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Walking slow is awesome!

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On 16.3.2015 at 9:10 AM, EngineerZ said:

 If they would make the forest more dense and more bushes etc it would be even better.

2 years later and the forests look so much better! So many tree variations and they shake in the wind. Bushes and grass high everywhere, I fucking love it!

More than ever I enjoyed a slow walk though the forests of Chernarus, I still totally recommend slowing down and just walk instead of running. It's so atmospheric!

One thing that would make it more immersive and exciting would be more animals and stuff to find e.g. mushrooms, more berries. Running into randomly generated abandoned camps with some loot would be awesome. I think the later versions of the Dayz Mod had this feature, where tents randomly spawned in the forests.


Greets EngineerZ

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Is the energy and water consumption fixed yet so you won't be disadvantaged when just walking? It at least consumed way more than running in the same distance.

I did this once couple years ago. The game should force to do that way more. The experience is way better that way and the area actually feels like 225km2.

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Stamina/ weightsystem/ different Energy-Water levels / Injuries/ Diseases/ Noise level of the type of equipment with regard to it environment.

All this will greatly influence the way to live and survive.

Today, the whole map is the same, whether it's coast or north-west .. there is no difference in the challenge of the environment  (It is even the opposite, the coast in the east is more difficult to guard than the north-west, in terms of loot and food)... Except perhaps players and wolves.

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A lot of things are awesome. But its the most awesome when things works together and makes sense. Walking just for walking in DayZ doesn't do it now, maybe someday.

Personally I hate that new feature that players are forced to slow down to walking pace when climbing a hill, even if it is not very steep. It is just a detail which makes it much worse to me. Hopefully it will get fixed with whatever is going to get fixed, if you would be running for your life you would fly up to steepest hill, even if you would pass out at some point after getting extremely exhausted.

As walking just to add more variety for the game and saving stamina and chill out a bit, why not, if you only have time for that.

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