placed into the middle slot for holding (Dual Handed).


Removal of Inventory TAB/Updated Bag Entrance


After some thought, it's come to my attention that the current system of looting is highly disruptive, destroys immersion, and is honestly just clunky as hell.
Suggestion 1): Remove the TAB feature altogether.
-This would force players into -really- scanning the floors and buildings for their goods, instead of just cruising around with the TAB held open for easy clicks. This permits immersion as well as gives the players more of task if they WANT that good. 
Suggestion 2): Update Bag Entrance.
-Along with the aforementioned suggestion, I believe it would infinitely affect the game in realism if the player were forced to stand in one place and OPEN one of their larger bags to check its' contents. This would negate the ability to see every good at all times and make it so that your quicker slots for your vest would be more wisely chosen.




Bear-Trap~ Effective trap item that would bind its' prey in place and cause Bleeding.

Nailbomb~ Tripwire/Timed detonation of large shrapnel based explosive. Depending on proximity, player could suffer Death or damage+Bleeding.
Acid-Trap~ Bottles of sulfuric acid that can be thrown at players/infected/ set up into a falling trap. Possible death, extreme damage, ruined equipment.
Long-Distance Bomb/Artillery~ Barrel, unstable liquids/gases, next to fire. . Boom! (You can aim this? lol)

Spears~ shaved Long Stick with Knife, gives spear projectile weapon that can impale/severely damage. Cause player to be bound in place and Bleeding, extreme damage if not dead. 
Katana~ Rare novelty weapons that provide no other purpose than melee combat, which they are very strong in.
Harpoon Gun~Found on Docks. Fires one hook attached to rope that the player is latched onto. May impale a player, be bound to player who holds the gun, Bleeding or Death. 
Metal Shield~Fashioned from metal pieces, player may hold a shield that can block against melee attacks and provide limited armor to user. 


Cigarettes, Beer~ To cause Relaxation, possibly minorly adjusts Hydrated status.
Coffee Bean Bag~Cooking item that you can boil with water to give a drink that will cause RelaxedEnergized and Hydrated!
Peanut/Crackers Bag~ Small snack bag that minorly adjusts Energized status. 
Honey~ Indefinite Pristine Food item that can be found in homes, as well as rare bee farms? (Bees can sting if not approached slowly)
Water Enhancers~ For providing a better taste, a longer Hydrated status.
Energy Drinks~ Short duration of Energized and Hydrated, increases movement speed by 20%.
Chips~ Sour Cream and Onion, BBQ. . Chips. Bulk food item like Cereal. Increases Energized
Wild Mushrooms~Found out in the wilds attached to rocks. Some are plentiful and will give Energized/Stuffed, some are poisonous and give you Sickness/Paralysis.

Applicable Items

Upgraded Radio Pack~Can broadcast all over half of map, can set to autobroadcast for survivors and such on select stations, can even locate UN's Quarantine Measure Broadcast on loop (Slight mysterious backstory).
SAT Phone~ ^^, but can broadcast across entire map, also contains compass as well as map of area. 
Motorized Generator~For generating electricity to power lights or appliances, requires fuel.
Candle Pack~ For placing small dim lights or carrying dim lights, requires match or flame to burn. 
Zippoes~ Classic lighter.
Magnifying Glass~ Another method to start a fire during the Day Time. 
Solar Charger~ Small solar charger for smaller electrical items such as radios, flashlights, etc. (Rarer attachment)
Ice Chests~ For keeping certain goods cold/from perishing.
Liquor/Wine~For drinking to cause Relaxed Status, making easy to use Molotov Cocktails, and also curing Infection if applied to wound before it becomes Sickness.  
Portable Tents~To shield the player from rain when stuck out in the open in a rain storm. Will protect clothing and pack from getting wet. Player can also store items in tent and go off exploring, using it as a temporary storage shed and command base. Laying in Tent for long enough would provide Relaxed Status. 
Folding Chair/Lounging Chair~Player can place and sit anywhere they please. They'll have minor use of their hands as they can see a full 180 but can't spin while seated. Sitting long enough will give player Relaxed status. 
Wadding Overalls~Rubber and mesh that will allow player to go waist deep into water without becoming Wet.
Forest/Recreational Sleeping Bag~Allows the player to enter the Napping state despite location.
LED Lanterns~Pretty standard Academy purchase for outdoors and lighting, works off of batteries.
Working Television~Perhaps just have the Emergency broadcast on loop - and also give players the ability to set up their own broadcast at a News Station!


Tranquilizer~Hypodermic needle filled with Tranquilizing Agent that will render a player unconscious, as well as Tired when they finally wake.
Smelling Salts~ Minor medicinal tab that cures Dizziness as well as wake someone from unconsciousness.
Aspirin~ Minor medicine that assists in healing methods, will cure Fever.
Codeine~Major painkiller. Will cure Agonized and also speed healing. 
Antibiotics~ For serious cases of Sickness and Fevers. (Rarer, but found in hospitals)
Emergency Mylar Blanket~ Used for assisting someone who is Feverish and/or Hypothermia. (Small enough to fit in kit)
Adrenaline Shot~Used to shock a character back to Life from Death, within a short time, or may be used as a drug. Will increase a non-dead's character's movement speed by 20% for a short while. If too many are taken too quickly, this may instantly kill the player. 
Compression Wrap~ Utilized as a new function for Bandages! Use 50% of a bandage and you may create a Compression Wrap on a Sprained Ankle, which will alleviate the debuff but also slow movement speed by 10% for a short period.



These are likely already slated to be presented in game, but just my 2 cents on the matter! 
Cars in general!: Two or three on the map that are already in built condition would be fantastic. Just saying xD (Russian Vehicles Link: https://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/168414-more-russian-vehicles/)
Bicycle~ Just please. Rare enough that it's neato to find one, but not infinitely rare or as hard to assemble (If you find a broken one) as cars. 
Motorcycles/Dirtbikes~ Easier to maintain and assemble than cars, but only 2 at maximum can ride and not as many extra goods can come along. 
Raft~ Safe way to cross bodies of water.



I've only ever experienced raining in this game and quite like the factors it brings to the game, having to stay warm and dry. . I think that's an awesome environmental motivator. However, I think it'd be fantastic if the Weather system were expanded upon to make things a bit more diverse. 
Day and Night cycle of each day could be randomized to be given the effect of:
Raining~Will cause player to slowly progress from Damp to Wet to Soaked and etc. We know of this. It can also lead to the player feeling Cold and then Hypothermic. 
Heatwave~Suggested to have sweltering heatwave with visible perspective changes, blurring of distances, can lead player to feeling Hot and then Heatstroke.
Snowing~Further capitalizing on the Freezing aspect of this game. It would let ice flicks fall from the sky instead of rain. Only difference is even within buildings, if there is no fire then players will experience the Cold to Hypothermic progression - albeit much slower. Will also cause movement speed to reduce by 10% in snow. 
Chemical Gas/Radiation Waves~After effects of the war. . Chemical gases or Radiation waves that could be emitting from the lands nearby and randomly settle in parts of the map, moving as time goes on.  Could potentially knock out players momentarily, may give Dizzy or Sickness status if player has prolonged exposure. 
Foggy~A certain foggy effect that drops the cloud level to the ground and blocks sight after 50 meters! This allows for extreme proximity of players/Infected and not even knowing it. .
Clear~ Natural normal day without any expanding effects.
A link to a rather fantastic display of such effects can be found on this suggestion by Handgun_Hero



While I know that more and more will be added to the game and every day our testing is proving better for the future of this lovely game, but I thought I should add also some interactions that I think should be implemented into the game, along with their respective benefits or purpose.
Dragging~This would affect items as well as players/Infected - whether dead or unconscious. THINK OF THE POSSIBILITY!
Napping~ This is something small, but I think could allow for a variety of situations to occur. Let's say that this places the character into an advanced healing mode that is toggleable, but they lose their sight and movement until canceled, more like a Unconscious mode with a switch This would promote Relaxed Status after about 5 minutes, as well as heal up smaller wounds and assist in the recovery of larger damage. Possibly the character would only be able to do this on a bed found in a house or in a tent//sleeping bag they have utilized. Damage would wake you instantly.
-Why this is cool? Because this again allows players an extra action that is most benefitted by playing in a group setting - AKA, having someone watch over you and assist your wounds. This isn't a necessity, but. . If you don't and you just nap randomly, you may be found and executed or thieved from.
Kicking~ A simple addition to combat! Another key may be used as an extra light attack that stuns the target for a moment and pushes the target back slightly! (Can be utilized while carrying a weapon, gun or melee)
-Why this is cool? Because it provides gun users a safe way to get some distance/blows on a melee attacker, to give more tactics in battle against players and infected.
Knocking on Doors~What if you could also Knock on doors instead of just opening them all? I think this would allow for certain roleplay to be carried out, as well as issuing safety to players who are within a room.
Indoor Fireplace~This really should be added, because it's silly not to. If a house contains a fireplace area/chimney, it should be a loadable device in which you can light fires with wood/matches/hand drill. The difference is it would last longer since it's not exposed to the elements and it would also signal players, as well as possibly infected if you aren't careful! 


Additional Building Types!:


News Station~ A building that can utilized, with enough effort, to set up their own broadcast to play across radios and working televisions, using their mic and your character being recorded by a camera object. (At least one or two, giving players more depth to their community if they and other players set up safe zones and such.)
Gun Store~ Plain and simple. Another target building for players who are wishing to gear up for weapons/ammunition. This spreads out the love from police stations and military fields. Could be placed in a few cities.
Pawn Shop~ Another easy layout for a store! This one is actually given the most variable chance to find a random piece of loot, from guns to attire to tools to. . etc.
Car Dealership~A curious idea. . Could be mostly dilapidated, but there could always be at least one running car to be found at these locations. Again, only a few in the cities.
Nightclubs~Another location to perhaps find a weapon, tool, or attire. This would add more flavor to the surroundings as well - deeply contrasting the Orthodox Churches xD


Infected Personality!:


Personal changes I'd like to see in terms of Infected Personality!
Now, to contend with the Status effects I have up top, I would imagine all of the Infected in the game would be listed as Battered-Sickness-Fever-Starving-Dehydrated and THIS is the reason why they act the way they do, as well as given the NEED to try to fix themselves (Though they cannot). They are NOT zombies, but more like extremely sick rage virus individuals that are struggling to survive in ANY way possible.
Roaming~I've made a post about it before, as well as tons of others I am sure, but I would love it if the Infected populations were INCREASED and then given the personality much like a players. Roam to find goods, water, food, and especially. . other players. I think including them into the CLE would be mighty interesting as they could spawn where say an item might have spawned instead. This allows for the Infected to be found in all sorts of buildings/locations.
Attacks~This definitely needs to be worked on. They ought to definitely be slower than average players who are healthy and sprinting, however. . They're not completely idiotic. This means that they could flank you, work with others, set up ambushes for others. - As for the animations themselves, I would love it if there were BITES(The most effective way to give a player Sickness), SLAPS, PUNCHES, as well as GRAPPLING you (Forcing the player to desperately hit the A and D buttons, much like they're restrained, but they're edging up to take a big ass bite out of you.)
Personality~I struggle to use this word because these Infected Folks might as well be so damn sick that they've lost their ability to reason. . But what if they didn't? What if SOME still could?. .
~An example being, what if by entering a town or forest, you suddenly hear a desperate wailing of "HELP ME! HELP ME!" and it's an Infected trying to prey on a player by messing with their good nature.
~Another example being, that all Infected are NOT on the same side. . They're battling to survive, as humans would if they were in the most dire straits. If they cannot find players, wildlife, lakes to drink from, they'd turn on each other.
~ANOTHER example being. . From the Infected who haven't completely turned Walking Dead Sickness, carry melee weapons!


Other Dangerous Foes

While I have read that Wolves, Bears, and certain other dangerous wildlife will be entering the game eventually, I thought I might as well add them also in the list for reference.
Animals To increase the chance of an attack while hiding out in the woods, I propose we add certain animals that are lurking and follow their own AI path and locations on the map to make them unique. This also gives players an entirely unique way of playing the game. Rather than traveling to cities for goods and guns, one could (dangerously) live out in the woods. (Link: http://rbth.com/articles/2011/04/26/the_twelve_most_dangerous_russian_animals_12694.html)

Grey Wolves- Pack animals, fast, and stalkers. These guys will flank you in the wilds and rip you to shreds. Low durability. (Most common of dangerous wildlife)
Brown Bears- Rarer, but exceptionally dangerous animals that if you are SEEN. High durability and damage.
Amur Tiger- Stealthy flanking animal that will mess you up if you're found in the wilds too long. Medium durability and damage.
Boar- Already in game, I believe, but good hunting animal. If you engage in melee, you're not likely to survive.
Northern Viper- SNAKES! If bitten, gives player instant Sickness that will progress into Fever
Lynx- Found hiding at the top of trees nearby Apple/Berry/Mushroom spawns that will leap down and tear you to shreds. Found in North.
Ticks- Not an immediate threat, but would give you status of Itchy that will progress to Dizzy and then finally to Sickness. May be removed while self inspecting,  or having another do so for you.
Karakurt Spider- Found along ravine slopes (where snipers like to sit) in webs and when the player is bitten, it gives the Agonized status. Will eventually pass, but medical goods can be used to quicken this pace.
Wolverine- The Hunter-Survivors' worst nightmare. They hunt the game that we hunt, and avoid contact with humans at all costs, unless cornered.
Catfish- Big ass game fish that can be found whilst fishing. Will provide tons of meat and a true quarry in the waters. ALSO, if swimming for an extended period of time, it is possible for this creature to attack you, though mildly and only enough to cause Bleeding.
Mosquitos- Much like the Ticks, a mere annoyance to most, but goes after players who aren't covered from head to toe. If prolonged exposure to them (The Z's you hear), the player will receive a Dizzy status that will progress to Sickness

Other Humans To branch out further from the natural dangers of Players/Infected/Animals, I thought. . why not improve upon the setting of the map by including other human-type characters controlled by the AI that are just as dangerous. To this point, I would believe the area to be in absolute quarantine after whatever war occured in the massive area. Adding to that, there being Helicopter crashes and military areas that are still standing. . This makes me believe that other forces may be in play.

CDC Death Squads!- This brings a whole new level to the idea of survival when there are AI-Controlled-NPCs that are found (sparsely across the map) that WILL roam the roads in squads, geared in gas mask/protectice suits and machine guns. Their sole duty to is eliminate any and ALL threats, including players/infected/animals. They'd be one of the foremost dangerous foes to be found in the game and also a source of exceptional goods if killed.


Atmospheric Horror Additions


Others and myself have put up/spoken of a plethora of ways to increase the horror factor that DayZ delivers. Again, everyone has their own perception of how this game ought to arise from Beta into a full-fledged game, but a rather neat idea has come from ChrisTuds. (Original link: https://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/230789-eureka/)
To add to the horror aspect of this game we dearly love, I would like to propose a few additions to the current scenery that would be both static and dynamic in terms of how players can engage with it. Whether it's simply a new grisly sight or even a hidden danger.

  • Corpses sparsely littered through the cities/IN homes and buildings.

-In best case scenario, these corpses would look dissimilar to our own character models/Infected to add to the jump in the spring. This would provide the atmosphere a much more gruesome setting as well as give players another OBJECT to loot, be disturbed by, or even. . have SOME of those corpses be Infected that are merely passed out and can awake at the near proximity of a player (5 feet, say).

Edited by Espa
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I like all of these except "Adrenaline" - this sounds like it will be easily abused, players will purposely let a zombie hit them once to outrun the horde or other players. Adrenaline SHOT sounds better, but don't make people run faster than usual, just refresh and increase stamina, or when the devs add injuerd slow walking animation, adrenaline shot could allow you to run for a short period of time even when injured,  taking too many adrenaline shots in a short period of time results in negative side effects and death

Also I don't like the military supply drop, but everything else is good and I hope all of it will be in the game

Edited by Sperglord
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Hmm. . I wonder. If I made it so that Adrenaline was given to a player who just dealt damage, rather than taking it. Would that be preferable?


Also, I thought making a SAT Phone upgrade from a radio would be extremely cool for realism. You could speak to any one that possessed a radio and thought perhaps it'd be neat to have some special features on it. . 


Maybe a map and compass? 

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Bump for opinions/more ideas to add? 


I'd really like to see how more fantastic this game can become ^.^ 

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NursDanger approves! I like more depth to the medical system, considering all the work that was already put into its detail. The nights will be long in the game, so they are a perfect time to patch up. Alot of your ideas have been requested in some way or other, like Honey (farming), Zippoes and Magnifying glass. Other things are actually in the game. I got hyperthermia and got ill and puked in game. Took me a lot of water and about an hour of cooling down and then some food to get rid of it. Mushrooms and Boats are a planned feature (for the beta); also probably more islands.


Lot of good suggestions there, lots of detail!   :beans: for your work! 


'bout bikes. Apart from the Enduro and probably Harley-chopper types, there could be a transportable bike, too. This one (Taurus 2x2) you can fold up into two bags. They would easily fit in a big bagpack or split up between two people. Awesome way to hike and drive!


Edited by S3V3N
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NursDanger approves! I like more depth to the medical system, considering all the work that was already put into its detail. The nights will be long in the game, so they are a perfect time to patch up. Alot of your ideas have been requested in some way or other, like Honey (farming), Zippoes and Magnifying glass. Other things are actually in the game. I got hyperthermia and got ill and puked in game. Took me a lot of water and about an hour of cooling down and then some food to get rid of it. Mushrooms and Boats are a planned feature (for the beta); also probably more islands.


Lot of good suggestions there, lots of detail!   :beans: for your work! 


'bout bikes. Apart from the Enduro and probably Harley-chopper types, there could be a transportable bike, too. This one (Taurus 2x2) you can fold up into two bags. They would easily fit in a big bagpack or split up between two people. Awesome way to hike and drive!


Oh man! That is so great to hear! I'm extremely new to this community, but these ideas and more that I read or hear from strangers while in game keep compounding to make what looks to be the shiniest game out there! Can't wait for more items, weather, and perhaps more Status interactions. 

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Adrenaline doesn't (usually) give people extra speed or strength, but it can keep them moving beyond what's physically possible, ignoring both injury or fatigue. (Trust me, the 3 inch scar down my right knee reminds me of that fact every single day). There is a significant downside to too much adrenaline though, and when a person stops moving, it sends the body into shock.


The way I would do it in game is to link both the shock and stamina bars.

Firstly, it should only be unlocked for a split second after a shock occurs. (So long as the shock doesn't knock them out first). If the player reacts fast enough, then they unlock an 'adrenaline mode', that will allow them to get out of danger.

At this point, the adrenaline mode keeps them moving and they can ignore wounds, crippling injuries, and fatigue (even though they may be bleeding out) and start to burn stamina at an increased rate, past 'zero' and into the negatives.

Once the player stops moving, or hits an absolute limit, then the negative stamina returns to zero, and fills up the shock meter at the same time.

That way, a player can use adrenaline in dire situations, but using too much will send them into shock, and can result in them passing out from the added shock.

Edited by MrAerospace
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Updated with more interactions/items/more building types!


Tell me what you think! Add to it!

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I'd suggest modifying your original post using a few subtitles and spoiler tags. It would break up the wall of text a lot better. 

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Sure thing. I can do that.

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Bumped with spoilers to reduce text size and selectivity for those who wish to look specifically at one section without tons of scrolling around.

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Adrenaline doesn't (usually) give people extra speed or strength, but it can keep them moving beyond what's physically possible, ignoring both injury or fatigue. (Trust me, the 3 inch scar down my right knee reminds me of that fact every single day). There is a significant downside to too much adrenaline though, and when a person stops moving, it sends the body into shock.


The way I would do it in game is to link both the shock and stamina bars.

Firstly, it should only be unlocked for a split second after a shock occurs. (So long as the shock doesn't knock them out first). If the player reacts fast enough, then they unlock an 'adrenaline mode', that will allow them to get out of danger.

At this point, the adrenaline mode keeps them moving and they can ignore wounds, crippling injuries, and fatigue (even though they may be bleeding out) and start to burn stamina at an increased rate, past 'zero' and into the negatives.

Once the player stops moving, or hits an absolute limit, then the negative stamina returns to zero, and fills up the shock meter at the same time.

That way, a player can use adrenaline in dire situations, but using too much will send them into shock, and can result in them passing out from the added shock.


I like the idea of stamina AND shock. . However, I think your idea for an Adrenaline Mode is WAY overpowered and could end up being abused more than it would affect realism.


For instance, if I pump a few shots into someone that should be mostly fatal and suddenly they're still running and firing at me. . I'm going to call bullshit.

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Ok, that's a much cleaner look for the first post!

As for the adrenaline mode...it won't mess with consciousness or outright death...players will still pass out and die as per normal if the shock/blood levels are surpassed.

To maybe compensate for the adrenaline mode, what about an increased rate of bleeding (due to the higher blood pressure)? This would generally leave a player still shrugging off minor injuries, but at any second could slip into unconsciousness.

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Ok, that's a much cleaner look for the first post!

As for the adrenaline mode...it won't mess with consciousness or outright death...players will still pass out and die as per normal if the shock/blood levels are surpassed.

To maybe compensate for the adrenaline mode, what about an increased rate of bleeding (due to the higher blood pressure)? This would generally leave a player still shrugging off minor injuries, but at any second could slip into unconsciousness.


Now that I can get behind. As long as it's more minor and also has drawbacks to using it! It could definitely change certain dynamics in combat - whether against Infected or Players.

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While speaking to other players in game and on the forums, I thought I'd add in my thoughts and others' thoughts on how the Infected should work!


Alas, I've granted a new section called Infected Personality!


Please give comments if you enjoy this changes and would like to seem them implemented!


(Remember, this community has a fantastic power of influencing where the game goes at this moment. Do not let it pass us by and not polish this gem of a game as perfectly as possible.)

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I actually keep confusing "infected" with "zombies" - well in a way zombies are infected, however not like the Dayz ones. So the idea of Infected Personality is quite good. It would make them actively seeking nearby sources of food or water, much like the NPCs in other (good) games go about their day and do their work. I like it!


Some ideas puzzle me, because they are already in the game. You can go to any house that has a fireplace with a fire-kit in your hand and place it there! You can cook on a stick in front of it, too.


I was looking for some uber-suggestions thread in my posting history, but gave up after going back nearly thirty pages. I found some other links to suggestions, you may find interesting by themselves though:








If I ever find the thread I'm looking for, I'll post a link. I think there are many good suggestions from a lot of people, but we must not forget that the devs have their own agenda. And they are behind it as it is. So I doubt, they will put up with features that aren't in the Alpha's Development Document, yet. We might see a lot of these refined ideas enter during Beta stage, though. I think as soon as all the systems are stable and the game runs like it should, there will be reason to deal with making it more interesting. That's when we have to remember our ideas from now, so I appreciate a thread that sums things up in a nice way and fosters the discussion. 

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I actually keep confusing "infected" with "zombies" - well in a way zombies are infected, however not like the Dayz ones. So the idea of Infected Personality is quite good. It would make them actively seeking nearby sources of food or water, much like the NPCs in other (good) games go about their day and do their work. I like it!


Some ideas puzzle me, because they are already in the game. You can go to any house that has a fireplace with a fire-kit in your hand and place it there! You can cook on a stick in front of it, too.


I was looking for some uber-suggestions thread in my posting history, but gave up after going back nearly thirty pages. I found some other links to suggestions, you may find interesting by themselves though:








If I ever find the thread I'm looking for, I'll post a link. I think there are many good suggestions from a lot of people, but we must not forget that the devs have their own agenda. And they are behind it as it is. So I doubt, they will put up with features that aren't in the Alpha's Development Document, yet. We might see a lot of these refined ideas enter during Beta stage, though. I think as soon as all the systems are stable and the game runs like it should, there will be reason to deal with making it more interesting. That's when we have to remember our ideas from now, so I appreciate a thread that sums things up in a nice way and fosters the discussion. 


Thanks buddy! I appreciate the comment! I DO realize that some certain things in my post are a little outdated/are already in the game - However, I'm leaving them there for posterity (For my memory and others)! Today is officially my SECOND week playing this game and I've logged about 120 hours. Nothing crazy, but I'm fairly addicted to it. I've been told of a few items/interactions that are currently in the game and can be utilized, but I do like keeping it on the list as these are things that I not only wanted in the game, but also in greater quantities if they are.


As for the Infected situation, I'm pretty hellbent on seeing this game become the scary survival game with the Infected as ONE of the most dangerous beings out there - At least as much as other players can be. This is my dream of this game. I would love to see their AI fixed up to truly be living and breathing (and suffering so badly) that when you come into contact with them, you feel a range of feelings for them. Fear to pity to anger.

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Awesome! Two weeks means you still have places to explore, I guess. This map is crazy in size and quite beautiful! 


There are a few gadgets you might not know about. Here are some that I know:


- when you dig for worms (near water, using a knife) there is a chance you'll dig up a cooking pot

- when you fish there is a small percentage that you will catch some boots; I've seen it happen once, the message is: "I have caught...something."

- inside the cornflake boxes is a plastic compass. After you finish eating them you have a small chance of finding one. 

- guts can be used as a replacement for rope, e.g. to craft a string for the bow (use long stick + guts), guts can work as a heatpack when you are cold. You can also put them and cans/stones in a fire to heat them up again. Quite handy when you got drenched and get hypothermia. 


There is probably more little stuff like that and I find it awesome to have such detail! I think other parts of the game will get their in-depth treatment, but it will take a while. Obviously there will be drying racks and other ways to preserve food. I hope the infected get the in-depth treatment as well, but the devs have stated that the current system is a mere placeholder. Among infected features will be:


- infected wearing regular clothes and backpacks

- " are lootable for items and clothing

- " will roam the map, much like how the animal AI does it, but in much larger groups/herds


I don't know how scary they can become, but what I know is that the infected in the mods were a lot more alert and dangerous. They also came in bigger numbers and hitting felt more accurate (despite still being bad). I expect the standalone to surpass this, but at the moment, infected are a feature that is underdeveloped. You came to the game at a good time. It's still affordable and a lot of good changes were made. Also impressive that you made it onto the experimental right away. A good decision, though this version will become really good, once it his stable and we can build our camps to last longer. 

Edited by S3V3N
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Super cool about all of those interactions! I had no clue! Gosh, every time I find something new in this game, I feel rewarded for having found it or heard it! So nice to have a community such as this as well! Every one has been super helpful and honestly, my hostile to friendly interactions are much lower than expected. It seems MOST people truly feel attached to their characters and give the same love to others. That isn't to say I haven't been murdered or murdered others myself xD


The game is all a surprise and I can't wait to keep exploring and such. - Many of you, I would love to team up with and experiment, as well as help build up communities as I'm a mostly friendly player that wants nothing but others to succeed. . While I also do so xD


When the Infected get their due love, which I hope is soon, I will be so much more addicted than ever before hehe.

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Bump to keep up.

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Updated with a NEW Dangerous Animals/Humanoids section! Please take a look and comment!

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Pumped up with .59 Stable glory! Will be thinking of a lot more to include in the list! If anyone else has more ideas, I would love to include it into the list!

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For example, the Battered/Tired/Relaxed (status indicators) could all be grouped into a Fatigue status. Add in a critical Status indicator such as "Exhausted" and you'd be close to having a full set.

Then, for each of these status indications, you could add status effects. I would think the simplest way to represent fatigue  is to simply have fatigue reduce the maximum stamina.



000 - 300 = Relaxed = 1.0x Max Stamina

300 - 600 = Tired = 0.7x Max Stamina

600 - 800 = Battered = 0.3x Max Stamina

800 - 1000 = Exhausted = 0.1x Max Stamina

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Fantastic ideas, Sir! I never thought of a grouping as such, but I think it's pan out well! I love having evolving statuses that work like this! Good job man!

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