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To Newbies, from a newbie! :)

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I've made a couple of threads so far, ranting, asking for help!

But for other 'new' players. Persistence is key. As tedious, boring and frustrating as it can be! Once I had some gear, it changes your whole attitude. You feel a new sense of confidence. It relieves pressure.

My days so far:


Day 1
I spent a few hours dying of starvation. No matter where I went or what server I was on, I couldn't find a single grain of rice.

Day 2

Pretty much the same as day 1. Oh, I bugged on a ladder and fell to my death.... twice. 


Day 3

Headed inland, Found gear! Clothing, back packs, tons of food, weapons and a fireaxe!

I felt good at this point, so decided to share my items with a few new players along the way... who I told to stand still and sit down first.


Joined a player from the forum. It felt good to have a buddy! Made it to the airstrip, (he) looted a revolver and ammo. Sadly, he got an axe in his head! I was upstairs at the top, waited at the top of the stairs and shot him... quickly looted my friends body for his med kit to give back to him and ran.. I ran as fast as I could to the nearest wood. Simply in fear of his pals turning up. I tell you what though, it felt good killing him. The games about survival, I achieved my objective. Lesson also learnt... 1 should keep a look out! 

Only to log in and then lose all my stuff as a new spawn (bugged on me).

Some pointers for newbies, from a newbie...


  • Tear up your own t-shirt, this will make rags to stop any bleeding should you get hit.
  • Everyone is a threat in this game. Keep your distance from them, even if they appear to be unarmed. Even when giving food, drop it on the floor and move away. If your offering directions, make them run in front of you.
  • Town's with zeds around, is a good thing. Lowers the risk of other possible threats.
  • If you know someone is behind you looting. Close the doors on the house's you're looting. It will slow them down :)
  • Do a town or 2 on the coast, then head in land. 
  • Zeds CAN walk straight through doors... you're not safe.
  • Try the smaller towns. Less loot, less chance of someone specifically going there.
  • Night time IS safer. Just don't run around like Chuck Norris with your torch. In fact, throw it away to stop temptation.
  • Don't sprint everywhere, I learned it lowers your energy.
  • If you're playing with someone, don't use in-game voice chat. Skype, Steam voice, TS are all safer.
  • Presume that everyone will kill you. 
  • Ladders are more dangerous than zeds. Death, broken legs! If the latter, quit the game, log back in.. your leg will be fixed!
  • No compass? Use the sun! The sun rises & sets like it does in real life. Take in mind the time of day too though... 
  • You can also use the stars. If you don't know how to find North, check this video.

Read these! Wealth of knowledge in them.


As much as I swore to begin with, It's brilliant. It's in Alpha, it's not really a game yet. Bugs will kill you, bugs will frustrate you. So what? Start again & carry on! Report any bugs you find too... that's essentially why we're here! 

Edited by jumling
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wow, id say- more u got greater pressure gets


I thought that when I first started.. However, my game play changed massively. 


Day 1 / 2 = no gear. I ran around without a care in the world. I had nothing to lose, except trying to find food. I had to be as quick as possible.

Once I had gear, I could relax. Yes, there is the risk of losing it. But on the flip side, you can now defend your self. I think, for me anyway, that's why the pressure load was lightened. 

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I wasn't aware that the sunrise and sunset was accurate. I've seen discussion on this before and apparently it was something that was 'to be addressed I've not taken any notice of the sun since but I'll check it out. Can anyone confirm it does behave correctly?

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I wasn't aware that the sunrise and sunset was accurate. I've seen discussion on this before and apparently it was something that was 'to be addressed I've not taken any notice of the sun since but I'll check it out. Can anyone confirm it does behave correctly?


I'm not sure if they're accurate as to sunrise/sunset times. But, rising in the east-heading south-then west.... I've tested this a few times when I had a compass.

Obviously it won't be 100% accurate unless you have a watch... It will give you a rough idea of what direction you're facing in. 

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