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Posts posted by Inqharsh

  1. a user on Reddit just pointed out that this might occur when you spawn too close to a tree.

    would make sense in my case, my body was directly next to a tree because that's where i usually log out. posting that in the other threads too. so people stay away from trees or don't hug the trunks when logging out :)

    That is complete horse shit. The only reason you get respawned back at the shore, is because you end process the long loading screen server(close the game while in loading screen), that you previously tried to join.

    I'm assuming, by doing so, there happens an malfunction in @hive, reseting your location, next time you join a server.

    • Like 1

  2. Okay. This seems to be the main issues for many people so let's troubleshoot this. Check your mod version on the lower right screen of the DayZ title screen. If your mod is or lower, you will get loading screen if you enter server with mod version higher than your current one because the server is loading codes you do not have and you get stuck. If you are currently on mod version and you enter server with mod version or lower, there is a high chance you will spawn on the beach because the server can't read your current mod's last save location.

    If you manually update your mod to but the title screen still says, make sure the method of entering the mod isn't effecting the change. For example: If you are using Six Launcher and on the client it says, during verfication, it will rollback. Currently, people are recommending DayZ Commander. Please check that client out.

    It will also be more helpful if you screenshot or explain the method you are using to enter DayZ (Six Launcher, DayZ Commander, Steam, modified cmd file in ArmA II Operation Arrowhead folder, and etc) and then screenshot the DayZ title screen, the server you are about to enter, and then the issue at hand. More information, the quicker for a fix. :)

    Loading screen times have nothing to do with DayZ version or the latest Arma beta patch. Servers who don't restart frequently or never restart at all are dog, and should be avoided. The point is, servers who don't restart, get over capacitated with items and gear, means it will take forever for you to load up.

    However, respawning at shore by joining 2 different servers with and is true.

    P.s It doesn't matter if you run game from Steam, Six Launcher or DayZ Commander. You'll still run into servers that are completely dog. Also, if you are too impatient to wait on the loading screens, you will get respawned back at the shore, if you know what I mean.

  3. I have been roaming dayzmod forums for quite a while now, but I've had enough of this and its the only reason I made an account(to express my little rant)

    To the point...

    Since the patch came out, upon repetitive logging in into DayZ servers, I've noticed that most of the time I get respawned back at the shore, with ALL my gear.

    This, upon most other bugs, which I usually ignore, is the most annoying one. For me, it just takes away the spirit of the game, if you know what I mean. Knowing, that you will log on to whatever server and find yourself at the coast, isn't really an appealing feeling and its one of the reasons I don't play the game more often ._.

    Someone should definitely look into it as soon as possible.

    Anyway, I just wanted to share, that I have the same problem.

    tl,dr: Rant/respawn at the beach with gear/rant.


    It is not a @hive/arma beta/DayZ alpha patch problem, so don't even give me that shit.
