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Posts posted by Blackker

  1. I was in the airfield hangar near Balota when I saw someone checking for loot. I usually shoot if people get too close like that, but he was running, I'm not sure if he actually saw me. So instead I decided to leave, I already looted everything anyway ( the control room had a shotgun that I didn't need and there was a dead survivor, but I hid his corpse after looting it ). I just checked the storage house quick and when I was circling around I saw him coming towards me from the corner of the hangar. So I go into the storage and chat him that I don't want trouble and keep an eye on the door. He chats something back and a few seconds later he comes through the door and shoots me with the shotgun. Dead.

    So I curse myself for not leaving right away, and respawn. I'm in Komarovo, make a dash for my corpse. I had an Enfield, M1911, ALICE pack with an AKM and all the stuff you need to survive in the wilderness. So I get to my corpse, loot the Enfield and head towards the military tents. And as expected, I meet my killer there. I shot him while he was climbing down the ladder from the deer stand, but I probably missed him. But I didn't miss him the second time, when he was climbing over the sandbags. Sweet revenge.
