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Posts posted by Jacy

  1. First of all there wont be a double since most of the gamers still run on windows (no official statistics needed. its the truth because macs are fucking expensive).

    Second: They should do multiple other things first before getting this mod run on macintosh lol.

  2. This is NOT a good idea. Rocket mentioned that they got rid of the bandit skin because people are forced to be someone they probably dont want to be.

    If someone wants to shoot other survivors (e.g. for fun or to get better equipment... its wayne why) he should be able to do so without any restrictions. 4 murders and character dies? Thats just stupid.

    What if you ran out of beans and have to kill some survivor in the middle of nowhere. And what if that survivor got friend. You kill them to stay alive and get killed of 4 murders...

    As rocket said. Bandits play a big role in dayz but the deathmeath going on is stupid as well. But once they implement some nice "end game content" (whatever) this deathmatch could find an end.

    Once its getting harder to equip yourself (e.g. no hacking/duping possible) and the alt+f4 save quit isnt able anymore ppl will start to think twice if they start a gun fight WHEN there is enough end game content / things to do AND it is hard to get new equipment. But i think thats the way it will be (at least im hoping so lol)

    • Like 1

  3. Propably another topic where people will QQ that they have harder to shoot someone. But Id like to propose random spawn on map, not only coast. This give more fun for beginers who feel total lost. For older players always unexpected start - no more runing to loot your own body. And more RAAAGE from campers on shore spawn points.


    Veterans will always know where they are and where to find their corpse. There is no need for a random spawn. I was never shot at the coast right after spawning. If you spawn and get shot because you travelled along the coast try another way the next time. If you get shot right after spawning multiple times. Try another server. But this is not the general case.

  4. In dayz you face a zombie apocalypse. You dont know what happened, the only thing you know is that you woke up on the coast with nothing in your backpack than a bandage and a flashlight. Now TRY TO SURVIVE.

    This is the way you should play the game (OKAY MOD).

    This is not a single player shooter. There is no need to spawn with a hatchet. Go find one if you need one. They way to some hatchet can be hard, but thats the life of some zombie apocalypse survivor.

    • Like 4

  5. Lol, $20, so you don't want them to make a profit? Likely be $15-25 in the early stages and around $40 for the finished product. This is one of the few games I wouldn't mind paying $60+ for.

    i truly want them to make profit. this is the reason why i want them to have some monthly payment (at least make it an option so you can play on servers they would host).

    isnt it true that 20 bucks + monthly payment is bringing more money in then a 40 bucks pay to play?

  6. also he works for bohemia

    Thats not true i guess (ive heard too many different stories about this so i dont really know whats the truth but as far as i am concerned he WAS working for them when he was in the army).

    But it would be great if they would use the arma3 engine. Ive watched some videos from arma3 and it looks pretty nice actually and you truly can see a difference compared to arma2.Cancel

  7. I had same doubt and I'm sure we'll have to pay again for it. I'm sure it will be worth it tho, unless it's another 60€ game (retarded price for a game if you ask me), in which case I'll consider waiting for a sale or something.

    Honestly i hope they make it cost around 20 bucks (maybe 10-15 during beta) and have some monthly payment system which will allow them to run their own 200+ servers without lags and server admin abuse. Little CoD/BF3 kids will then take a circle around this game cause mum is not going to pay 10 bucks for her sun to slay zombies. It would also allow them to invest much more money into some nice addons/patches/dayz2.

  8. If you read what I said I never said that we bought DayZ, I say many have bought ARMAII FOR DayZ...

    So what? You bought a game to play a mod, this was your decision. There wont be any other solution for this since they wont give dayz for free to every one who bought Arma2. There are still people playing ArmaII who dont care about dayz. You wanted to play dayz alpha mod and had to buy armaII. Later on you want to play dayz stand alone and have to buy it.

  9. You bought ArmaII not Dayz. Dayz is just a free mod. If its becoming a stand alone game you surely have to buy it. They ve planned to do it the minecraft-way. You will be able to buy it once its getting to a stand alone status. While at beta phase it will cost less. If you buy it when its fully finished and released it will cost the max.

  10. Pretty sure this was mentioned before but it really should be emphasized since weapons play a big role in dayz.

    I played dayz and quickly missed some kind of customization since 50% of all players got the same gun (AK/AKM) after some minutes/hours of playing.

    I thought of dividing weapons into basic weapon types(like AK/AKM/Enfield/Revolver) and attachments.

    If weapons do spawn at certain locations its in vast majority of cases just a basic weapon type (i.e. just the m4), just rarely already with some attachments (i.e. with silencer, so m4 sd).

    If you want to customize your weapon you have to find the attachments on you own. They could spawn in military bases or in deer stands... whatever.

    Suggestions to attachments could be:

    - Scopes (single-red-dot, the AKM Scope thing, different Range Scopes)

    - Different mounts needed for special types of scopes.

    - Flashlights (different types. professional or military ones and standard ones - maybe being able to attach starting flashlight on weapon if you got a right mount for this)

    - Barrels for melee (could be swapped by pressing "F")

    - Laserpointer (which could give you some crosshair even if you play on servers which have them turned off)

    - Grenade launcher

    - Silencer (small ones for pistols, big ones for rifles)

    - Magazines (different sizes)

    - Magazine clamps (you can carry two mags on your weapon - faster reloading)

    - Different Grips (more precision, less recoil)

    Of course with restrictions towards types of weapons, i.e. grenade launcher only attachable on m16, no attachments available for revolver, flashlight OR barrel but not both etc.

    Nowadays you get lucky or you dont. You find a silenced weapon or a sniper or you dont. I played like 50 hours and never found any sort of silenced weapon.

    But as always i have the bad feeling that this is not possible because of the arma2 engine.

    In the situation of some zombie apocalypse going on your weapon will become your best friend. With the suggestions above you could built up some personal relationship to your weapon which would fit perfectly in dayz.

  11. Since dayz should be "YOUR STORY" i think you should only find items by yourself or trade with friends/survivors you met during your journey. You want some trading? Go play pokémon cards.

    If they will implement such a trade forum i swear to god ill be ripping all the ppl apart and take they gear just to make this trade forum useless. Im sure more ppl will do this.

  12. are you kidding me.. invisible?!.. maybe visible.. it can be really,really warm!.. the temperature in the ghillie suit can reach 50 C

    BECAUSE less heat is going outside. Nevertheless the characteristic blackbody radiation due to thermal emission is still visible to all kinds of thermal scopes. So making ghillie suits invisible for them is just stupid. Thats some CoD/BF3 suggestion from little kids who want to rock to the max now they find a ghillie suit.

  13. 3. Ammo boxes will not break balance because they situated in military buildings. Its a dangerous spot where all the fight is going. Also you will have to find crowbar.

    So lets implement some nice full body armor which protects you with an additional absorption of 50k blood. But it will not break the balance because you can only get it at military buildings which are dangerous spots since there are fights going on.

    I would rather like to have more customization in the weapons, e.g. you find a m4a1 and you can find scopes (different types like single dot, ranged scopes, higher range scopes...), red-dots, flashlights, SILENCER and all the other attachments on their own so you can customize and upgrade your weapon like you want to.

  14. No cause this is not the case in real life and we are playing dayz to train for some real life apocalypse.

    AND: Snipers would be invisible at all? FFS its hard enough atm to fucking spot a sniper at some 800meter distance camping a fucking whole city.

  15. QUICK HELP: Look in the direction your artifact comes from. press "SHIFT" + "MINUS_ON_NUMPAD" (nothing will happen, no chat window or whatever, just do the following) and type "flush". This will reload your screen. This always fixes my artifacts. This wont work for everybody but you should give it a try.

    I was told this "command" resets your video memory.

    • Like 1

  16. This was suggested 1000 times. I am pretty sure this will be implemented in the future. Just handle the freaking alt f4 scrubs until its implemented.

    I hope many of those alt f4 scrubs wont read the patch notes and once they get into some fire fight and alt f4 like a little bitch they will be wondering why they restart at next login. Man this forum will be flooded with treads like "i got a disconnect - I DID NOT ALT f4 SURELY NOT - and now i lost all my gear i used the past weeks to snipe all the manly ppl that didnt alt f4"
