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Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

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Saw a guy filling up his water bottles.  Had a decent starter kit stashed in a barrel in the woods, so ran up behind him (tried to scare him a bit) and said "HEY BUDDY!"  It was fing.  He didn't shoot me.  :D


Also, takes about 12 minutes to grow pumpkins with water and lime.  FWIW.

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It's a little sad to see 1PP so neglected but I am thankful that we have a few.


I'm going to start a 3PP character as I think I should be a fresh spawn there.....


It looks like the CLE is starting to take shape more and more with each iteration.


I personally hope the aim will be for more scarcity but I think there are a lot of good reasons to keep a bit more loot out there for now.


The scarcity of guns/mags/clips/ammo should be looked at very carefully and should be tied to the idea that most of these things would be the first thing people grabbed in an emergency.


Absolutely scattered and absolutely random distribution makes sense but civilians and military alike would have caches of multiple firearms with accompanying ammo and mags/clips.


I have noticed the orange upstairs only houses can have multiple firearms, ammo, food, and backpacks all together.


Houses with concentrations of clothes still makes sense, and in almost any context.


If your house is full of anything, it's clothes.

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Absolutely scattered and absolutely random distribution makes sense but civilians and military alike would have caches of multiple firearms with accompanying ammo and mags/clips.



Not to mention that purely random wouldn't be a fun gaming experience.  Why go anywhere? just open this trunk or look in that house, ad infinitum.  I also like where they seem to be heading:  a "veneer" of randomness with higher densities of type around certain areas.

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And probably why they added it :)  Damn hoarders...

Even if they want it permanently attached (and, I'll be interested to see if it survives a restart), at least show it's installed.  The only way to tell now is to add the battery, get in, and try to start it.  That can't be what they intended.

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Even if they want it permanently attached (and, I'll be interested to see if it survives a restart), at least show it's installed. The only way to tell now is to add the battery, get in, and try to start it. That can't be what they intended.

Would be curiuos if it'll take another as in eating them?

Im wearing all black except my green drybag and brown cowboy hat atm. ;)

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Even if they want it permanently attached (and, I'll be interested to see if it survives a restart), at least show it's installed.  The only way to tell now is to add the battery, get in, and try to start it.  That can't be what they intended.


That's true, I could see them adding the slot back in but locking it once filled.  That way you can tell if you need one or not, wonder if they have a life span before you have to replace them or can they be damaged by gun fire?

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Im wearing all black except my green drybag and brown cowboy hat atm. ;)


I saw your name on the 1pp server I was on last night.  Ran into a couple of people but no  one fitting that description.

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I saw your name on the 1pp server I was on last night. Ran into a couple of people but no one fitting that description.

I'm a ghost, lol.

Did you see any trucks racing around?

I took fire on the north railroad bu that was my only contact in days.

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I'm a ghost, lol.

Did you see any trucks racing around?

I took fire on the north railroad bu that was my only contact in days.


Only one I saw with a truck was at Guglovo (heading towards Novy.  I was going to try and flag them down but they were hauling ass and I missed them.  Oh EXP I tend to be a more friendly player and restrain my more aggressive instincts.

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I ran from the just outside the nwaf directly to about 1km in off the south coast. Only checked occasional houses for food and stopped at a couple of wells but despite not looking I saw 2 shotguns and 2 blazes. Saw shotgun ammo too. If anyone is finding sks ammo in hunting shacks, I'll have left it. I've way too much and nothing to shoot it.

What's the story with zombies? Certain servers or none at all. I didn't see any.

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Only one I saw with a truck was at Guglovo (heading towards Novy. I was going to try and flag them down but they were hauling ass and I missed them. Oh EXP I tend to be a more friendly player and restrain my more aggressive instincts.

That was probably me, got five out of six I scouted and hid em all in a corner. Took one back east at the end of my session.

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I wonder about that though.  Twice, I had every tent, barrel, fireplace and all backpacks (even ones hidden far away under trees) vanish while the 6 trucks full of better loot (including automatic weapons, batteries and plugs) were untouched.  Seems odd that someone would empty barrels, find, empty and dissasseble every improvised pack, disassemble the fireplace, unpack the tent, and cart off the barrels, but leave all the trucks and all the good stuff in the trucks.  I suspect a bug.

Have you considered Thurman that your camp is so vast, with buildings and vehicles and gear that it might be considered a town? Thurmanville might be getting picked up by some "for towns" despawn rules. :-D

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Have you considered Thurman that your camp is so vast, with buildings and vehicles and gear that it might be considered a town? Thurmanville might be getting picked up by some "for towns" despawn rules. :-D

Nice, I was actually wondering if it is something allong the lined of too much stuff in s small area. My reasonable size camps have had no problems now or in .55.

The game has GOTO have have something to protect itself from the lag and crashes we had with the backpacks piles we had awhile back at the mil loot pukes right?

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Ok so I don't know if anyone else has had this problem but I can't climb ladders. My character will do the animation of getting on the ladder but I don't actually get on it nor can I climb up or down it and in order to get off the ladder i need to turn around completely and vault off it.


I have no idea what is causing it and it's only in experimental. It's a pretty major issue not being able to do this. 

Have you tried logging out and back? Also, never have anything in your hands when you try to get on a ladder? Sorry your having problems. Ah new ui ..eek for now.

Edited by Excanto

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Settled on a 3PP, no real reason really... just so happened to be a Dudester and Tatanko in there....


Spawned in Berezino which is happening quite often for me lately.


Decided not to make a beeline to the airstrip and instead tried to loot my vicinity until I found some kind of backpack.


By the time I found a purple Taloon I had 6 slot pants and jacket as well.


Only found 3 cans of food but canteens and PET's were common enough.


In less than an hour and within the confines of a small section of Berezino I ended up with backpack, max slot clothes, boots, axe, rifle (Sporter with 10rnd mag and nearly 50 more rounds), compass, PET (with a large stack of purification tabs), and motorcycle helmet + gas mask.

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Would be curiuos if it'll take another as in eating them?

Im wearing all black except my green drybag and brown cowboy hat atm. ;)

I'm curious, too.  I have 2 trucks.  And 2 more plugs on me.  But not curious enough to check.  :D


I almost never KoS in EXP.  I'll generally walk right up to people and talk.  Oddly, I survive the vast majority of such encounters.  

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Have you considered Thurman that your camp is so vast, with buildings and vehicles and gear that it might be considered a town? Thurmanville might be getting picked up by some "for towns" despawn rules. :-D

The first one might have.  Good lord!  I had 8 or 9 full auto rifles, all 3 SMGs with anything they could take (except for the MP5 handgrip glitch) an SKS with pristine PU, a Mosin with pristine PU, a few hunting rifles with scopes, several handguns, several full smershs, one of every tool, all the other farming accoutrements, a pristine pack of all the seeds in the game, at least a half dozen hicaps, and the same number of military boots and combat knives, a boar pelt, a deer pelt, a cow pelt, a few bags of lime, bows, fishing rods . . . just almost at least one of everything that's in game except for low end clothes and hats.  It's not the having, it's the getting.   :D


So far this update, I'm only on 1 tent, 3 barrels, 2 trucks, and a fireplace with some basic farming gear, extra M65 and a single handgun in camp.  But I have 2 batteries and 2 plugs and I know whre 2 more trucks are.  So tonight, I'm gonna go loot some of those smaller mid-map towns. 

Edited by Thurman Merman
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I'm curious, too. I have 2 trucks. And 2 more plugs on me. But not curious enough to check. :D

I almost never KoS in EXP. I'll generally walk right up to people and talk. Oddly, I survive the vast majority of such encounters.

Me too, if I get the drop on someone I make contact unless I get bad feeling then I avoid them all together. Three of the last four that have supriesed me just started shooting or punching with no warning. I don't get it and hope as the game gets harder the people who log in for an hour to get some killz move allong to the shitty kidcentric games theyre trying to make out of this one.

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Nice, I was actually wondering if it is something allong the lined of too much stuff in s small area. My reasonable size camps have had no problems now or in .55.

The game has GOTO have have something to protect itself from the lag and crashes we had with the backpacks piles we had awhile back at the mil loot pukes right?

I've mentioned before that I wonder if that's the problem.  Some sort of anti-lootsplosion thing.  One of those camps had at least 450 items (excluding tents, trucks and barrels) in a 50mx50m square. All but one of the trucks was full, tents were full, barrels mostly full, lots of packs laying around loaded with stuffing.  Even the pot on the fire was full of meat and lard.  :D

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I'll generally walk right up to people and talk.  Oddly, I survive the vast majority of such encounters.  

You must be awfully handsome and charming!!!

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You must be awfully handsome and charming!!!


Ha, I'm glad I don't look like I do in real life in game or my rate of getting KOSed would go up tenfold.


Been told I have creepy, shifty, scary eyes and a dishonest face many times.


<---That's me, glad I found two women including my mother that could love that face.  

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I don't get it and hope as the game gets harder the people who log in for an hour to get some killz move allong to the shitty kidcentric games theyre trying to make out of this one.


How high and mighty of you. You don't get it. That's cool, but don't call every single one of us retards just because we like to hunt people.


Hemingway quote time


There is no hunting like the hunting of man, and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never care for anything else thereafter.
Edited by Exorade

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How high and mighty of you. You don't get it. That's cool, but don't call every single one of us retards just because we like to hunt people.


I didn't call anyone a retard as far as I recall?


If the helmet fits though wear it with pride while putting words in other peoples mouth, retard.


I'm pretty sure Hemingway wasn't talking about randomly trying to punch a guy in the face after being greeted politely as he's trying to share assistance or info on the local loot situation either.

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Had a great evening/night with GaryWalnuts, Dudester100, Tatanko and igor-vk.

Like last times we had a great laugh. :lol:

Here are my screenshots:


Chillin' while waiting for our food.


Our Mr. Nazi (Dudester100) saluting us.


Lost my keys, found them though.


Doesn't know what it says but for me it says: "Alkohol!? Yes please!".


"I have a visual on the target, over".


A nice setting with those flares.


We couldn't leave out the handicapped Nazi salute of course.

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Me too, if I get the drop on someone I make contact unless I get bad feeling then I avoid them all together. Three of the last four that have supriesed me just started shooting or punching with no warning. I don't get it and hope as the game gets harder the people who log in for an hour to get some killz move allong to the shitty kidcentric games theyre trying to make out of this one.

I don't get it in EXP - most people should be here to run tests - we know the bullets kill.  In Stable, once I get geared, I go looking for geared teams to murder.  It was easier back in the day - you could tell the punks who had been duping as they all looked exactly the same.  I used to spend hours in my favorite spot at NWAF with my trusty LRS.  Sometimes just leave the game open on my gaming PC and work on the other.  When I saw movement (usually Z's aggro-ing), I'd switch over:  a lonely survivor with an orange talon?  Go on your way with my blessing, son.  3 guys in camo with M4s?  It's killing time.  :D  I bet I've spent 500 hours of game time just sitting, waiting and sniping.

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