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Posts posted by Slayten

  1. So I was in the fallujah airfield and got hit by a zombie that I killed so i ran into a building and logged after i bandaged a few hours later i relogged and was brought to unconscious but as soon as it hit the bottom it stayed there for about 45 minutes is there anyway to fix this should I reinstall the alpha or beta? does anyone know?

  2. So was in some barracks in Lingor and stubbled upon a DMR so I took and when night came along I put on my NVG's and pulled out my DMR because i thought it had night vision capabilities but everytime I zoom in the vision stays for a split second then goes pitch black. Is this in the new hotfix? Do i have to have NVG's in my second binoculars spot? Can anyone help?

  3. Ok so I updated to the new beta patch 96061 first thing in the morning and opened up a nice low ping server. The usual happened the Dayz screen then the wait for host screen but it didn't stop it stayed there for about 45 minutes.

    Also when I open six updated it pops up with a message that says connection could not be made target machine actively refused it, then a six updaters web page IP then colon port 80 (, I forget the actual ip). Google chrome is having problems, Installing AVG, updating windows defender, etc.

    What I tried doing;

    Clearing local data and deleting/reinstalling Arma2:CO

    Deleting/reinstalling steam

    Allowing steam/Six updater and launcher/Arma2 and Arma2:OA

    Tech Specs;

    Intel duo CPU 2.16 GHz

    4 GB of ram

    64-bit OS

    nVIDIA GeForce GT 9300m (kinda low I know)

    Windows vista home premium

    Can anyone help? Anything links, potential fixes, need any additional info just comment.

  4. Ok so basically what I heard is that BI gave Rocket no funding but he did give him an open-source copy of the engine so he can do what he wants to improve it for the standalone. Also I think someone said it'd be coming out later this year and think about Rocket has 3-5 coders and there all working what a 14 hour day? I honestly think there can do it before new years.

    BTW The War Z is going to suck because no previous game they made has taken off. Sooo

  5. This looks like this could be something cool so my steam is Slayten0 and my DayZ Skype is Camanator1 I'm pretty experienced as in I've had most guns and right now I'm looking for a clan to do some vehicle building and a little head hunting.
