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Posts posted by rocky46

  1. Desktop 

    Motherboard: Asus m5a97 Le
    1680x1050 (16:10 max)
    CPU: AMD fx 8350 8 core 16mb total cache, Hyper 212 evo cpu cooler.
    Graphics card: gigabyte gtx 660 2GB DDR5 windforce OC Edition
    RAM: 8GB DDR3 1333mhz
    SSD? Yes 256GB

    mechanical hd: sata 1TB


    EDIT* Currently still dipping below 30fps in the middle of cherno on an almost empty server

  2. Something i've been wondering for a while is.. i see here that (not counting the backpack) the total inventory slots is 12 for the current gear, in the mod there is a total of 20 including bandage and sidearm ammo, is there a potential to have more or less slots with different clothing in comparison to the mod? will it be more common to have less and rare to get more or something like that?

  3. zombies are ridiculous, spot you from half a mile away, the number of them at once is boosted, you run into a building with 2 ways in/out, don't expect to shoot your way out, more will just keep piling in the doors whatever weapon u have (including hatchets since these actually fire bullets too). looting a dense town is very difficult, with zombies like this you need barricade mechanics etc and zombies that are actually stupid enough (not arma 2 soldier intelligence) to balance it.

  4. I was walking on the shore, and then I noticed something across a field. 2 silos. I begin running towards it, of course doing this to get away from zombies. So, I had finally got to the silos. Then I saw something else- a small air control tower. Now of course, even I knew this wasn't the NW Airfield. A climb up the ladder and hear a slight voice. I'm guessing he was in the woods across from the airfield, now that I think of it. He said, "I see you climbing that ladder, are you friendly?". I ignored for a second until I got into the air control tower. Then I saw the first gun I ever picked up- an AK-74. I was very excited. I boasted by replying about 30 seconds later with, "Yes, but I have an AK-74.". I'm kind of wondering now if that's what got me killed. So it had been about ten minutes, and the other player was silent. I completely lost all worries about him, since I thought I was a boss with my AK-74.I was walking straight through a field- then I was shot twice with what I think were 2 STANAG rounds.I got knocked out, and I was bleeding. I guess he thought he killed me, because I was able to get up and bandage myself. Right as I was about to run around the corner, I was shot again. I get around the corner, and there is one thing I notice. I was bleeding again. DEATH. This was yesterday, by the way.

    players who promote KOS...... chopper flys over me i say are you friendly he says yes flys by and away lands in the woods, 2 minutes later snipes me and his excuse was "my friend says you shot at our heli" (i did no such thing), prepare to be backstabbed by assholes which is why alot will kill on sight.

  5. You should be able to get an adapter for under $3.


    Makesure you connect BOTH 4-pin molex plugs. Each only provides about 60 W. The 6 pin pci-e draws about 75.

    Connect each molex on the adaptor to a different rail (line), not to the a pigtailed line with 2 molex plugs on it. Use lines that preferably have no other devices on them,although a small draw by some other peripheral probably won't matter too much.

    hope that helps.

    i cant connect to that link for some reason but i found this which i can just connect to one of my spare molex lines right? http://www.cclonline.com/product/44452/CAB-06/Power-Cables-Surge-Protectors/PCI-Express-6-pin-Molex-Adapter/CAB1221/?gclid=CJji8LvdyrYCFXDMtAodMUQAMw

  6. Ok so my gfx card requires 1 pcie 6pin power connector and my current PSU supplies only 1 also, if i was to get a more powerful card that requires 2 is there any sort of adapter attachment i could use to double up the one connector to output to 2 connectors for the card or would/should i need to buy a better PSU?

    EDIT: Its a 600W psu

  7. athlon II x4 640, gts 250, 8gb ddr3 1333, everything maxed at 1680x1050(max for my monitor) except....

    AA which is usually normal or off and post process off(dont like how they look),

    shadows sometimes off for extra fps,

    packed server in cherno around 15-25 fps(sometimes less :s ),

    otherwise on average 35-40 fps,

    or 40-50+fps in middle of a field with very few buildings and trees

  8. i played Dayz for a mouth and a half and loved it but I realized over time i was not thinking "this is a great game" it was "this WILL be a great game, but at the moment its a bit shit"

    I have been wanting to play this game for 14 years me and a friend have been saying this is our No.1 all that time

    but while i am waiting for the SA no other game is really enjoyable to me because of Dayz, no game gives me the rush of combat, the fear of hearing gunshots close by, the panic of trying to find food or water when close to death

    and i have been playing good games

    Blood bowl C.E

    saints row 3

    assassins creed 2

    condemned C O

    Dead rising 2


    Dota 2

    mass effect

    even the walking dead

    all have been left incomplete/alone

    but i am not enjoying the mod anymore as it is a poor copy of what the SA will be on release, even though it will still be a little broken in parts, have few guns, and possibly no cars

    thanks rocket :S

    gonna try xcom next

    first time i played skyrim (when it was first released) i found it quite challenging fighting that first dragon at the tower was a tough one for me, it took me at least 5 tries (on apprentice difficulty), suddenly playing it again yesterday i set it on adept for a new game played through it somewhat and got to the dragon again and killed it very quickly first time, so i set the difficulty to master straight away, a bit further on i run into a gang of hired bandits/guards whatever they called (they are sent for you when you rob someone), this was a tough fight i must admit but with some good maneuvers and some low level fire magic i soon killed them all, ive never considered my self to be especially a greatly skilled player but i think the fact that iv'e been playing mass mounts of hours on dayz and other arma 2 mods has improved my tactical skills a substantial amount. iv'e had the same feelings as you mention with games so i try and break it up more now and play different things, also try borderlands 2's new difficulty level (ultimate vault hunter mode)

  9. I don't see many zombie films/games/shows where zombies keep there head still and do absolutely nothing. They're always aware to find there next meal.

    i agree but how many games where they know where your aiming and move their head wobble in an inconsistent pattern decided on where your aiming at that moment

  10. Well you're clearly playing a different DayZ than me.

    The reason they end up going through walls is down to the strafing that is programmed into the soldier AI.

    The soldier is coded to use a zig-zag type run when he is approaching, this is to make them harder to hit - sometimes the pathfinding means that they will clip into a wall, this means they are tecnically in the building (According to coordinates) but as far as the zombie is concerned he is just stilll following you.

    The only AI the zombie has in relation to a player is that any zombies in the area will be predisposed to congregate around the area you are located, even without any agro - you can easily test this be running though somewhere like Elektro and sitting in a building, the zombies will begin to congregate outside in the general viscinity of your location.

    If you think the zombies move their head to compensate for your aiming, you have really no experience with the game. You can easily tell where a zombie is going to move its head, it uses the same animation over and over.

    If you play a recon/sniper role a lot you will easily learn the movements so you can headshot from long distances - the head-bob does not take into account your aim whatsoever.

    the zombies only clip thru walls when they are moving at lightning speed it makes no sense that strafing would causes this since wals have hit boxes and and zigzag pathfinding should be aware of that, doesnt happen with arma 2 AI soldiers does it?no just zombies that move very fast and the game can not process the fact theres a walls hitbox there faster than the zombie can move, the last one i disagree with completely when you are aiming yes it is possible to headshot them if your fast but you have to be very fast the head movement is not in a consistent pattern like you said it is but very sublte so that if you try to lead them into your iron sight too slowly to line up the shot the head will never move for you to be on target you have to quickly snap and compensate it quickly to get the shot, yes i know zombies spawn and loiter around the player this wasnt an issue i mention in previous posts, another thing ive noticed which isnt about zombies but sometimes player will randomly run and dive forward when yopu want to prone, i realize this is another arma 2 animation but whats weird it only does it sometimes when your at a high point with risk of falling to your death ive never had it happen ever while on the ground

    "the head-bob does not take into account your aim whatsoever." thats complete rubbish and a lot of people will know this from playing dayz you have to be fast, but its still very annoying and unrealistic

  11. hacker wants to join a game just to hack and troll other players why would he go to all the trouble of downloading a custom mod and get whitelisted and probly be banned in minutes due to active admins and custom anti cheat scripts

    when he can just boot up vanilla dayz join a game and start his antics easy and quick

    ive played different maps and mods of days including lingor taviana origins rmod 2017 and i have to say other than vanilla hackers are a rarity

  12. This is incorrect.

    The head sway you are referring to is just their standard idle animation, they aren't conciously dodging anything, it's part of the breathing animation because they are essentially reskinned soldiers.

    They do NOT teleport - I have no idea where you are getting your information from.

    The zombies use a type of 'waypoint' pathfinding when they are following us, they don't just magically teleport - they have set coordinates that they try to follow, that's why you can get them stuck on trees when they try to follow you and lose their LoS.

    They move so fast that they are able to pass through apparently solid objects like walls That is definitely teleporting.(yes that is the cause of this bug in case you didnt know.)

    their idle movements including head sway animations directly compensates where you are aiming your gun to make them hard to hit

    i don't "get my information" from anywhere but in-game experiences.

  13. They only sway their heads as thats part of the zombie animation. Not to dodge bullets.

    its more than just an animation. they compensate the movement according to where your aiming to avoid being shot in the head even tho they apparently don't know your even there while they are idle

  14. They zig-zag to avoid fire because they're based on soldier AI. They don't sway their heads when you're about to shoot though, lol, and they definitely don't teleport.

    (this is called a constructive argument instead of just saying "no they don't your wrong", try it sometime..)

    when idle their heads wobble back an forth they do this anyway

    its just you don't notice the fact that when your actually aiming on them they are swaying to evade your aim,

    the flanking and zigzagging is soldier AI i know that but its still unrealistic.

    A position in 3d space is a 3 component vector (x y z) and when an object moves that number goes up or down and "teleporting" is adding or decreasing very large amounts in a smaller timescale which Rocket chose to do because it makes up for bad pathfinding somewhat

    so effectively with 3d game objects, teleporting is just very fast movement

    Zombies teleport.

    my point is not a complaint but the fact that zombies in Dayz are NOT braindead.

  15. Rocket wants DayZ to be 100% player driven, therefore no NPCs other than braindead zombies. :)

    they aren't braindead though they are programmed to know exactly where you are aiming and are about to shoot, and they sway their heads or move at light speed(teleport) away from your aim,

    also soldiers don't sway their heads like zombies know to sway their head away from a bullet which is



    3:implemented purely for difficulty

    It's difficulty regardless of realism

  16. It's a fan project taking the taviana fan-made map and adding more customization to it.

    Tbh, I'm not a big fan. The features they try to add fall flat and anything that works properly is unmodified DayZ.

    But, I haven't played it that much, so who knows. Some like it, some don't.

    i've been playing it for a few dayz now and is the most time i've spent on taviana map the atmosphere at night is astonishing scouting through those cites at night really hits you with the immersion, as for origins its pretty much dayz game play with a few added features, like bulding up vehicles, bigger jerry cans....etc, there's a challenge to go for if you so choose but it takes a lot of gearing up and probably need a helicopter to get there since a boat is slow and you freeze to death on the sea, i'm talking about salvation city, really tough AI with a high chance you'll die on arrival losing everything, they will shoot your chopper down while you attempt to land. but apparently there's really good loot there

  17. its cuz they arent Zombies.. they are humans infected with a virus..

    at no point are they dead or blind..

    i see no problem at all with Z. aggro..

    they are zombies because rocket calls them zombies and he is the developer of dayz.... technically however, they are unarmed arma 2 soldiers that make grunting noises and are skinned to look like zombies, they will zig-zag your bullets and try and flank you, they also appear to be equipping an invisible weapon sometimes on spawning. to me they are just a tool for checking if a town is clear and safe from other players or not beyond that they just an annoying inconvenience. they are supposed to have bad eye sight and greater hearing.

  18. If they won't remove the knock out mechanic then the only other solution is to join the other snipers in the trees I suppose. I would rather not play like a coward but I will if it's the only real option.

    So fricken melodramatic jeez you gonna camp like a sniper troll coward noob and spoil your own gameplay experience just because you went Unconscious, its just bad luck, it happens. its harsh, theres no saftey net game mechanics here....for f**k sake read this and shut your whining

    What DayZ


    is about:




  19. Carrying an AS50 inside a backpack is noobish and unreal enough, Do you want to carry five weapons? One is more than enough.

    By the way, it is not very difficult:

    You have the following backpacks:

    Primary weapons take 10 slots, while secondary take five slots.

    Patrol pack: 8 slots.

    Czech Vest Pouch: 12 slots, but no weapon can be stored inside.

    Assault pack(ACU): 12 slots

    Alice pack: 16 slots

    Survival Pack(ACU): 16 slots

    British Assault Pack: 18 slots

    These backpacks can be found in both civilian and military spawns, with their corresponding rarity according to their size. Best place to find them is, as always have been, the supermarket.

    The following two can only be found in military spawn points:

    Coyote Backpack: 24 slots

    Czech Backpack: 24 slots

    Czech Backpack: 24 slots << can be found in supermarkets and pubs and such like.
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