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About forgottenaccount

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    Tree Slayer

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  1. forgottenaccount

    Frustrated by a strange PC problem

    Had the same problem with Win 8.1 and then after getting tired of re-installing it i installed Win7 and no more BSODs for me. What i learned from my problem is that ntoskrnl.exe problems and specially if the BSOD error message says irql_not_less_or_equal the problem could be caused basically by anything and on my case it has something to do with the OS.
  2. forgottenaccount

    To the Mod who sent me the warning

  3. forgottenaccount

    I bought SSD disk as Dean rocket recommended, but

    Waste of money. But hey reinstall your OS to that SSD. That way your OS boots faster.
  4. forgottenaccount

    Day Z Urban Legends

    I would like to add my note to the first part of the diary. "After i was rescued by Thehet i tried to get up but that was not possible with broken bones. Reloading my M107 i decided to crawl to the field and keep watching the dam and the hills. As i was in position Derpy and Thehet left to hunt the last bandit. I stayed there thinking how fucked up it is to not be able to join the hunt with bleeding wounds and broken bones. I felt worthless. Some time later they killed the last bandit and came back to get me up and running. We went back to the car and left the battlefield to do another hunt. Maybe someday we all can get along without killing everything we see. But today we fight." -King Luna's notes 13.12.2012
  5. forgottenaccount

    The Brony Bus Exists!

    I like that bus :D Best one ever!
  6. forgottenaccount

    DayZ Memes

    And this is how you react when "friendly" player kills you and takes your stuff
  7. forgottenaccount

    How do you control your DayZ Rage?

    I ragequit and go outside to have a nice relaxing smoke. Then come back and start playing some music and browse these forums for a little and then go back to chernarus and hunt down the fucker who killed me. And if that fails i just forget the whole game and start watching some of my favorite tv series like walking dead, supernatural or mlp.
  8. forgottenaccount

    Suggestion - Ghosts?

  9. forgottenaccount

    Day Z Videos

    The day when my friends lost something important to their life. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-nVFWp2iU8
  10. forgottenaccount

    New Standalone Screenshots released

    I'm waiting for the standalone version. The mod is not fun anymore. Nobody of my friends plays it anymore and if i find a server with over 20 people in it i get killed in 15mins because of the hackers and bandits with as50 and other high grade gear or hacked weapons.
  11. forgottenaccount

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    Aaand barbed wire is still in the game. Great job. REMOVE THAT SHIT!
  12. forgottenaccount

    DayZ Stories

    Had to hop to the power plant firestation to get me a m16 because some shithead hackers had barbed wire the whole electro. Well when i got that gun and hopped out i broke my bones because the power plant gate glitched on me.
  13. forgottenaccount

    Community Dying? Too many hackers?

    It would be easier to get hackers out of the game if the fucking sidechat would still exist. People could say to everybody when they start noticing the actions of a lowlife hacker.
  14. forgottenaccount

    DayZ Stories

    Yesterday me and my frien were on some random server. I was at pik kozlova sniping and my friend was at balota. We had a skype phonecall going and then my friend starts talking about a chiken that plays the trololo song and follows him. Then everybody at the server got the shock icon and just before i aborted the hell out from there that trololo chiken teleported next to me. Hackers are funny sometimes.
  15. forgottenaccount

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    Yes remove barbed wire and those stupid soldier bodies too.