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Posts posted by Buffjesus

  1. I was JUST going to say the same thing. :lol: is the closest I guess.

    Jackftw - you sig rocks, struck a chord for some reason

    Buffjesus - your CM Burns pic may be the best forum avatar I have ever seen. Is that [a modified image] from 'Homer the Smithers', after Burns teaches himself to make coffee? No, that's not it... this is going to bug me... :)

    its a picture thats been in my picture folder for like 2 years, dont even remember where i got it lol

    figured id take a bright and colourful avatar to contrast the background so people would notice my posts.

  2. You know

    There's tons of spell-check programs you can use to make a post of yourself trying to be a smart ass.

    this forum needs a rofl emote

    must be new to the internet

    really cbb tearing this kid apart tonight, but hey hes community forum so i dont expect much.

    and i did one fuck up because i typed too fast?

    you read through every post on this forum until you find one then call them out on it? "rofl emote here"

    • Like 1

  3. I thought the AS50 only spawned at crashed helis, and the AS50 TWS wasn't in the game unless someone hacked it in. I found an AS50 TWS with no ammo in a pile of loot in one of the fire stations. Weird thing is that the loot started spawning after I got in the town, which means there wasn't anyone else there recently (server had like 6 people.)

    So is this a bug that this thing is spawning now? Should I keep it?

    if you didnt know; new loot doesnt spawn every time

    if you leave and despawn the loot, the same stuff will be there when you come back

    and yes someone prob picked it up off a dead guy on dobryy then swapped it out for a gun he found there

  4. This also makes me remember one thing, Don't complain about so many snipers being spawned because really SNIPERS ARE RARE AS HELL! I can never find one unless I am lucky as well as ammo, the thing is. Is that there is going to be some script kiddy or a hacking buddy that will come in and give you max ammo and the best sniper so that's why theres so many.

    i realize youre new here

    snipers are common because of duping

    not hackers, not scripters, not zoidberg

    the 23235 ways of duping made it this way.

  5. Thing is, when your hunting you rather get big game and not small game, technically if were reffering to sniping humans like deers or hunting A person with little to no gear = Small game and not worth it A person with big gear and heavy duty = Big game more points lol

    small = 5 points

    big = 50

    need all da points

    all must die

    • Like 1

  6. What's the advantage behind them?

    zombies are attracted to the smoke

    if you want something, through a smoke in the opposite direction and ez strut your way in while all the zombies are standing in the smoke nade.

    if you throw one while at a crash site every zombie runs to it and stands there until you leave. dont have to worry about them clawing your ass as youre looting :P

  7. Here is the problem ...

    1000000 ish players

    Weapons are persistent.

    An example with the DMR

    day 1

    1000000 people have a 4.35% chance of finding a DMR at a Heli-crash site

    day 2

    A possible 459770 DMRs on servers

    So After 1 week...

    1609195 DMRs

    umm... no lol

    theres maybe like 3000 crash sites at any given time?

    not 1000000

    so out of that million only 3000 have a chance

    so theres out of the million, only 145 will find a DMR if every reset was consistent.

    so say every 12 hours all servers reset

    there would only be 290 a day

    or 2030 a week

  8. are you getting me confused with the OP? I said I preferred the PVP aspect. If you read my post, I was merely defending the OP's opinion since someone told him how he should enjoy the game instead of letting him decide for himself.

    See what I'm typing here. These are letters. When you put them together, they make words. When you put words together, they make sentences. These sentences convey what I'm thinking. You should work on your reading comprehension to understand this basic skill.

    That is all just your opinion. maybe this person would love a server with no PVP. I think the PVP enhances the game and gives a sense of real danger, but not everyone feels that way. And I don't even kill other players. I prefer to heal or help them.



  9. put sniper riffles that a normal person can actually own in real life. Not this military riffles, witch will be hard to get in a zombie outbreak. In other words take out military weapons and put in weapons you can find in a guns and ammo shop. Hell even walmart!

    were aware chenarus is a russian military occupied area... right? and that theres a huge military airfield with multiple other military setups / airstrips

    and that the helicopter crashes are british military

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