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Disease transfer to people in close vicinity.

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One of my alltime favorite moments of the mod was when my group finnaly met up and one of us got the cold. As we started to look for matches the cold spread and we soon found ourselfs dead stuck in the rain in the middle of nowhere.


Why not bring it back? Right now, you dont caugh, or have any sort of consequence besides health loss. This was honestly one of the best aspects of the mod, and it would be a dammn shame if it didnt get implemented.

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Because once they add other things that make the game harder, the masses come out and threaten to quit with cries of rage.

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i remember this as well. thought it was a great part of the overall disease transfer and also gave you a heads up if one of your party was infected or someone you'd just picked up :o

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I'm for it, its slightly nostalgic to think of the old system and possibilities of it being implemented.

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yeah i've been waiting on disease and stamina forever i'll wait longer but they need to add something more deadly than cholera that isn't even dangerous its to preventive they need something that you can catch like the flu or the common cold. cholera is a joke not as a mechanic or implementation but when it comes to being dangerous in game(and i'm sure in RL its bad shit) right now anyone who catches it well you suck.

Edited by gannon46

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Right now, obviously its not possible, due to cholera (I think) being the only disease in the game (other than the wrong type of blood transfusion, or eating poisonous food.)



However, in the future, when sickness is implimented, yes, I could easily see this. The cold wouldnt be a GAME changer, but it could mess up your aim enough. Having a cough or a sneeze at the wrong momment could really mess you over....

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Also you have less of a chance of getting it if you're wearing a gas mask, or that white respirator cloth mask that you can find sometimes.

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Yeah, cholera is really weak, never had it and might never get it. But, Ive always assumed that was just the proof of concept to something much larger.

It's really just setting and transferring the variable on items. So hopefully cholera is just the tip of the disease iceberg.

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I always lick batteries when I find them with the hopes of passing along cholera.  Sadly, I have no idea if it works.

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