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Posts posted by MarczXD320

  1. Alright, infecteds before the update were already quite dangerous before the update because they could bleed you but i wasn't expecting that:

    - They do more damage

    - They receive more damage

    - They are more numerous (this one in particular is a big change, now there's a LOT of infected in towns and cities, no more walking on empty streets)

    - Their AI was improved (they have a better tracking ability, if you go on a buldling with 2 doors and one is open the infected will go through that door and enter the bulding)

    - They don't clip in doors anymore (now they actually enter inside buldings to go after you, and that's dangerous because they are not glitched, inside buldings if a lot of zombies get in you are DEAD, no joke)

    - Hordes now are more numerous (this happened before the update but they are more proeminent after, really, i shoot a mag of SG5-K in a guy and there were around 12 infected running in my direction, and i was in a city, not on military base)

    No joke, i'm actually afraid to go and fight against then.


    • Thanks 1

  2. 7 hours ago, xKJCxDaRkMaN said:

    Upgrade. I have a One X with a seagate external 4TB Hard drive. The game runs just fine. Like cmon they run an test everything on a gaming PC im sure that costs more then alot of cars. You really thing this game was made for a OG Xbox One. Im sure it wasn't.

    The Xbox One X is a premium console, it's a optional choice for people who wants more power.

    The original Xbox One and the Xbox One S are the two consoles were the vast majority of people are still playing.

    All the games from the triple A industries are optimized for the main consoles and later enhanced for the X.


  3. No one will backslash you since you only did that to test it, knowing that (at least one way) is fixed is great news, now loot will properly spawn.

    • Thanks 1

  4. Basically they treat this game as a battle royale and everyone you find will most likely shoot you on site. Don't even bother to beg for your life or scream you are friendy, tried so many times that i don'1t even care anymore

    • Like 2
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  5. Heads up, toggle to talk has been removed intentionally because according to the devs it had issues, no ETA on when it will be re-introduced.

    Today's Xbox stream information.

    • Sad 1
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  6. 1 hour ago, pilgrim* said:

    oops!  - there goes the thread ..

    Well, just poiting out that the devs added in later, i made the post before when this fix wasn't mentioned on the changelog.

    But no, it's not the end of the thread, like i said, they always add more than what the changelog says, so if i end up finding something new, i will properly add here, same as everyone whos playing, that's the point of thread after all :s 

    • Beans 1

  7. 1 hour ago, TheYetiBum said:

    Thanks for the heads up dude, been waiting awhile for this fix, god knows why they didnt put it in the patch notes as the FPP communities been begging for the fix. think Bohemia are allergic to praise 😋.

    No problem, like i said, the developers always fix more than what the patch notes says (sometimes it's a important fix or addition like zombies bleeding you, they never mentioned that), i'ii be on the lookout for other new fixes/tweaks and if i find, i'ii be sure to post here, but i would like other players to also do the same thing.

    • Like 1

  8. Well, continuing the trend of fixes and stuff that the devs didn't bothered to mention on the patch notes, i already found one.

    - Hardcore Servers are fixed. Now you properly spawn in first person.

    If you have come across any fix they didn't mentioned write below, as always ,i'ii be updating the topic in case i find a new fix.

    (Devs properly added the hardcore fix in the list, i made the post before this, when it wasn't mentioned)

    • Thanks 1

  9. Lost my two weeks character because i died by falling of a ladder, the worst part was because of the lack of collision on the platform at the side.

    So i was climbing a ladder on a industrial chinmey and up there there was a platform at the side, went all the way, when the character finished the climbing animation he put his foot on the platform, the game didn't recognized that and he fell all the way down, my character lost consciousness and a zombie finished it.

    Is this something the devs are aware and being adressed ? Because i lost my character for a bug.

    In the words of a user on Steam ''Found a bug where when you climb up the ladders of an industrial chimney it doesn't let you on the platform and instead throws you off''

  10. 5 hours ago, Subject_00000 said:


    #7. Survivalist Mode

    Any damage from zombies slowly turns you unless you have a vaccine ,and any body damage you do to yourself (Ex.jump off a high ledge) You have the chance to be permanently hurt till it heals after 3 days in game ,and it would mean players need to be very careful what they do it's either fight ,hide or run. 

    Lore-wise, you are immune to the pathogen, so i don't think they will break the game's lore with that, but i'm 100% on with the hurting stuff though
