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Posts posted by Pellet

  1. Good job he can just dupe more.

    Not quite what I meant, logging in and out to refill ammo yada yada I know, what I mean't was I wouldn't waste a bullet on a scrub, sniping people that have weapons is so much more fun... even if you don't loot them you get the satisfaction of making them lose X gear rather than shooting a scrub with literally nothing to lose, thus average video. Also the whole "Haters gonna hate" thing doesn't wash, when people post a video for the public like this its open to criticism, if they can't take the criticism then don't share.

  2. Typical hacker attitude, remember awhile back we sat and talked to a guy that was hacking on battlefield 3 for like 30 minutes, was possibly the most arrogant person i'd ever talked to in 28 years. The biggest problem with hacking these days is gaming companies generally don't care what happens once a product has sold (as far as they're concerned they've made their money out of you thus they lumber you with a mediocre anti-cheat engine that is easily beaten) - That said i'm still willing to give DayZ a chance as it is still in Alpha, also Rocket did say it might one day be a stand alone game in which case I can only hope he chooses better anti-cheat software than BattlEye (VAC for example would be a better anti-cheat choice, not because it's super reliable but because its linked to entire steam accounts so ultimately it effects all games you own rather than just the one you're caught cheating on, so naturally it deters people a bit more successfully)

  3. Our server restarted this morning, upon restarting literally everything had disappeared (tents, vehicles, traps, sandbags, wire, tank traps etc etc) someone read around that another restart would fix this issue so we tried that and still nothing respawned, any ideas?
