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Posts posted by robciviccrx

  1. Cheesy little bitches hiding behind "rules".

    Hacked in guns are hacked in guns thats enough to get a ban on our server, none of the players that play on it want them and we make dam sure no players with them stay on our server.

    Pick one of the other 4000 odd servers and maybe try playing the game like most people do without this crap that isnt in the loot table and you wouldnt get banned.

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  2. Well you have no proof that shows you didn't hack it in yourself, but if they checked the logs and they see that you didn't spawn it, then they have to remove the ban because you can't get banned for using a hacked weapon if you didn't spawn it in yourself. Rocket said so himself.

    You cant be globally banned, local bans are very different.

    www.dayzwiki.com check the guns that are in the game and only use them and it wont happen to you again OP.

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  3. I simply don't understand why this hasn't been done yet. The M107-TWS was originally in the game at some point, but taken out and then DB wiped so that even hackers can't spawn it in. The AS50 TWS is a gamebreaking gun in every way shape and form. I've used it myself after killing the person who had previously killed me with it. I killed one person with it from 1000m away through trees laying down on top of dobryy mountain. Effortlessly. I felt so guilty and appalled that I hid the gun on a zombie right then and there. Every day on my server, I see people logging in on my RPT log with [bAF_AS50_TWS]. Dozens of people, and there's nothing I can do about it fully knowing these people are going to completely decimate elektro and cherno and make them no-mans lands. The gun is bullshit. Like I said, the fact I was able to make a 1000m shot, THROUGH FOG, and TREES, just because I had a .50 cal with a thermal..

    Like I'm sorry, I know this has been said a thousand times, but the next patch or one shortly after should really make it so this gun will not save to the hive, and will delete once you leave the server you found it on. There's too many of them around. I had my instance ID changed by Vilayer simply because of the duped tents everywhere that had loads of AS50s in there. Yet that doesn't stop people from bringing them in.

    All I can do is warn a player in an RCON personal message saying "You're using an illegal weapon, you've been warned that you need to drop it, or be kicked until you do so." but in the end, I can't kick them for fear they'll come cry to the forums because "ROCKET SAID..." and I'm sick of it. It's disgusting.

    /rant off.

    yes me mad bro.

    Just warn as you are doing then ban them if they dont heed the warning. The worst that can happen is you get blacklisted and need to rent another server(which is very unlikely seen as lots and lots of admins are already banning for this) and in the meantime you have no thermal snipers of death on your server.

  4. Mad? no... It just fronts you as a fucking admin abuser. :)

    Clearly shows you shouldnt have any admin rights on a server whatsoever.


    Why on EARTH would i be _ MAD_ because of fucktard admin abusers like you? If anything I feel sorry for you.. And your players..

    I DO NOT admin abuse on my server. Players will NOT be banned for using these weapons, but I will recommend them not to.

    I have admin right because I pay for them. The players that frequent our ts are happy we keep players with illegal weapons off our server and if we as admins keep the players happy by removing unwanted vagabonds with illegal weapons then we will keep on doing it.

    You shouldnt be allowed to leave a padded room but im not complaining.

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  5. hate? no..

    I resort to FACTS. You clearly admit to admin abuse in your post.

    "I'm banning for the behavior that possessing it brings to my server"'

    you simply cant do that.. ITs against the rules laid down by DayZ.. Get the fuck off the official hive and go rent a private server if you want to do that.

    I also ban people I see running scripts in the logs even if I don't have video proof.

    That IS proof!

    Umad ?

    Must of banned over 100 people now with weapons not in dayz, that must make you even madder.

    Now go back to your special school and stop bothering the internet.

  6. Nah, I could really care less. Anyone running scripts on our server gets a swift boot and ban. The other day I was attacked by one of those mini-gun head hackers. Reported it and the admins found him in the logs and gave him the boot. Same with some rave party hackers, even though they were pretty funny they had to go as well. A few hacked in guns in circulation? No big deal unless they are TWS'. G36SD does not give any more advantage than an M4SD does, and they grow off trees.

    Its couldnt care less. If you could care less then you do care...

    Anyway the way I look at it is if you accept ANY hacked in weapons you may aswell accept them all, I know they give no real advantage over guns already in the loot table but its the way I and plenty of other admins look at it.

  7. So would my complaint, and your server getting shut down for violating the hosting agreement. Luckily, I play on a more enlightened server that actively bans hackers and stays within the hosting agreement and doesn't hand out unjust bans for legal playing behavior. :)

    lol how many server have actually been blacklisted ? Admins post on here for banning for ghosting combat logging and all sorts of things, we keep the server clean of crap that isnt in the game, have fun on your scripted anything server.

  8. Self righteous people in this thread: get off your high horse. There are no rules getting broken when you pick up and use spawned in weapons. Period. Other than the TWS, most of them are no big deal. PDW-SD is garbage, just like the normal PDW and the G36 is just an M4 with a different skin. I toss the TWS' I find in corpses and bury them but have no problem rolling with a G36 SD. It's a shit gun for PvP anyways.

    Doesnt matter to me, come on our server with anything your not supposed to have and your visit would be swift.

  9. Depends what u call loot.

    For me a loot is anything I can take off a dead body, out of a tent or a vehicle, pick up from the ground etc. Then AS50 TWS is legit loot.

    Sure it doesn't SPAWN any more, but it's a legit loot.

    But this is IRRELEVANT! If you applied to host a server in a DayZ Hive, you MUST obey it's rules. Otherwise NOBODY will do. By banning a people for carrying a weapon spawned by someone else - you just promote illegal behaviour.

    For all we know you might actually be hurting upcoming DayZ standalone - if you successfully fight hackers on most of the community servers by custom means (third party anti-cheat software, custom scripts, manual log-analysis etc) developers might get wrong picture on overall hacking issue severity and choose wrong means to fight and prevent them in the future.

    Are you sure there will be community-hosted standalone DayZ servers?

    Can you promise to support all community standalone DayZ servers?

    Are you sure you will actually have means to do so? Are you sure there will be human-readable log files or third-party tools to do this?

    No? Then stop doing so now! DayZ is in alpha, and more realistic picture developers get - the better it is for all of us in the long term.

    The weapon is not in the loot table, so its not dayz loot, whatever you think is legit it and many other things scripted in are not.

    Obviously you just like abusing weapons most other players dont have, or if they do find them they do the right thing and destroy them.

    No point talking to people like you. Adios. By the way your arguments are retarded.

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  10. First of all, AS50 TWS is LEGAL. Read wiki.

    Second of all, you host servers for COMMUNITY. Don't like it? Don't do it!

    I'm sick and tired of admins who host server, ignore official rules, and whine over other people actually following them.

    You are not allowed to kick/ban (even local) anyone for using an scripted weapon, vehicle etc. And BE will do it job banning actual hackers.


    Good luck to find any players on it.

    If I find an AS50 TWS on your server - I'll use it. If I find an Black Hawk on your server - I'll decide if I fly it or blow it up, and will do it on my own. Don't like it? Cancel server subscription or leave the Hive.

    Well if you found either of the items you stated and used them you would get banned.

    Dont like it dont play on servers that keep the playing field fair(ish) and wont accept items not in the game.

    The AS50 TWS is certainly not in dayz as a loot drop.

  11. it means they don't care about what the official rules of DayZ as laid out by say Rocket are, if they disagree.

    and to those same as to the following guy:

    Rob, you are basically saying "fuck your opinion, rocket, I don't care that you say as long if they didn't hack it in themselves they're fine, what I am saying is right. I know better than you, the creator of DayZ, I am better than everyone else and my opinion is the only important one"

    No, rocket says you wont get a global ban for having such things. If you want to play on a server I contribute to pay for then dont use weapons or anything not supposed to be in dayz, warning beforehand and only getting a local ban is a bit light I would globally ban people for using this shit.

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  12. Your ban has been reversed, it was me and I was wrong and it had nothing to do with finding vehicles I was just looking at logs. There was another guy banned wrongly at the same time not with you guys and his has been reversed too. Around 10 minutes after the ban happened.

    With so many scripters, jasons, invisible people, vehicles getting spawned in left right and centre im getting sick of it and im hardly playing. Also trying to protect the people that are playing.

    Your welcome to come back if you want, my bad :(

    edit : also if you need to speak to an admin because of a ban or you see scripting etc jump on ts it would be sorted faster, the ts is in the MOTD.

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