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Posts posted by freeman83

  1. Simply records your gameplay and you'd be able to few it again later (Similar to Halo and CoD's).

    Not sure how this could work, but hey, why not suggest it?

    well, i thought you meant a movie theatre, now that would be cool. A movie theatre that is showing a zombie lick perhaps?. It would be cool if you could also sit in the isles. I can see it being a scary place whilst being over run by zombies whilst there silhouettes appear in front of the screen =)

  2. Ahhhhh that's brilliant. I guess the one problem is that people wouldn't really react to injuries and whatnot. If you were knocked down, what would you do to get your character to stand if you're already standing? Also, sitting down (eg in a car) might be a little tiring if you're standing in mid-air. And I'm sure there's quite a few other problems like that.

    What I do like is that more people would be walking instead of running across Chernarus without vomiting everything.

    Mind-controlled virtual reality games, I think, will be the future.

    Well, off the top of my head....

    After being knocked down via your character switching to ragdoll mode and landing in a natural way on the ground... your character would remain on the ground unconscious until you physically got down on the floor and matched the pose your avatar was in. Maybe the same mechanic can be employed with stumbling, your character may be knocked off balance and stumble like in GTA4 and to regain control you have to match its on screen movements semi closely. But come to think of it, in Arma/dayz the only time you get knocked down is when you die.

  3. Oculus rift baby

    I'd love things like this in the future it's just moving around unless you're in a warehouse with lots of space and completely wireless I think it will be too difficult without some form of joy stick, enjoyed the video though.

    In my reply to meanboss i shared the beginnings of an idea that might be a solution to the movement problem.

    " As for the omni directional tread mill, surely there is a far simpler solution? my idea was to have a marked area on the floor say a circle with a diameter of 2m and you stand in the middle. How far you move from center and the direction you move in determines the movement speed and direction in game, your body position acting as a giant joystick. This could work in a living room."

  4. Would be epic than combined with omni-direction tredmill and you have the most epic survival game evAr- (obecity would maybe drop a few points from all the sprinting!)

    Would I want people to actively work on this? fuck yes!

    Would I want the DayZ people to actively work on this? hell no!

    - I want them to just make DayZ. If they worked with another group of people who said "yea we'll do this mocap for 10 years and you do the standard DayZ" I would say fucking HELL YES. But id hate for this kind of tech to try and be the "jumping off point" -maybe a future version of DayZ when the mocap stuff is perfected with accuracy and low latency and tons of people can afford it + farcry 3 graphics in a DayZ type game; damn man that would be an epicsause game and would prob make tons

    I dont think there is that much to work on, the mocap would be provided via motion sensor, most likely kinect 2.0 and Rocket has already shown interest in the Oculus rift headset which is even better than that one in the vid, so in terms of hardware we are not far off anyway. As for the omni directional tread mill, surely there is a far simpler solution? my idea was to have a marked area on the floor say a circle with a diameter of 2m and you stand in the middle. How far you move from center and the direction you move in determines the movement speed and direction in game, your body position acting as a giant joystick. This could work in a living room.

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  5. Hey guys, check out this video and take part in the poll.

    There are obvious problems with what is shown in the video, like how will you move around the game environment? and these are things that im sure there are answers for. Please guy's use your imagination to see where this concept could go with a little development, perhaps adapted to work with kinect 2.0 and oculus rift?=) I dont know exactly how they are tracking motion in this demo but im sure the next generation of Kinect will be up to this task. Just imagine Dayz played like this =)))

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  6. The only things that the Dayz engine could benefit from that the arma 3 engine has are ragdoll and Physx 3. The Dayz engine is tailored for Dayz, it used to be called take on helicopters engine but it has changed a lot since then. Ragdoll and Physx 3 are something that the devs can work on and implement later, the game will still be awesome without them.

  7. Maze like Sewer system under main urban areas.

    Subway system where train cars can be modified to run on alternative power source.

    Cruise ship near the coast with full interior and undead passengers also life rafts/small boats.

    Maze like maximum security Prison with lockable cells, (great for taking hostages)

    Car garage with tools like welder where mad max style modifications can be made to vehicles.

    Building like Nakatomi tower from die hard, with offices, restaurants, etc.

    Nuclear research facility like shadow moses island from MGS.

  8. Toggles

    Before playing dayz i make the following adjustments in the controls options to make them simpler and less finicky. It is annoying when the toggle for various actions is accidentally triggered by double tapping.

    remove walk run toggle from (left shift) and move to another key or remove all together if making walk default movement speed in SA. I prefer walk as default movement speed instead of run so left shift now initiates run instead of walk.

    remove free look toggle

    remove lean left/right toggle

    I think i also removed a toggle for raise weapon (cant remember)

    P.S For the uninitiated removing Toggle doesn't effect the original function of the key, but only takes away the function of tapping it 2X.


    Prone, crouch and stand all on one key in SA. Inspired by the MGS series.

    eg: let's say we use (space bar) as prone/crouch/stand key

    from standing position to crouch tap space bar

    from standing position to Prone hold space bar

    from prone to crouch tap space bar

    from prone to standing hold space bar

    from running to diving prone, while running hold (space bar)

    from prone to evasive/dashing forward hold (w), (left shift) and (space bar)


    Raise, Lower weapon

    In Arma2 when in crouch position with weapon lowered pressing the (ctrl) key to raise weapon will make your character stand up then raise weapon, this is embarrassing if you are trying to be stealthy, making you stand out like an erection. This is annoying please fix it devs.

    It would be great if you could also lower pistols so as not to look like Tackleberry from Police academy the whole time.


    Mouse sensitivity

    Increase default sensitivity, i usually put the sliders for X and Y both 3/4 of the way up.

    reduce smoothness (more accurate, less delay)


    Field of View

    I double click - on the numbers pad to get a wider field of view, (especially useful in first person view). It would be nice to have two separate sliders for field of view

    adjustments In SA, for both First and Third Person.


    Head Bob

    As much as i love the head BoB effect, i have to reduce the setting because it makes it too difficult to look/zoom far ahead and spot a player or zed while moving. Also i

    think the default setting is unrealistically high. I feel that in real life vision is a little more stable.



    Make it possible to remove crosshair from settings menu. On second thought, isn't the CH going to be removed all together?. Hope so.

  9. Default Settings And Controls Design For SA

    These are just my personal preferences/Suggestions for default controller settings and Infantry controls design ideas for SA.



    Before playing dayz i make the following adjustments in the controls options to make them simpler and less finicky. It is annoying when the toggle for various actions is accidentally triggered by double tapping.

    remove walk run toggle from (left shift) and move to another key or remove all together if making walk default movement speed in SA. I prefer walk as default movement speed instead of run so left shift now initiates run instead of walk.

    remove free look toggle

    remove lean left/right toggle

    I think i also removed a toggle for raise weapon (cant remember)

    P.S For the uninitiated removing Toggle doesn't effect the original function of the key, but only takes away the function of tapping it 2X.


    Prone, crouch and stand all on one key in SA. Inspired by the MGS series.

    eg: let's say we use (space bar) as prone/crouch/stand key

    from standing position to crouch tap space bar

    from standing position to Prone hold space bar

    from prone to crouch tap space bar

    from prone to standing hold space bar

    from running to diving prone, while running hold (space bar)

    from prone to evasive/dashing forward hold (w), (left shift) and (space bar)


    Raise, Lower weapon

    In Arma2 when in crouch position with weapon lowered pressing the (ctrl) key to raise weapon will make your character stand up then raise weapon, this is embarrassing if you are trying to be stealthy, making you stand out like an erection. This is annoying please fix it devs.

    It would be great if you could also lower pistols so as not to look like Tackleberry from Police academy the whole time.


    Mouse sensitivity

    Increase default sensitivity, i usually put the sliders for X and Y both 3/4 of the way up.

    reduce smoothness (more accurate, less delay)


    Field of View

    I double click - on the numbers pad to get a wider field of view, (especially useful in first person view). It would be nice to have two separate sliders for field of view

    adjustments In SA, for both First and Third Person.


    Head Bob

    As much as i love the head BoB effect, i have to reduce the setting because it makes it too difficult to look/zoom far ahead and spot a player or zed while moving. Also i

    think the default setting is unrealistically high. I feel that in real life vision is a little more stable.



    Make it possible to remove crosshair from settings menu. On second thought, isn't the CH going to be removed all together?. Hope so.

  10. Mother F@cking Hackers,

    I'm so sick of them too the point that i have stopped playing the mod as of now.

    I worked hard on stealth tactics, i also worked hard on melee technique, then i got myself a gullie suit for the first time from the motel in cherno next to the church. I sat in the bush in the back yard waiting for the loot to spawn. I sat there for a F@cking long time whilst i could hear all hell braking loose close by. I sat in the bush in the corner of the garden, in the dark whilst wearing a gullie suit only to have some hacker talking to me from behind the wall. He couldn't have know where i was because there was no line of sight to where i was. He tried to lure me out but i didnt move, then he walked in to the garden up to the bush i was in and started poking around. At this point i really didn't know if he was friendly so i didn't axe him. then he starts to shoot, but i manage to dodge him by moving erratically ( something i actually practice on purpose). I ducked and weaved my way through Cherno whilst he took a few shots at me and missed, there was no way he could have been close to me, then bam i was killed. It didn't say by who or what like it normally say's. This guy was a hacker no doubt.

    I hope Standalone stamps out these cowards because on an even playing field i would have killed him with my hatchet without him even knowing what hit him.

    so frustrated right now =(

  11. Hi all,

    My suggestion is for the far off future of dayz because i understand there are more fundamentally important things to work on before hand.

    My suggestion is for the improvement of vehicle simulation models and the addition of force feedback steering wheel support. I feel these improvements and additions would allow players to use their real world skill in game making these skills valuable assets. If dayz had the car physics of Netkar pro, Iracing or rfactor for example, good drivers would become an asset to their clan. same for aircraft pilots.

    kind regards
