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HELP! battleye problems

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ok so i launch the game i get this https://gyazo.com/c7bc7018777f03e8e6923c8dcf025b07click yes of course then it comes up with this when i join a server https://gyazo.com/d1126c709fab27fc63986235b5386c7f then the game closes and does this again https://gyazo.com/47f8d2c860187925ea48304af349c317.

Ive tried verifying ive tried reinstalling ive tried downloading battleye manually ive tried pretty much everything that came up on google, which is why im in the forums

so any suggestions?

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ok so i launch the game i get this https://gyazo.com/c7...6923c8dcf025b07click yes of course then it comes up with this when i join a server https://gyazo.com/d1...3986235b5386c7fthen the game closes and does this again https://gyazo.com/47f8d2c860187925ea48304af349c317.

Ive tried verifying ive tried reinstalling ive tried downloading battleye manually ive tried pretty much everything that came up on google, which is why im in the forums

so any suggestions?


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ive read the stickies their useless... ive tried everything in the forum before i posted and i tried everything in the stickies i did all that before i decided to post here this is last resort ive been searching the forums for the past week wouldnt be surprised if ive read all the threads with the issue

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Did you really do the AmberHelios method ? it is kind of foolproof


< re validate your files in steam

<Or you can go to: C:\Users\*Username*\Documents\DayZ and find the < *username*.sqf  >file.

< Open this and navigate to the line that says: battleyeLicense=0;
< Change the value to 1, save file and play the game




ps you did not put links to a few of your screenshots here - I looked at them by hand, but less folk will help if it's not easy

I think the solution is 99% certain in the links already posted


Edited by pilgrim
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there isnt a line that says battleye liscence  i have the two files the first one is basically all my binds ect and the second one is this     https://gyazo.com/5f182ba3d33cfbd61bad46eca44615e7 when opened



OK calum1231.. this is my idea of what to do:

I guess you are the Admin of your PC and you are using your Admin account on the PC, right ??


go to that file you call


firstly just right click on the file, choose Properties and make sure the file is not Read-only, - if it is, uncheck the Read-only box.


then make a copy of the file, in case of problems.. OK?

now you open your file weasle%gaming.DayZProfile by dropping it on Notebook - you can open it with just Notebook, don't use Word or anything fancy because that can mess up your file.

Look to find the line that says



if it already says battleyeLicense=1; then we'll have to think of something else to do - but if it says 0 then change just the 0 to 1 and save the file.

OK ? Then try the game.




WELL now  - it MAY be that windows will NOT let you open that file, or copy it, or maybe will not let you SAVE it

If that happens it will be because you don't have permission to do that, you need to have Administrator permission, or because the file is set to the wrong permissions

Are you an Admin on that PC or is someone else the Admin?


Tell me what happens when you change the "0" to "1" and we'll go from there. OK?

Other people have had the same problem, if you look at the links in this thread already, you find at least one guy who had exactly the same problem:


(also you should read through the whole thread anyway - most of those guys are smarter than me)



YO People: if anyone thinks my advice is not so good, please say so - I don't want to mess up calum123, just trying to help him.


I know I should just pass him on to the thread about this.. but.. well..  the dude just wants to play and he's stuck... ya know ?

Can't save the world but maybe we can save 1 player?


Team America

Edited by pilgrim
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Did you start steam as admin?

That might be the cause of this issue, because Battleye needs admin acces to write in the folders.

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If you have read the Stickies, even if they are useless you would know that the next thing to do is submit a ticket to BE support as stated on the Support page....

"If you have problems with BE please first read the support and FAQ pages linked in the menu above."


You will not find the solution here, go there.



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