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Everything posted by aussiestig

  1. aussiestig

    Building a computer

    Guy above me really says it all. Not much you can do to better that build for the money
  2. If you hack in a weapon, then yes you face a global ban. If you find a hacked in weapon and you use it, no you won't get a global ban, but there is a small chance that people will question if you're legit if they find the gun on your body.
  3. aussiestig

    Vehicles less rare?

    Nope. They are perfect the way they are. The game is about running around, vehicles make the map feel very small, and it makes everything very very easy.
  4. aussiestig

    vehicle "hoarding", what the hell is it?

    If a clan or player goes to all the hard work of finding vehicles before other players, then his/her hard work should not be undone, no matter how angry you are that you don't have a vehicle. Deal with it.
  5. This isn't a real life apocalypse though, this is a game, and if someone enjoys killing new players and they have the weaponry to do so, then that's their decision to make, and you don't get a say in it.
  6. Jokes on you, my thermal L85 misses nothing ;)
  7. aussiestig

    ppl who don't duplicate itens

    I'll admit that I used to dupe weapons. It was fun for about a day, then it died slowly. Eventually all the people in my little team died off and we had no more good weapons. It was a godsend. I literally refuse to dupe items now. It was pitch black in a server, my friend had some NVG's and he offered them to me as duped, I declined because it just ruins the game so much.
  8. I've been killed too many times to feel guilt. Not only by bandits, but people that I found in game and played with for a few hours before they'd killed me.
  9. aussiestig

    Your GFX Card And How It Runs.

    FX-6100 (Was given as a gift) and GTX 560ti OC'd to 900mhz. I run it max everything, 50-60 fps in the wilderness and 40ish in the cities. The performance gets better every patch. About a month ago I got no better than 30fps in the middle of nowhere, and 18ish in cherno.
  10. It took me 1 month to get my first truck, then we saw 3 more vehicles that night, which made me slightly mad, but whatever. I hope they don't make vehicles spawns more popular, they ruin the game to a degree. It becomes FAR to easy to travel, ambush, loot and stock everything. Imagine if there were 10 vehicles cruising round on one server, it'd end badly.
  11. aussiestig

    Looking for a challenge

    Oh please. If you're online for awhile tonight like I am, I can guarantee that at some point this will all end with me standing over your pathetic dead body. You really are a joke. Give me your name. I don't want to have to kill people that don't deserve to die.
  12. aussiestig

    Ultimate Solution to Hackers

    That is probably the stupidest solution you could come up with. There is an admin out there who already does this, and I'm sure if he does it again, his server will be blacklisted as it's unacceptable.
  13. So I've been playing on US 32 for a few weeks now as some friends and I have a car on there. Recently we all couldn't get into the server as it would start joining but then come up with connection failed. We figured out a short term fix of joining the server through Sixth launcher and that worked fine for everyone for a week or so. Last night I tried to join US95 because my friend was on there and I had the problem again, except this time when I joined through sixth launcher or dayz commander, it would just stay on "Wait for host" forever. Whatever I thought, I just didn't bother with that server. Today I tried to get on it again, same thing except this time, I can't get on my original home server anymore. I've tried joining up to about 25 other servers to see if I get a problem there, and I don't. So these 2 servers, one of which is pretty important to me, I can no longer join. Does anyone have any solutions? tl;dr "connection failed" and stuck on "wait for host" on the server I frequent. Any solutions?
  14. So it will be down for another 3 and a half hours then I take it?
  15. aussiestig

    No Servers appearing on list

    Can any devs give us an idea of what's going on? Just some clarification would be nice right now.
  16. aussiestig

    Biggest/best camp you've found so far?

    Giving AS50's to people who don't kill on sight, and expecting them to stay that way? Really?
  17. aussiestig

    Raging clusterfuck

    No offense here buddy, but what do you expect people to do when they find a shinny new .50 cal. Go hunt some zombies?
  18. The rules state something like "You can kick players for extremely excessive ping" or something like that. Anything over 300 is pretty excessive. The admins that put ping limits of 100 or so are just fools and ruin the game. 100 ping never lost anyone a game in a close FPS like CoD or BF3, why would 200 make a difference in a server where you see a player once every hour, if that.
  19. aussiestig

    Looking for a challenge

    I bet you see a lot of top grade clans heading into elektro, hey? Screenshot right now of your kill count. You can cover over your name because I know you're a pussy, and we'll hunt you down, but I bet you've died some time in the last few days.
  20. aussiestig

    Lol the geared chicken syndrome

    Greentexting is not exclusize to 4chan, but the way you use it is. You are the real summer, buddy. Everyone hates people like you, not only are your posts annoying all of the time, but you take shit, and use it on other sites because "I'm from 4chan xDDDDD. LEGIN xD"
  21. aussiestig

    US 207 got Pwned! =/

    I am scared of someone finding my Ural now. Last night I counted 19 primary weapons, not including the ones me and my 2 team mates took for the night to use.
  22. aussiestig

    Lol Funny Story xD

    Le FTW xD
  23. aussiestig

    Lol the geared chicken syndrome

    Greentexting where there is no greentext, and outside of 4chan. You don't deserve to live.
  24. aussiestig

    Looking for a challenge

    What makes all of these people virgins? Are they not up to your standard? If anything, you just stand out even more as a 'virgin' as you've clearly spent way to much time playing this game. I will hunt you down when I can be bothered, and I'll continue to do it for as long as I like.
  25. aussiestig

    US195 GRID: 016028

    I just raided it after some of you had obviously been there. Got 2 NVG's, an M16A2 M203, and lots of ammo for my our AS50's and M107's.