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Posts posted by Buffjesus

  1. cbb reading through this thread

    clothing dupe method cannot be fixed unless he removes clothing, or does what lingor island did; you dont get your old clothing when you swap to new stuff.

    unless one of those 2 fixes are put in the clothing dupe method will always work.

    but im all for it. only thing i have fun now is suiciding characters and full gearing new ones in 1-2 days

    the people who know how to play will be back on top in very little time while all the other failures who were handed their stuff will squirm and cry :D

    • Like 1

  2. shouldnt of downloaded hacks brah

    As already mentioned in the previous news post, there is currently a massive ongoing effort by certain entities to steal people's cd-keys to then sell them for a profit. Private hack forums are full of posts of these fraudsters trying to sell heaps of cd-keys for a cheap price. We are talking about hundreds of cd-keys here, so this is not a small issue at all. The game developers confirmed that this is a huge problem right now.

    Their process of stealing cd-keys is quite simple: They advertise a supposedly undetected hack on sites like YouTube and the moment you download and run it (it will probably report that the hack failed to load) your cd-key is already stolen. In many cases your actual cd-key in registry is overwritten with a banned one, so you will automatically receive a global ban message on join (see below). This is done to prevent you from using your cd-key again, so the fraudsters can sell them claiming that they are valid and not in use. Note that this can be fixed (temporarily) by deleting the cd-key from the registry and reinstalling your game. While your original cd-key is not banned due to this, it might very well end up being soon when your cd-key is being used by a cheater that purchased it. This causes many players to think they were innocently banned when in fact their cd-key was stolen and used for cheating. At the very least you will often receive a "CD key in use" message when trying to connect to servers.

    If you think this is false propaganda to cover up supposed false global bans I advise you to do some research on this yourself. You can easily verify this by searching for "free ***" on YouTube. You will see lots of results and almost all of them are scams. Most of them are actually quite popular and have thousands of views. When downloading them and opening the .exe file in e.g. Notepad (warning: do not actually run the .exe!), you can find cd-key related strings such as "SOFTWARE\Bohemia Interactive Studio\ArmA 2 OA" (the registry location of the cd-key) inside.

    In short, heed the following: DO NOT EVER RUN ANY HACKS OR OTHER SUSPICIOUS SOFTWARE! If you end up being banned due to your cd-key being stolen there is nothing we can do for you.

    dunno why battleye website text is like that

    i assume bad cdkey means the same. if not just email the support on BI to get a new one

  3. you cut wire with toolbox

    the option is on the middle post. scroll wheel and move until it says cat1 then after a second the option to remove will pop up

    and yes theyre known as griefing tools.

    i think bullets cant go through sandbags either, so theyre good to watch doors

    • Like 1

  4. inb4 log out comments

    and yes, i logged into the NWAF to "hey jordan need any help"

    so i turned around and put a m107 bullet into his chest and left

    edit: fuck why did i write my story first. a white knight got in b4 my post ;) ;)

  5. I think it might have been a hacked heli too, as it had full fuel and zero damage (up until I go my hands on it anyway). Surly an in game heli that's been cobbled together would have slight damage or low fuel?

    when helicopters crash they make that fire wall

    so yes he probably crashed and spawned in a new one

  6. ^ This. Rocket's already expressed his intent to remove the debug in 1.7.3, so this will no longer be a concern.

    Not directly related to the thread at all, I just can't stand you at all. I've seen you in other threads, and you are a tremendously awful person to everyone. Maybe check that personality at some point.

    You're not wrong - he is.

    once again another retard who thinks the internet is a cute fluffy place of happiness where you can drool freely everywhere.

    if someones a retard; im going to tell them

    if someone is wrong im going to correct them

    if someone is lying im going to expose them

    if these kids are too young and cry so easily they dont deserve to be on the internet. kids will need to grow up and gain some self-esteem to be able to last.

    if someone says you should of had enough common sense to figure that out easily, dont get butthurt and cry. realise what that person is saying and use common sense.

    tl;dr if youre retarded im going to tell you

    • Like 1

  7. for you people who cant be bothered reading it he hid it in the middle of his story

    You might think hey this is just talk well no it is not:

    After around 7 days of searching for a chopper and then i mean going on all the spawn points each day + searching for camps i found nothing.....so i decided to HACK to see if there was actually any choppers there at all so i searched for hacks on google and found a site for hacks it was totally free only had to registrate and click in on the forums only seconds after i got in on the forums the script executors was almost thrown in my face they came pre compiled was approved by an admin on the site and even a 6 year old could figure out how it works. Another quick search on the forums and i found and easy EPS and teleport hack. So i went to the server and turned the EPS on and to my suprise there was a chopper on the server but when i TPed over i quickly found out that it was crashed. so i decided to find another server to check there. When i entred the second server it was the same thing chopper was destroyed 20 servers later i still had no chopper and im sure there is alot more servers that still haven't gotten a chopper even worse on some servers all the vehicles were pilled up in the far north corner non were destroyed and they would not respawn for a long time if the hacker had taken his time to save all of them.


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  8. How about if you are not worried about shooting at everyone you see..what do you suggest then ? My only three people kills in over three months have been with the mak and the ak 74 kob :) So i should arm myself with the as50 to be considered not an elitist hipster nerd ? I was thinking the as50 was more of a top 40 mainstream thing myself. Wouldnt Hipsters be carrying something more like the crossbow or lee enfield , i mean they are so retro and all that.

    crossbow sure, enfield is common as hell...

    why you using a sniper if youre not trying to kill people?
