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  1. Generally, on Dallas 1, I send out a 5 minute warning to find a safe place to log out and to save vehicles or anything of that nature. The only thing server operators can do is send out a text warning unless the mission is modified to allow for a flashing text warning.
  2. uk_dayz_player

    The Loot Bus! *HONK HONK*

    great video, entertaining. I'd love to know some spawn locations for vehicles... wanna fix one up.
  3. bobda

    Player Placeable Camp Structures

    These idea's are all pretty awesome, but at the same time look like they'd take ALOT of work to get them put into the game. If this is possible, just the idea of building your own community is getting me excited. I love the idea of blueprints + materials. It makes it so that realistically only people with vehicles could gather the materials (as having a bunch of 2x4's in your pack doesnt really make sense), making it difficult to pull off so that every noob in game isnt making little "forts" on the outskirts of every town.
  4. Everyone should start the same, or atleast have the same chance to get any gear, regardless of humanity level. You're on the right track, with incentivising cooperation rather than punishing banditry though. The more there is to do in the game, the less people will turn to banditry out of boredom, which is really the problem anyway. As it is, you already benefit from cooperation when it comes to building bases, building vehicles, and gathering supplies, as well as fighting off hostiles. More activities like this would encourage greater cooperation. I had thought that maybe more variable starting equipment might encourage cooperation, like, my map and your compass kind of deal, but when I thought about it, I realised it'd probably just lead to more spawn area PKing. Also remember that cooperation and banditry are not mutually exclusive. I can play with 4 or 5 friends, cooperate, build a car, fortify a forest hilltop, and STILL murder you and all your mates. Infact, it'll be easier, because I'll have backup. The point isn't to eliminate the PvP element, it's to eliminate the SENSELESS PvP element, people killing other players not for their equipment, but simply because they aren't used to sandbox games and can't think of anything else to do.
  5. Lofty....tried that several times and it doesn't seem like vehicles are spawning still Also tents are not spawning, which means that vehicles are 100% not spawning If anyone could help me out (I'll provide RDP access) I will be extremely grateful.....will even pay for your time
  6. Levald

    Tents & Vehicles General

    So I've heard that vehicles are finite, by which I mean there are only so many of any vehicle in the map and they only respawn after being destroyed or taken and never saved. so for example if a group of people or even a single player were able to collect all the vehicles and save them in a hidden location they would never respawn until destroyed. Is this true or is it just the spawns are really that rare?
  7. Land Squid

    Enlarging the map

    Can the servers handle that much acreage in a single map? It be pretty awesome if as we hiked north or west or something the terrain transitioned from forested hills into barran desert giving players double the exploration posibilities and making vehicles a necessity for more advanced exploration. My only concern is what such an huge map would do to the computers that have to run it.
  8. mosscd13

    Bandit list.

    Name:Heavily Armed Clan Location: Usually US6. Now SLC1 Hosted by =HA= Appearance: Mixed Gear/Skin: Military grade weapons and vehicles. Status: Alive.
  9. LoneMerc2 (DayZ)

    Tents & Vehicles General

    Why are there no bicycles implemented in the mod? It would be a cheap and cheerful way of getting around faster :P Are vehicles such as the ATV, Pickups and Motorcyle's a lot further inland? I've never spotted a single vehicle near the coast or the surrounding area. I've been across a Huey only twice, I found a dead bandit next to it with tons of loot. While I was taking his shit a guy crept up behind me and blasted me! I never even got a chance to check it out but it was very cool to see one stranded in the field. The next time I saw one was when I was being chased by about 9 or 10 runners and with no ammo I was screwed, then all of a sudden I hear cracks and it is a bunch of guys on a roof killing the z's behind me. Turns out there were repairing a Huey on the roof. I traded a bunch of scrap metal and toolboxes for ammo. I wonder if they ever got it up and running!
  10. acebane

    The Loot Bus! *HONK HONK*

    Vehicles/tents/loot is persistent on a particular server. Cannot be transferred around servers. So you have to pick a server to be your base. The only thing you can transfer servers is your person with your current inventory.
  11. Guest

    The Loot Bus! *HONK HONK*

    question: how did you save your vehicles too keep it? i have no idea :p
  12. Bandit Hunter

    Well. that sucked.

    That does suck. I think more than one player has had the same issue. My best defense against this, is not growing attached to anything. I don't have a goal to find NVG or a nice weapon, a Winchester does me fine. Why? Why stress. The more "nice" things you have, the more you stress about being killed by a bandit. Same goes for vehicles, its perhaps easier to stick with the mid-level equipment and enjoy the game.
  13. i wub pugs

    Ruining ARMA 2?

    Is it full of assholes? Yep, sure is. Do I think ArmA players hate it? Fuck no. I play with a well organized group that has had at it's peak 40 members (never got more than 20 on at once). All we ever really did was COOP, maybe some Domination for PVP. We have guys coming back to the game that haven't played in a year, and we have new joins. People that like ArmA like this mod, otherwise there wouldn't be a mod. This also isn't ArmA. We all wear the same uniform except for Bandits and that is changing. We all don't get to pick sweet guns out of a crate or drive tanks or fly A-10s or call in artillery. This is turning ArmA on it's head, because the only thing that brought in new ArmA players was the tons of weapons, the vehicles the realism of it all............. but most hate walking around forever. Well what do we spend most of our time doing? Fucking walking, and people are eating it up. If you were actually a true ArmA player, you would have a group you play with. The game was made for COOP or TvT, it's not a single player game at all since the campaigns are buggy and broken more or less. And joining a PvP server on your own blows. Thank god for Day Z, maybe we can get more people to play ArmA III when it comes out. See how they like being Bandits when I call a mortar strike on them when they snipe my point man.
  14. drakenof

    [1.5.7] Missing Tents/Cars

    It's related to HIVE. Or bad restarts, lot of shit involved. Sometimes tents and vehicles will get " hung " after a restart. It's not a " major " issue because the tents and vehicles are, in fact, still there, but they're not showing. They will probably come back after another restart.
  15. mooncabbage

    Gun Bags or Larger Backpacks

    First of all, good luck carrying around 3 tires, scrap metal etc IRL, I don't care how big your pack is. Secondly, the point is it's SUPPOSED to be virtually impossible to solo. It's incentive to team up. If you really want to solo it you could take a few trips, but I see no need for a new backpack. Odds are it'd just be used to store huge amounts of beans or cooked meat anyway. PS. If I remember correctly you can store gear in the vehicles too, hence incentive to have one.
  16. Zarathustra (DayZ)

    Rocket launcher is underpowered

    Yes, me too, but those are either unarmoured vehicles or vehicles with so little armour as to make using an AP round completely overkill. HE rounds are more than adequate for taking out anything smaller than a Main Battle Tank - so any vehicle in the mod!
  17. I am not too aware on what is possible with the engine currently, but I have an idea for a skill system which would keep up with the spirit of the game. First, let's look at how most skill systems work in games and how it wouldn't fit well with Day Z. Most, if not all games, have a skill system where after a player levels up, they gain some points to unlock new skills. Whether the skill is arbitrarily given in a certain order or the player has access to a skill tree, the way skills are given to the player is generally the same. Why this system wouldn't work for Day Z. Let's say a the game gains levels and experience and the player kills 30 zombies and gains a level. Then he picks or is given the skill to repair his weapon. That makes no sense that he spontaneously gains the knowledge of repairing machinery just from killing zombies. It breaks the mood and the spirit of the game. [updated]Then how could we implement a skill system? [being discussed] I thought about this and feel I have come up with a way that will completely stay within the atmosphere and gameplay of Day Z. I think skill books should be added to the loot list. When a player comes across a book, they have the option to study it and gain the skill it provides after a certain amount of time, let's say an hour. Upon reading it, the book will be consumed and destroyed(gameplay purposes). The skill will then be activated for the player when he finishes studying the book (maybe have an icon show up showing that the skill is active). The impact to Day Z, both gameplay and social, could be huge. This keeps with the scavenging gameplay of Day Z and adds something more to lose when a player does that can NOT be looted from the corpse. [updated]Impact to gameplay: Searching for skill books would become a huge factor in the game. It would add specializations to players. Players who find certain skill books would change their style of play to compliment their new skills which could be a good way of pushing players to try various play styles. Also, when death occurs, skills cannot be retrieved nomatter what. This adds something that is 100% permanently lost. [updated]Impact to social behavior: Groups will have to decide more about how to approach a town and who to send in because they won't want to lose anyone with skills. If a group loses a butcher/hunter, that would become a huge loss in their ability to find animals and heal. Losing a groupmate would have a much bigger impact when the group permanently loses something. [updated]How to keep it balanced: Limit the number of skills a player can learn. Keep the max number of skills to about 2 or 3. Once you learn them, that's it. There is no way to unlearn them and you don't have the time/ability to focus on more skills. Secondly, the skills should never make doing a task trivial. They shouldn't lower the skill required to do a certain task. They should add a bonus to doing such task to show that this player would be better suited to do something than others when assigning tasks. [updated]Skillbook ideas: [being discussed] I have no idea what is possible in the engine. Also the numbers are not balanced at all. Just want to get some ideas out there. I have broken them up into categories. General skills Distance Runner (Longer / faster running) Space Management (pack/tent size increased by 20%) Butcher (20% more meat from animals) Tracker (animals within 1 km to the player show up on the map) Mechanic (Fix vehicles with less scrap metal) Gun Repair (if durability is added) Offensive skills [being discussed] Steady Shot (More control when firing automatic weapons) Breathing Techniques (Less movement when zoomed in with scoped weapons) Defensive skills Nursing (1 bandage gives 2 uses? Still working on this one) Strong Willed (Pain jitters will fade naturally after 5 minutes or so) Survivor skills [being discussed] Camouflage (50% reduced detection by zombies) Journal of a Zombie Slayer (Never panic. I assume panic sounds will reveal your location in the future) PVP skills [being discussed] Silent Hunter (Reduction in movement sound made that other players can hear) KGB Handbook (Mouse over any player will show name even on hardcore servers) Lucky (Players have a chance to drop an extra clip of their currently equipped weapon when killed) Spawn rates would be similar to maps and other semi-rare items. Obviously, some books would be rarer than others. Whatever keeps it balanced and fun. Anyways, let me know what you guys think. If it is possible with the current engine and looks good, let's get it added to Rockets things-to-do list. Thank you for reading. Edit: Updated skills. Edit 2: Updated description of the system.
  18. BlackAlpha

    Rocket launcher is underpowered

    No. It's also a HEAT round' date=' specialised for penetrating armoured vehicles. [/quote'] There are also HE rounds which are more grenade like. That is the round I was thinking of. Pretty much the only rocket launcher like round that is used for anti personnel that I know of, but I don't know that much. The RPG mostly uses AT warheads. Just like the AT4, it's not really meant to be fired against infantry. But the RPG7 (and more modern versions of that type) does have a special fragmentation warhead, which is used to kill infantry. There are actually many rocket launchers that have anti personnel warheads (HE/Fragmentation). But the RPG7 would fit the setting (ex soviet country) the best. I'm just not sure if vanilla ArmA2 has the anti personnel warhead for the RPG7.
  19. harryzhe

    Talent Tree

    this is the first example of skillset representation for dayz ive actually agreed with. It's awesome that you've stuck purely to the abstracted activities in the game. Nay-sayers, i hear you, but look at it this way. You build a fire in dayz. You get meat off a cow. You set up structures. you repair things, you give people blood transfusions. What do you actually DO when these things happen? You just wait for them to be finished. So there's no way to do it any better or worse through practise. Which brings me to this point : it shouldn't be abstracted to EXP you can allot to whatever you like. Repetition of tasks is what should make you better at them. That way even if you aren't the best at something, within your group, you could organise for one specific guy to do the butchering and cooking, one guy to do the medical treatment, one guy to do repairs to vehicles - that way the team all benefits from someone who has more "experience" at it and can do it more efficiently, rather than having 5 guys of equal skill but all equally crap at it. Naturally, any kind of "skill system" should not even think about touching actual combat or navigation or movement skills. Those things are represented with enough depth that you yourself get better at them through practise without having to represent it in another way.
  20. Well i'm having some issues. Every 4-5 hours or so, i need to restart the server because of zombies count / loot bug / server extremely slow. It's not that bad and doesn't bother me much but sometimes after a restart tents / vehicles do not appear. I think you said somewhere it's because of a " bad server restart " or something like that, well, why not, but what's a " proper " server restart then ? I'm using the " shutdown " function of ArmA 2 RCon, if it's not " proper " enough, what should i do ? I'm fucking sick of loosing vehicles because of this shit.
  21. It would be awesome if there were several factions. Each with his base and roaming/patrol. They could hate each other too and loot each other for their supplies. Players could also take side and gain/lose faction depending who they kill. Factions would have different strength depending on the server and it would be a quite realistic way to get real weapons/vehicles but with a high risk of getting killed. The factions could have their own base and agenda and enlist players to their cause, hunt them down (bounties) or even try to clear specific town of zombies and set new base.
  22. Gutterboy44

    Rocket launcher is underpowered

    No. It's also a HEAT round' date=' specialised for penetrating armoured vehicles. [/quote'] There are also HE rounds which are more grenade like. That is the round I was thinking of. Pretty much the only rocket launcher like round that is used for anti personnel that I know of, but I don't know that much.
  23. Ok Gabriel this is a proper restart on the ANZ1-3 servers to get vehicles working 80% of the time after that keep trying till it works :/ Stop server, hive and hive auth. Start hive auth then hive then server Join the server first or at least before most people, login and LOCK the server. Some people will have joined before you had a chance to login but as long as its only a few thats fine otherwise kick them. Now start the server all the way till your in-game and wait another 30sec till unlocking it. Works 80% time every time! p.s. Took a shit load of testing to get this right.
  24. reuter

    Rocket launcher is underpowered

    No. It's also a HEAT round, specialised for penetrating armoured vehicles.
  25. Gutterboy44

    Rocket launcher is underpowered

    Love how traditional FPS's have conditioned people to thinking rocket launchers are these catch all giant explosion machines. They are all very specially tailored for their use, which is primarily anti tank/vehicle. Use it for structures and vehicles in DayZ, but that is a large item to haul around for the limited use. Side note, the way the AT4 rocket actually penetrates armor is bad ass. A shaped charge basically turns the steel armor into a molten jet and carries all the energy into the cabin of a tank and, well not good to be in there once that happens.