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Posts posted by Buffjesus

  1. really cbb reading through this thread

    but 2 weeks ago school in the US started

    past few days school in canada started

    yesterday college / university semester started

    guid wars 2 was released

    dark souls pc was released

    diablo 3 got its 1.04 patch

    tons of things are starting that obviously are going to take huge chunks out of # of players

  2. Your experience is unique, it is not the basis for criticizing what is a common problem.

    and all my friends?

    and all the people on the other forum i frequent?

    you only run into hackers if you go into extremely old servers or the top listed ones on six launcher.

    not saying they dont exist in other places, just that they are very rare. considering i server hop all the time to kill peeps and stay in the server for 10-15 minutes before i leave; shouldnt i have died in that time?

    and im not just talking about like 10 servers in a month, i go through every 10-30 pop on the list throughout a night

  3. I was wondering if all those people who are moaning about the tents not saving, and dupping crap out every restart have even thought about what life would be like in game when they get fixed.

    I mean think about it.. just for a second...

    How long do you normally go before a hacker joins the server and insta kills you and you lose all your stuff ?

    think on it..

    For me, its about an hour, I can play for about an hour on average before eventually and ultimatly a hacker joins spawns at my back and rapes me of my loot, hides my body and spawns all the vehicles into debug.

    For me the only thing keeping me in game is that Tents Dupe and I can and have resisted the urge to leave the game because of the hackers because I know that my tent is there keeping me in game.

    I want them fixed.

    But not until the hackers are gone, I can handle losing my kit, but not to a hacker who can kill me without me even having a chance to fight back.

    so think about it.......

    you must really suck if you can only last for an hour b4 a hacker comes

    considering ive seen all of 5 or so hackers in over 2 months, and 2 of them didnt even do anything to other players (2 were teleporting killing people, 1 teleported everyone to balota)

    maybe you should ditch sixlauncher server list and start finding decent servers from the ingame browser.

    perhaps also not joining 2 month old infested shit servers

  4. I pick up noobs and drive them to vehicles they can have

    i r nice guy np

    edit: and its KoS because even if the first 9 people were friendly, that 10th will fuck you over and end you.

    that 10th guy could of been any of the first 9 however, so people dont take chances if they value their character.

    edit2: and killing new spawns for +1 murder and -humanity. also they wont log out the moment theyre shot at.

  5. thanks bubba i do just fine sniping i/g

    the OP was four hundred meters from a target who was running around doing his own thing not paying any mind to his spot. Im well aware that we spawn into the world in a standing position for 3-5 secs before going back into the position we logged in. Every bit of info the OP has relayed (although minimal) suggessts this player was running a script and didnt just catch a glimpse of a player standing 400m away

    "guy was running to cover then pops out and shoots me"

    how in any way does that suggest hacks lol

  6. ive seen 2 aimbotters before

    one on lingor

    and one on regular

    flying our chopper way above elektro bullet flies in and takes me out. they pick me up at krutoy cap and we start flying to kamenka. all of a sudden another guy drops out of the chopper over cherno, and we can hear the bullets flying past us ( his aimbot couldnt account for the choppers fast movement at that distance). finally make it to over 1000m in the air above kamenka (you cant see above like 300m from the ground) and were still hearing bullets fly past us as we go forward (guy's teleporting along the ground and shooting behind us).

    but for you prob not. just a lucky headshot

    • Like 1

  7. I hate this dupe because it got me killed earlier. I am so used to seeing this that I see a guy standing with a sniper rifle and as I am running he doesn't move at all, I walk up thinking it is another player dupe and he shoots me right in the face.

    Stop hinting at how it is done, the less people who know the better.

    they can only have pistols out lol :P

  8. Don't be so hasty. Treat the disease, not the symptoms. You don't give a guy pepto bismol when he's shitting himself and puking on your shoes. You give him a bucket and wait until Monday when the doctor's office opens so he can get an appointment and a diagnosis.


    No, but seriously, wipe the hive. Fuck, get rid of storage and see how gameplay changes. That'll stop duping. :)

    no it wont

    log in to server -> make clothing dupe backup

    go to different server -> making clothing dupe backup

    play on w/e server you want. if you die you have multiple backups waiting for you.

    or have a friend dupe his gear

    have someone who doesnt play anymore to hold gear and whenever you die get him to dupe you it back.

    when you take tent duping out people will look for a new way. once they find clothing shit will be 10x worse than tent

  9. Reading that post you were incredibly lucky. Mountain dew and ghillie within what an hour? Trying to find a new server is also difficult considering there is a dropping off of players

    yes luck

    i went to the places that nobody goes to

    i know how to find shit

    i know how to play to last longer than 1 hour

    until people figure out the basics other than starting in cherno/elektro and hoping to survive the dash for gear they wont get far at all

    edit: you might want to read the whole thread

    it contains the lives of 3 characters, not just one
