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  1. yeah sometimes, when server restart, some vehicles or tents arent loaded proprely. They arent lost, they just dont appear. One or two restart usually fix it. Also prime time doesnt help
  2. beginner


    Still by scroll menu. It's works if u die and then u can refill cans and refuel vehicles until u get in vehicle.
  3. css_god@yahoo.com

    I've caught a cold. What do?

    To anyone unaware, getting into vehicles raises your temperature as well if you have them.
  4. Since 1.5.8 has been released there have been umpteen threads that illustrate how the changeover isn't working at all: 1) Saving vehicles no longer works if you've saved a camping tent previously, because it never switches over to save (UAZ, bus, etc) http://www.dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=6201 ; http://www.dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=6362 ; http://www.dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=6286 2) Repairing/refueling vehicles is no longer possible because the option doesn't actually do anything http://www.dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=6324 http://www.dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=6312 http://www.dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=1577 http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=6365 http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=6247 3) Making campfires without wood is still possible http://www.dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=6330 4) Bandaging people doesn't work all the time (same with blood packs) http://www.dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=5917 5) Barbed wire emplacements are impossible to remove half the time http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=6224 I'm sure these are only half of the possible errors that can result from the [G]ear changeover and are the result of an exceedingly unintensive forum search. Might it not be a good idea to switch back to the old system that actually worked (even with the increased server strain) until gear selection is fully tested? A lot of people who found and fixed cars are going to be pissed when their location doesn't actually save. Same with not being able to bandage friends or give them blood.
  5. You're right, but there are several actions that do not take place in the gear menu. Gutting animals, repairing vehicles, saving tents. These are just a few actions that happen on the menu. See my video in the original post to see what the problem with this is right now.
  6. johndstill@gmail.com

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    So we are finally getting our servers up. We hope to put up between 3-8 servers in partnership with Vilayer Hosting. We have also now gotten over 55 recruits! That means the the mother unit (1CAV) is now totaling over 125 members! Come check out the CQF on Teamspeak or the site www.thefirstcav.com We are continuing to assist survivors and as soon as vehicles become more operable again we will find as many as possible to use to secure friends and bring them to the north. Please keep an eye out for us.
  7. DJKhaled

    HOTFIX Rollng Update

    Is anyone else having issues with not being able to repair or fuel vehicles now? Seems to be widespread in all servers
  8. DJKhaled


    Having the same issue, NYC 7 Unable to refuel or fix vehicles
  9. Deviant (DayZ)

    Regarding tents / vehicles and server resets.

    Tents save. Vehicles are kinda iffy right now.
  10. beginner


    Date/Time: 24th May / around 11:00AM (+7 GMT) What happened: Couldn't refill empty jerry cans and refuel vehicles with full jerry cans. Where you were: Grishino, Electro, Berezino and a lot of Gas Stations What you were doing: Trying to refill jerry cans *Current installed version: *Server(s) you were on: NY2
  11. Just a couple of quick questions that I hope can be answered fairly succinctly... We all know tents and vehicles can store supplies, and act as little bases to go back to and dump loot in or store things safely when your backpack fills up. I've so far avoided using them because I don't know how long they last. Does a server crash result in your tent disappearing? Or a server reset, which some servers do every 4-6 hours? Or do tents / vehicles remain present and fully stocked after server resets/crashes? (I know they aren't persistent across servers, though.)
  12. Date/Time: 23, May 2012 10pm -8 PST What happened: Found a car (red). Went up to car with a toolbox and engine parts (followed by tire, jerry can, scrap metal). Tried to find the repair option in the scroll wheel. Tried right clicking the items. Where you were: Middle of a field near a small town. What you were doing: Trying to repair acar *Current installed version: *Server(s) you were on: FR 2 *Your system specs: I7 2600K, GTX 570, 16GB RAM *Timeline of events before/after error: N/A
  13. unsobill

    Remove chopper radar

    since vehicles were removed i say remove choppers completely. why would some elitist clan members be allowed to use what "regular" players cant ?
  14. mrtavish

    HOTFIX Rollng Update

    I've updated FR4 with this version and the new HIVE but can not repair or refuel vehicles or refill jerry cans at the fuel tanks. Is anyone having this trouble? There's been no reports of trouble connecting or spawning though :)
  15. Hauscat (DayZ)

    Possible Pickup Truck Temp Drop Bug

    There is a similar issue someone posted with other vehicles. My group has experienced this bug in all of these vehicles: UAZ, bus, off-road, pick-up. Others have reported it happening in the other vehicles as well. I really hope this gets fixed soon. I cant imagine how fast it drops in a heli.
  16. Jaleno

    What I feel Day Z is missing

    A crafting system sure would be sweet, and even possible.. I feel that this game is moving more and more towards something similar to this, with reference with starting fires and repairing vehicles.. A leveling system would be sweet, but only if you reset to level 1 upon death, creating a bigger need to stay alive.
  17. Hauscat (DayZ)

    losing tempeture while driving

    My group experienced the same effects, in all these vehicles: Bus, UAZ, off-road, pick-up.
  18. basicly just to sum things up. there is no need in morality system. why? how to solve "bandits problem"? how to make people cooperate? very easy. [introduction] - feel free to skip reading it Let's take humankind for example. We have no claws, no fangs, no fur, no great strenght, we can't see in the dark, we can't run too fast to excape some shit, we can't eat raw meat, we are very vulnerable and mother nature is quite dangerous around us, wolfes, bears any kind of shit, and still we survived as specie and become dominant. why? because all this nightmare and our weakness forced us to group up and socialize in order to survive. we don't live one by one like other animals, because we simply would not survive like that. [concept] my point is: if the enviroment is really unforgiving, zombies are extremely dangerous and can be killed only with headshot or alot of shots, if there are such things as infections after zombie bite you once or you got shot, if you can starve, freeze and so on, you would glad to see another survivor, because it will be more easy to survive. the only reason why you will kill him is urge need in order to survive. not because you got bored. basicly: 1) zombies can be killed by headshot only or if they got LOTS of bullets in. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=5848 so zombies will become more dangerous. mb some additional tweaks aswell. 2) loot spawning absolutely random everywhere. with one exception: you have way more chances to get m4/m240/etc ammo at military bases, aswell as equipment such as nvg, gps and such on. and if common loot will consist mostly ammo and food + other stuff and finding weapons will be rare, getting some weapon will be quite and achievement. this will decrease ammount of farming. 3) quit/death penalty increased. let's say you will had to wait 10-15 minutes to respawn no matter if you changed server or not. kinda harsh but it can be 20-30 for disconnect, reasoning it like if you quit game then you would not play it right now. 4) gear you are starting is spartan-alike. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=5608 i.e. 1-2 makarov clips, 2 bandages, one water bottle and one set of flares. thats all. in this case you would be rather glad to meet another survivour then shoot him, since there is no much sense in killing person who don't have much resourses to survive, and from previous point, you will actually think should you try to take some1 down or not, because if you fail you will had to wait 10-15 minutes. to clarify: killing players who aslo spawned is not a good idea anymore, since even if you will kill em you would not get enough loot to survive. in this case you would rather kill person who got some equipment, and we are going to the next point: 5) diseases and infections. if you got shot once, or zombie bite you once, or you was in cold for too long you are getting sick. i don't think i should further explain this point, but look. in this case encountering zombies will be quite dangerous. and being a loney wolf aswell, since if you got biten you need a treatment, not only bandages and food that you don't have. and if you die you got a 10-15 minutes penalty and no matter what server you are attemting to join. so in this case you would rather bunch up with anyone, just to make it a bit more easy to survive. 6) so what about bandits? nothing. now if person will kill anybody, he will do it because this was the only way to survive, that he will betray, kill and take loot. so this is it. there is no need to make other appearence for bandits, there is no need in such term eather. but what people who got some neat loot and all kind of fancy stuff? and here goes next point 7) rp elemets should be introduced. thats up to devs anyway. there were sahrani life or chernarussia life mods and stuff like that, idk what they are all about because i never played at rp servers, even tho they were quite popular ( 50 people and up constantly ) i would like to state that rp and cti elements should not be mandatory or force you to do something just possibilities to do various things and here goes cti elements aswell. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=5465 after you bunched up and got some neat gear and you raiding into towns to get transport, resourses n stuff to build your own camp.. lets say like that. and other features like some1 can start producing food, some1 else can produce ammo, but you can't produce any weapons to make it reasonable to raid towns, other then craft stuff at base. here can happen such things are like trading. lets say a simple table where one side put something and another side put something. in this case owners of camp can trade details and gears for vehicles or building for food n such with anyone who come to their camp. and hey, there can be such thing as raiding camps, but you will think about doing so twice, since people who managed to create a camp are most likely armed and geared up already, so they kill you aswell. don't forget about 10-15 minutes death penalty at all servers. so the choice is yours. ofcause there should and can be more rpg elements, but as i said, i never played at rp servers so guys who did know better what can work well or not around these parts. in the end we will get zombie survivour simulator, that would not end ups as deathmatch, but rather continue as rpg alike game mode. in same harsh unforgiving environment. and hey, there is no need in factions ether. since this is post apocalyptic state of the world,all that random guys who you encounter and who can betray/kill you ( constant tension here ) so such little groups become a little factions, that can later war over some territories/camps whatever and zombies all around. fucking nightmare. and i guess some1 who experienced in arma rp game modes elements should add someth else etc. so yeah, constant tension: hard to survive, you don't have enough stuff to survive from start. TENSION! zombies everywhere and they are real danger, since they infect you with any kind of crap and they tough as fuck, TENSION! player(s) you run with can shoot you in a back when you both found some nice loot, or you can manage it somehow peacefull, TENSION! you bunched up with buddys and got lots of neat stuff, sometimes you don't feel like raiding towns because you may get killed by zeds or other players or loose your camp, so you stay in camp and trade food/ammo for stuff you need,but you can be attacked anytime, even at your camp, TENSION! if you got your camp established at some neat place like next to military base or lets say pond you may get raided by another group who want to take over, or you want to take over some1s camp and this is a territory war already, TENSION! so.. basicly thats pretty much all what i got in my mind and what i can summ up about dayz mod. tl:dr in short: there is no need in factions/bandits. full rp mode or rp elements with ability to set up your own camps and eventually territory wars in unforgiving harsh as fuck cruel environment with all kind of danger and possible betrayal, but where you can't survive alone. basicly if concept "you can't survive alone" and "4)" will be implemented it will drasticly improve the game and atmosphere already. this is my vision of dayz sounds pretty badass to me. what do you think?
  19. Redstripe


    Does the xml work with dayz? From what i can tell its only good for identifying vehicles which most of us don't have any of. I think the patch idea is a good one.
  20. beginner

    Tents & Vehicles General

    Are vehicles can be saved outside the map? I mean we check all airfields and hospitals and there is no Huey. So we start to search it in the wilderness but we dont know should we check places out of border?
  21. Good post, but I propose a different set of solutions. -Make tents less buggy so they don't dupe, disappear, eat items, etc. Make tents packable by anyone so people can move their own tents after they die (after getting their saved gear back). As it is right now, dying isn't the problem. It's having to find a new tent so I can keep saving stuff in my stash. -Make vehicles less buggy so they don't disappear, eat items, etc. Many vehicles are mobile tents. Sadly, they are buggy as hell. Also, they allow friends to pick up other friends so they don't have to travel so far after death. I've got gear laying around multiple servers (I track it with map screenshots and footnotes). Good gear. It's not hard to get good gear in this game. It's just hard to keep items in tents and vehicles when they despawn and eat your items. It's also hard to get back to your tent when vehicles are so freakin' rare. Add a 2nd boat and some more crumby cars. Add a tank for the hardcores. Rocket says he is saving the humanity feature for a future patch. At that point, I expect the pros and cons of killing people will be at balance again. For now... kill all on sight.
  22. im just not seeing the reason to stare at a screen that is so black that my monitor may as well be turned off. Even if that seems real to you its just not fun to do. Then your prolly gonna say well this is suppose to be a realism mod but clearly it has many things that are not real at all and are made to cater to being a video game. Because first an foremost its a video game an meant to be fun. List of things in game that are not even close to real, some made unrealistic for the purpose of being a video game. - zombies are unreal. - being able to run non stop across the map with a back pack full of stuff. - being able to pick up an shoot any gun with extreme accuarcy most people have no clue how to shoot any weapon at all. - anyone is able to some how reapair any borken down vehicle, most people in real life cant even change their own oil let alone reapir a helicopter just plain unreal. - Which now brings us to the idea that people can carry around large tool boxes big enough to repair these broken down vehicles and then also carry around the large parts to repair the vehicles. - how about the fact that i need to make a fire yet the huge forest of wood is extremly useless to me. i think i could gather up a few sticks and use my flare to make a fire. - The idea of a global chat box is just plain unreal we would really have no way to communicate like that. -Random spawns of items, that just magicaly respawn on their own. -spwning zombies out of thin air - the fact that i need to eat food so often or im going to die - blood count is at 12000, what kind of count is that? didnt know i had 12000 blood in my body in real life. - a temp gauge that reads from 100 and yet can drop really low ive see like 30 what is that even measuring? - my temp drops even though im running around, if i get rained on for even a few mins then my temp drops very fast I could come up with so many more things that are just unrealistic in this game , so lets stop using the excuse thats its realism and it needs to be that dark. The fact is most of the things i listed are the way they are because it is a video game and needs to be that way. I mean who would want to play the game if your chracter could only travel a few miles before needing to stop and set up camp and rest for a day. Just like most people dont want to play a game that has a pitch black screen, in fact so dark it may as well be played with your eyes closed.
  23. Howdy all, Now that all of the vehicles in this video have been either stolen or eaten by the server, I'll release them. Not revealing the server. You can probably figure it out on your own if you care. ATV - We found it, fixed it, and quickly moved our tent out of the area (neighbors were getting too close). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QK4mKJJdBDw Boat - There it was, engine was green and ready to go. It just needed some gas. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zzyr20i_iRM&list=UUm0bQ6gEmobw7tTNLwNMEqg Regards, Luieburger
  24. worst2first

    Bandits don't get punished, Survivors do...

    I think that there need to be more rewards for cooperation. One possibility is to have specific tasks that require large scale cooperation. Another possibility is some kind of class system with ability trade offs, i.g. a medic with increased healing ability who could carry a medical pack but lost a lot of space for carrying extra weapons and ammo, a mechanic who carries tools and can fix vehicles, an engineer who carries tools for fortifying buildings. Right now there is no real incentive for cooperation as equipment is the only thing that differentiates players and the easiest and fastest way to load up extra equipment is to kill someone that has already obtained it.
  25. Yea but what Im wondering is, does the vehicles only spawn once and then you have to wait on server restart for fresh spawns are do they spawn simular to loot.