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Punish 'Stuffed'?

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Whenever I see an inventory screencap I always see the same thing. An inventory full of ammo and 3 status effects:






Players gather all the food, eat it all at once and then go on their merry way with nary a worry about food for the next hour or so, then they just stuff their bellies nearly to the point of vomiting all over again.


It feels as though 'stuffed' should have negative effects. Perhaps it could decrease running speed? Increase hunger and thirst rates? Disallow the 'healing' status effect?


Players should be encouraged to carry food and eat it gradually, not gorge themselves every hour.



What do you think? Do you think it's even an issue worth considering? Obviously DayZ is an alpha, but I think the way food is balanced bears consideration.

Edited by BeefBacon
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Yellow "stuffed" means you had a good meal, orange "stuffed" says you ate more than normal, why punish players for eating until they are full? We do it IRL, I don't see the issue here.

Edited by EchoZeero
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Yellow "stuffed" means you had a good meal, orange "stuffed" says you ate more than normal, why punish players for eating until they are full? We do it IRL, I don't see the issue here.


We do it IRL, that's true, but we don't stuff ourselves with beans, dry rice and canned bacon and then proceed to run 6km. Hell, I went to McDonald's a while back and the 15 minute walk home almost killed me.


Players should have to conserve food and eat it gradually if they want to be healthy. If they stuff themselves to bursting there should be some negative effect.


Ideally I'd like to see a simple diet system-in game, where a player that eats a variety of food types will be (somehow) healthier than a player who lives off of Tactical Bacon.

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decrease running speed is a good idea. but not stop healing, that would make no sense

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All for dereced run speed when stuffed, i had to ask the forums early on because i read it as a debuff at first....it seemed logical. If i feel stuffed for real that means feeling tired and so full i dont wanna move. Id like the 2 stages to indicate full...then stuffed, full having no effect and then stuffed being a debuff...like run speed^ :)

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Maybe cramps from high fiber foods and excessive running/moving.  If the thought was thrown in it might be funny to add water elements.  I would just feed people on the coast and tell them to go for a swim to skal island and watch them vomit the whole way across.

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you already get tired more faster when you are stuffed, so you will have an unsteady aim allot faster.... It was introduced with the fatigue system for aiming a while back.

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you already get tired more faster when you are stuffed, so you will have an unsteady aim allot faster.... It was introduced with the fatigue system for aiming a while back.


Oh, really? Interesting. Can't say I've noticed it. Cool nonetheless.


All for dereced run speed when stuffed, i had to ask the forums early on because i read it as a debuff at first....it seemed logical. If i feel stuffed for real that means feeling tired and so full i dont wanna move. Id like the 2 stages to indicate full...then stuffed, full having no effect and then stuffed being a debuff...like run speed^ :)


I could get on that. The 'full status effect not actually having any effect (or maybe even have a slight positive effect like a Goldilocks zone that player can choose to maintain for a slight benefit) but just tells you "if you eat any more then you will suffer a negative effect of some sort.


I, personally, would like being stuffed (or hungry) to have an effect on fatigue and running speed should fatigue be introduced. Players should have to be careful about how much they eat and when, rather than more food = better until you start vomiting. 

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Yellow "stuffed" means you had a good meal, orange "stuffed" says you ate more than normal, why punish players for eating until they are full?

While I agree with not punishing players for eating until they are full that doesn't mean "stuffed" should not have any negative effects. After a good (but not too big) meal you will basically dip into the stuffed state so any negative effects would not last long. Now they should not be that aggravating - just similar to what everyone experiences after a filling meal. Orange stuffed could have aggravated effects and even a small risk to cause serious problems resulting in a need for medical help.


Why would we want this? It results in a smoother interaction with food especially after vomit stuffing is fixed (at least the patchnotes said something like this). Instead of stuffing all the food inside your belly until you are close to vomiting and then stop worrying about it you would have to eat smaller portions to avoid side effects - there is still the option to stuff yourself if required but you have to deal with the consequences. It would also reduce the "ready time" (time to "healthy" and "not stuffed") for everyone who got lucky or had help.

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I am 2000% in favour of food you have eaten slowing you down and making you randomly susceptible to near-crippling nausea and projectile vomiting if you run after eating heavily

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Maybe people can become fat from it and then run slower? I dunno seems like a good idea to me ;)

Edited by MrCactusMan

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Imagine running after an overweight camper, how fun that would be? I think that would be as hilarious as ... i dont  really know, BUT it would make the game a touch of realism (maybe not, but I love a hell of a good laugh and chasing campers, after "uncamping them" ,would be really funny) !



(going to start and gather food so I and my friends  can make a Sumo competition in Elektra)

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Its already punishes you (kind of) you can lose energised/hydrated status while keeping stuffed status. and that means that you can eat/drink in the reate you need to do in order to regain the energised/hydrated status back.

And that can be a pain in the ass (for example if you have been injured and want to regain health) 

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I am 2000% in favour of food you have eaten slowing you down and making you randomly susceptible to near-crippling nausea and projectile vomiting if you run after eating heavily

Good lord that'd be hilarious seeing piles of stomach acid and food lining the floors of the popular buildings of towns.

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