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Posts posted by purepassion

  1. 2016 - A whole year has passed. A new year has begun. And what a phenomenal year it was!

    We hope you enjoyed your holidays and were able to spend it with your friends and loved ones!

    In this post we are going to look back at the old year and then forward into the time ahead of us. We will also be making a few announcements we are quite excited about.


    Coming from 2015


    For our Year In Review, we hand the stage over to you, our community and proudly present a Youtube playlist with over 250 Videos from our community, captured on our server featuring content creators such as M1NDR, TheRunningManZ, BarelyInfected, Sobieski, MistyDayZ, NinjaYourself, iConnorN, PhishTV, itsNaterHD, BootlegBosco, Jakon72, MGTV, Black Jacks, Shifty, SuperFT, Kichilron, DemonGroover and many more. We are all born with a natural need to tell a story and we want to thank each and every one of our members for making our subreddit a place where we can share and re-live.




    Though before we’ll get lost in the endless amount of content you have created, let’s reflect back on some of the most important things that happened in 2015.

    Early in the last year we migrated from old hosts to a new one. Now it’s no secret that Brian aka /u/Hicks_206 used to provide us with a private shard, and /u/MattLightfoot provided a TS3 server - both of which asked nothing in return. We are eternally grateful as those investments gave us legs to stand on and make it to where we are today - thriving and full of poets, writers, creators, heroes, and villains all working toward the same goal of spreading the love of the game.

    The transition gave us much more direct control of the server which is now established as DayZ’s worldwide highest ranking 1PP server. With the addition of dedicated server and Teamspeak admins, we are now able to respond to issues much faster. While we are still struggling to pay for the server and are extremely grateful for any support through www.support.dayzunderground.com, the decision to take hosting into our own hands has benefited us hugely.

    Where we are now, we can secure the future of our community at a low cost for the individual through enough small recurring donations, which we are still looking for.


    Over the year we also tried a few new things - namely, making the community more accessible to potential great new members by opening our server to the public. As a direct result, our community has grown substantially in number of members but also in the quality of storytelling, impact and influence on the greater DayZ community. We used to be able to say that we knew everything going on both in the subreddit and the server but with a new page of content to go through every day, we can longer make that claim! The content you produce is astonishing. We actually had to ask for help from the community in keeping all of the events coordinated in our lore and it’s a massive undertaking which /u/A_Jewish_Banker has taken the reigns on. The first iterations of his work can be found by looking at the Wiki.


    Into 2016


    As we move into 2016 we have a new set of goals for the community. First and foremost, we want to bring the community closer together through more events! With player-hosted and admin-assisted events happening more often we want to encourage more people to put their ideas out there! Things like the PTU Trade Bazaar, Komarovo Summit, and the Hunting Season make our community come together - and we’d love to see more of it! We will of course continue to host our own events that will incorporate community-wide lore, but if you have a good idea, we’ll support it and do whatever we can to help.

    With more events will also come more focus on the development of factions and groups. We believe that giving you a sandbox for you to form your own groups, identifications and personalities within the organicRP universe of the DayZ Underground is one of our most important tasks.

    Another of our main passion is supporting our community members. We have a vast amount of content creators and experienced players among our ranks. We want to share our knowledge and experiences so that others can profit from it or be entertained. In the future we will offer you more resources and information to share your DUG experiences with the rest of the world.


    Whitelist Weekend




    Yes, we are bringing back the whitelist! The Whitelist Weekends will only be open for community members and give you a pure DUG experience.

    Interactions. organicRP. Combat. No hackers. No stream snipers.


    During that time we will also minimize the server messages to give you a more immersive experience both for playing and broadcasting. This is an extremely exciting step for us and we think with the combination of a partly open, and during peak hours whitelisted server, we will have a good balance between giving you the opportunity to live out your DUG experience in its fullest and for new people to get a taste of it. Currently we are aiming to have them bi-weekly and depending on the success, we’re naturally looking into a completely whitelisted server.


    During the Whitelist Weekends from Friday until Sunday, you’ll have a place to live out your characters, factions and stories. Meet friends, have adrenaline-fueled fights with enemies or band together with strangers. All in a secured environment.


    You can join the whitelist today, by submitting your details through the form linked here

    or becoming a member through www.join.dayzunderground.com






    Our efforts to work on the website had a comparatively low priority. Our current small team has however done excellent work and provided us a framework to work with. We now have a solid and somewhat detailed idea of the design and content we want to have in the first public iteration of our website. It will be an appropriate showcase of our quality standard and content but still remain the established dynamics and habits of our subreddit and luckily we have a way of combining both aspects. Right now we are essentially missing competent web designers with an understanding of aesthetics who can design visual aspects, translate designs into web configs and iterate upon or improve our vision. Are you an experienced graphics designer or web designer/developer or do you know someone in your circle of friends or colleagues? Please send us a message!


    Community Poll


    Within the whitelist form, you will find a section with our community poll. Answering any of those questions is completely optional! They do however give us a very helpful and precise impression of our community that helps us to plan ahead, gives us an identity for potential sponsors that will offer benefits to the community and show us how we can improve for you. Among everyone answering all questions in the community poll section, we’ll be giving away a 20 USD Steam gift card.




    In the same Whitelist form you’ll also find a section for your personal feedback. We are here for you. Our players. We want to improve and you can tell us how. There are things and aspect where we can do better and we want to find them. With your thoughts, opinions and your feedback, we will work towards making DayZ Underground the community you want.


    Thank you for your support. Let’s make this new year the most spectacular one yet for us all!


    Stay safe!


    The DayZ Underground Team

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  2. Holiday Season Giveaway on Twitter: Arma 3 Extended Edition




    Hello everyone!

    To celebrate the holiday season and to show appreciation to the Bohemia Interactive games family, its players and our community, we are giving away a copy of Arma 3 Extended Edition (includes all DLC's and costs 75$ USD on Steam) on Twitter.

    You have seen interesting footage of Arma 3 and its mods such as Exile, Battle Royale or Altis Life? Who could be the right buddy to gift this to this Christmas? Or how about you just get the game and all the DLC's for yourself?

    This is your chance to not even spend a dime or effort on it!

    All you have to do to win is follow @dayzunderground and retweet this tweet:


    Good luck and enjoy your time!

    The DayZ Underground Team

  3. Hello Community!


    Now is the best kind of time. It is DUG community event time. This Saturday at 9PM GMT we will have our next official community member-only event on our play.dayzunderground:2502 server.



    The DayZ Underground Hunting Season




    “Periculum facere - Taking a risk”


    All detailed info and the server password for the event can be found in our subreddit here: www.reddit.com/r/dayzunderground/comments/3v87zq/the_hunting_season_event_saturday_5th_9pm_gmt/


    Survivors from the entirety of Chernarus will gather for a huge hunting event that is all about taking risks. A unique mix of PvE, PvP and gambling will give us an entertaining spectacle of mankind’s most primal pleasures.


    At 9PM GMT everyone will meet our host Jericho_Hill from the Polana Trade Union in Holiday Camp Nadezhda just south of Novy Sobor. Survivors will then form small teams to compete against each other in the art of hunting and collect meat steaks for points.

    However, you will be given a choice: You can decide to hunt animals or you can decide to hunt a wild pack of armed beasts which are prowling in several cities of Chernarus and hold notes that are worth large amounts of points.

    After one hour and thirty minutes, Hunting Season will be declared over through sidechat. After this point, no killing is allowed and everyone will be greeted by Jericho_Hill with their spoils in the Holiday Camp Nadezhda again.


    Now, everyone gets a chance to prevail by risking their luck and big haul in a tombola and gambling games. There will be several grand prizes such as an SVD with mags, a free contract from our large hitman faction The Bureau and more plus prize pools with loot for the winners and a tasty BBQ for everyone!


    Will you be easy prey or the glorious winner? Periculum Facere - The DayZ Underground Hunting Season Event


    The event will only be open for community members! Apply through www.join.dayzunderground.com now and you might get through in time!


    We’re looking forward to seeing you!


    The DayZ Underground Team

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  4. Hello everyone!


    Today we have a few important topics to talk about. However, we would like to dive into this post by taking a step back first. Taking a step back and realizing what we have achieved together. What started out as a concept, merely just an idea - is now reality. We have grown to be an incredibly creative and large 1st Person, organicRP community! Just thinking about all this is absolutely incredible and we would like to thank you all for your continued support. Support not only towards the community itself but also towards your individual fellow community members.


    Unfortunately, we also have some bad news to talk about.


    The staff can no longer afford to pay for our server


    I’d like to use this opportunity to give you some insight into our past and current server hosting situation. As most probably know, during our inception we acted as a private hive testbed for the developers. At that time, our server was hosted and paid by Brian Hicks. At some point, we had to make the decision that we need more direct administrative power over our community server and consequently can no longer use the server that Brian kindly offered to us over a long period of time completely for free.


    This was when Shiennar took the initiative and offered to take care of the server hosting. For about one year now, he has been paying for our server, which currently costs 139,75$ USD monthly, out of his own pocket.


    Unfortunately, this is no longer an option. The financial sacrifice Shiennar has made for us all is large enough and above and beyond what anyone could have expected from him.


    We will not have our Teamspeak server anymore


    Our current Teamspeak3 server is running on a server box of one of the members of the infamous DayZ Mod developer trio, Matt Lightfoot himself. He, just like Hicks, provided this invaluable service to us out of pure sympathy and never asked for anything back. However, that is unfortunately also no longer possible as the server box will be shut down. The hosting costs of the server will be too high for Matt and thus we will have to buy and migrate to a new TS3 server that can accommodate our high numbers.


    So, what do we do now?


    We can get through this together. For us, the DayZ Underground Team, these problems are only a further motivation and they will strengthen the confidence we have in you all. Even now we receive multiple applications from inspired people all over the world who are impressed by what we do and are eager to become a part of us. You can be proud of that.

    You have created a sophisticated living universe of stories, characters and events. We want this to continue existing. The tales and factions you have created, we want them to continue living, evolving and prospering.


    This is how you can support your community




    This is our Paypal account. Donations and their usage will be made transparent and we will use the funds for nothing besides growing and sustaining the community through e.g. paying hosting costs or artists who worked for us. No money will be used to cover personal expenses. There will also be no minimum donation amount imposed on you. Recurring donations will help us the most. Just remember, anything you can spare with good conscience helps us! However, we are not a community that pushes people towards donating and to make it clear, you will not receive any advantages or services by donating. The only benefit you will receive is utmost and sincere gratefulness from us and the community. You will have assurance that you supported the community you believe in and had so many impressive experiences with. You helped it grow and sustain. What identifies us is you! Our players, story writers, lurkers, content creators, role players and all the rest. You have built a very powerful foundation that has been withstanding strong tremors but the one we face right now is the mightiest yet.   

    You decide what happens with DayZ Underground. You have all opportunities and our fate in your two hands and we are eagerly looking into the future.


    Looking forward


    While we're talking about this issue, we have another topic that is very important to us and we feel is the right thing to do. Now we are very happy to be able to share it with you!


    Our Charity: The DayZ Underground Care Package




    We are not created for profit. DayZ Underground is created for the community. For people. Having grown as influential as we are now, we think that we have the responsibility of using our resources and abilities for a charitable cause. This means we will collect parts of our funds we don't need to sustain and grow the community and do something good with it. We want to help people in need.

    With the DayZ Underground Care Package, we will support charity. We will also host various campaigns and events to raise money exclusively for charity. We will let you, our community, propose and elect charities that you feel will put our support to the best use and send our Care Package their way.


    Further details and specifics of the DUG Care package and how we plan to extend the charity aspect of DayZ Underground will be shared with you soon!


    Next event is coming!


    “*Periculum facere - Taking a risk*” this weekend we will hold our next official event:


    Our next event: The DayZ Underground Hunting Season




    Hunting season has begun! Survivors from the entirety of Chernarus will gather for a spectacular hunting event combining PvE, PvP and gambling that is all about taking risks. Gathered into small teams, they will compete against each other in the most primal art of mankind: Hunting. Survivors will have the risky choice to either hunt animals and collect their meat for points or hunt down a different kind of game: A group of heavily armed men out on the prowl. In the final gathering, everyone gets a chance to prevail by risking their luck and big haul in a tombola and gambling game.


    Will you be easy prey or the glorious winner!? Periculum Facere -  The DayZ Underground Hunting season.


    The event will be open only for community members. Do you want to participate? Simply send us a message on reddit through join.dayzunderground.com.

    In the following days we will release all further details such as exact time and date and location of the event in our subreddit.


    Thank you very much! You mean the world to us.


    The DayZ Underground Team

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  5. Not really true however i wish you the best with this concept ;)

    Hey man :) We haven't really talked about this much because we've had to keep it secret for a long time but DUG was the developer's testbed for private hives. Even before the technology was finalized and released to the public, the server was kindly provided by Hicks, hidden and used for testing the latest developments.

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  6. 9gb3mbC.png

    Creating stories - connecting people.
    Welcome to the DayZ Underground!

                                              Server News: Next community Event: The Amazing Race: 16.01.2015. Whitelist Weekends: Open join.dayzunderground.com to participate


    The DayZ Underground is DayZ's first private hive server and a thriving community with focus on hardcore survival and a unique approach to roleplay.
    A place you can call home.





    In the spirit of creating stories and connecting people DayZ Underground or DUG in short, has been founded to unite mature, like-minded, enthusiastic and creative DayZ players. We want to use the canvas that is DayZ and paint the most beautiful pictures with it. We have developed a lively persistent universe of characters, groups and factions in which you can have a lasting impact.

    Who are we?

    Our fast growing community has been established by most of the DayZ closed Alpha testers and community moderators. We also maintain close ties directly to the developers themselves. Our average member is an adult and has a lot of experience in DayZ and the DayZ mod. However, we also welcome and support new players of the game and understand that maturity is not bound to age!

    Where can you find us?

    cLQOSMq.png   Reddit

    We use our own private Subreddit as primary community platform. It can be found at community.dayzunderground.com.
    This is DayZ Underground's beating heart. This is where all the exciting stories, videos and experiences are shared. Every day, our community creates a new frontpage of fresh content from within our universe. In-game encounters and the subreddit share a strong cohesion, since our members often extend the roleplay into the subreddit as well. Factions are organizing and recruiting, bounties are offered, stories told and rumors spread. Custom-built features such as faction icons and our own flair system support community dynamics. There's also a button to directly start DayZ and connect to the server from your browser. Message us through join.dayzunderground.com to participate!

    YbsH6sz.png   Twitter

    Follow our active Twitter account, where we share content from our community. Twitter is also a fast way to receive server status updates.

    PKD1N4F.png   Youtube

    In our Youtube account, you will find cinematics, event trailers, DayZ news and a very extensive playlist of videos captured on our server! Sharing and telling stories is a primal interest of humans and a core element of the DayZ Underground.
    Are you an established or aspiring content creator? Does the idea interest you? We support our community members with a DUG media kit, which you can find in our subreddit. This bundle contains logo overlays and custom intro/outro animations which you can freely use for your footage to give it a professional look and recognizable elements. Here is a preview of the intro and outro animations. We will also be expanding this media kit even further and come up with new ways to support you.



    n74gZTN.png   Steam


    Our Steam Group is a fantastic way to get in touch with our members and staying connected with people you came across on our server. We will also share relevant information and announcements of e.g. upcoming events through the group and Steam's handy event scheduler.

    y20VXOM.png Website

    The DayZ Underground website is currently under development and will be your central DUG information hub. While the exact content is kept under wraps for now, we can tell you that we'll have a clever way of including the DUG subreddit into our website. Stay tuned for updates!

    Organic Roleplay

    Traditional roleplay has a lot of rigid rules who control what you can and what you can't do. While we do not have these strict rules, we somehow managed to create and inspire an incredible amount of fantastic roleplay and captivating stories.

    How did that work?
    We take a different approach than traditional RP and call what we are doing Organic Roleplay. We embrace DayZ's open, dynamic and sometimes chaotic nature and work with it, instead of constructing artificial rules and restrictions around it.
    This means we will not restrict playstyles and intended gameplay mechanics. We cultivate and reward good roleplay and support community dynamics.

    We approach you with sincere trust and confidence that you will organically be able to deliver a good story without needing artificial rules which will restrict your creativity. We will continue to select our members based on this principle and establish a community of people who simply don't need all these rules. A community of people who are organically aware of what good content, an entertaining story and enjoyable RP are!
    Fortunately, this seems to be exactly the point we're at already. The amount of unique factions sprouting from the underground and stories we see posted among our community are astounding and we're going to continue to reward good stories, good content and good RP with official support in as many ways as possible!
    With that being said, always remember that there is absolutely no guarantee for your life not to end around the next corner, bush or open field. You can and will be engaged in spontaneous firefights, your heard will jump out of your chest and you will die. This is DayZ.


    Our DayZ private hive server has 50 slots and is 1st Person Perspective-only. The recently upgraded hardware is located in Texas, US. This location makes it possible for US residents from both coasts as well as EU players to be able to enjoy the DUG experience. You can connect to it through filtering for "/r/DayZUnderground" or remotely connect to it via the IP play.dayzunderground.com:2502. The server is running an accelerated day and night cycle and a restart schedule of 12 hours.

    See our Gametracker page for server statistics and ranking. We are incredibly humbled to see that our community has thrown our server to the worldwide #1 rank of any 1PP DayZ servers. To be able to maintain the quality you are used from the DayZ Underground, we have developed our own customized tools to effectively and efficiently protect our server and community.

    While our server is currently open for everyone to join, from time to time you might see it locked. We hold regular server events, which can range from simple meet-ups to sophisticated RP-centric events with overarching story lines and unexpected twists. Message us through join.dayzunderground.com to be added to the event whitelist.

    wOt6JHN.png  Teamspeak

    We have a public TS3 server with unlimited slots under the IP: ts3.dayzunderground.com:11617. There are various public meeting rooms and channels reserved for community factions and members. Tired of roaming around alone? Here you'll find people and groups to play with!


    You would like to support us and secure DUG's future by donating? Click the banner above to open our Paypal account! Our 50 slot private hive server with whitelist ability currently costs 139,75$ USD monthly. The DayZ Underground was not created for profit and thus any donations will go towards our expenses of maintaining the community such as paying our server and the website hosting. Thank you very much!

    Stay safe out there!
    The DayZ Underground Team


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  7. Komarovo files #2


    Backpacks emitting foul odor and notes found at Wells. The following images document what several survivors stumbled over while looking for water at Wells.









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  8. Gotta catch them all!


    “It’s a huge game of cat and mouse”

    Take a look behind the scenes of BI's efforts to keep DayZ clean from cheaters and hacks. Eugen Harton took the stage of Germany's Game Developer Conference 2015 to explain how the multi-million-dollar hacking business operates and how it can be brought down. He also answers questions in a Q&A with the audience.


    click on the annotations to jump between segments

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    The final abyss march of the Cult of Papa on May, 30th is imminent and in their wake will be pestilence, disease, and war!

     What is the Cult of Papa?


    The Cult of Papa is a sect of delusional sociopaths who have accepted the word of a madman as fact. In order to satisfy Papa, they must collect twelve bloody sacrifices as eternal slaves for Papa in the afterlife.

    We are currently taking applications, so you can be a part of the event!


    More information on this upcoming event and how to join the community can be found in the DUG subreddit or Steam Group

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