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Health/Blood Regeneration (Mod+SA)

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I think I can speak for most "lone wolf" players when I say that the new feature of limiting blood regain through eating to once an hour (https://github.com/R4Z0R49/DayZMod/blob/3bf0696474f20178affee2d6ce65eca5eef0ddc2/Documentation/Changelog.md)

You can no longer regain blood from cooked food for 1 hour after eating. (ie spamming cooked meat to regain hp)

will be the death of many of us.

So, I request/suggest, to add regeneration of blood over time.

Of course not as fast as most shooters or RPGs, where it's almost dead to full heath in a few seconds/minutes.

I'm thinking more of 1-20 blood per minute, depending on hunger/thirst level and wound treatment.

And maybe limited to a maximum of 6.000 - 10.000, also dependent on your health state.

So blood bags don't become obsolete, but solo players have higher chances of survival.

by wound treatment I mean how well you're treating your wounds. (of course, this mostly for the standalone, which'll have a much more sophisticated health/disease system)

So, if you've broken your leg and sprint through the woods, your regeneration is slowed.

If you've applied a bandage not too long ago, the wounds still there, your regeneration is slowed.

If you've got a concussion and run around like maniac.

If you're sick with whatever disease you might get.

If you're cold/wet


It also adds authenticity. "time heals all wounds"

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