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Posts posted by Buffjesus

  1. Man did you even read the post...the balance issue isn't -per player- all characters have the same choices yes. The balance issue is that 80% of them choose to kill you for moving. -That- isn't balance. You are missing the point yet again good sir.

    Ideally you should have 50% banditry 50% heroes. Not 80% KoS 20% heroes? I know these numbers are not exactly right but its damn close.

    in a game where ANYBODY can take EVERYTHING you have away from you PERMANENTLY there will never be style balance

    it will always be majority KoS because of that

    if you want to keep your gear then you trust no one. even if the first 9 people are friendly and dont try and kill you, the 10th might.

    but that 10th guy could of been #6 or any of the others, so if you want to keep your gear no risks.

  2. Rich from a person with a lack of comprehension. You need a better understanding of grammar.

    At the moment it is very naive to assume you won't be shot. The very fact you've made this thread is proof that it is kill or be killed currently.

    it will always be this way

    as long as theres the chance that one of the 10 people you meet will shoot you, you will take precautions against everybody.

    never know which of the 10 will shoot you, so if you want to keep your stuff: no risks.

  3. ten? i seem to only get six in mine

    little bit below his post

    ^^huh backpacks don't eat gear, just misplace them a bit?

    Usually the overflowing items will spawn around the tent a few moments later.

    in a 30-50m radius around you it seems

    someone pointed out before that it can be put inside tree trunks and such. ive never had it happen when i mess up, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  4. cbb reading through this thread

    dont go to electro / cherno on medium or bigger servers?!?!

    if you go to where there are obviously snipers; youre going to get sniped. whats even funnier is that you let them snipe you. if you actually knew where they can shoot and never stand still in those areas, dying from the snipers almost never happens.
