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Posts posted by MarczXD320

  1. It's a annoying issue, you can spawn right at the side of someone and that person can kill you and you can't do anything regarding that.

    Just a side note: i'm pretty sure that clips are not avaiable in the 0.63 build yet, because the only gun in the game that would accept then would be the mosin.

  2. I didn't knew about the ''raise hand'' thing, thank you very much for sharing this.

    I confused the ''raise hands'' with the surrender emote lol, sorry for the mistake.

    • Haha 3

  3. For people who don't know, there is indeed a day/night cycle in the game.

    The issue is, that for some odd reason the servers always reset after 90 minutes, so the time of the day in-game keeps reseting too.

    I want to know the reason for that, is this a solution for the in-game server lag ?

  4. Hello everyone.

    So, i want to make a tiny guide, showing how the micromanagment function works, i feel here in the ''new player'' section i a good place to post this, since new players to the game will come here first wanting to know how the game works and such.

    Let's not waste time and get started.

    - Go to your inventory and highlight the iten you want to manage.

    - Hold A in the iten.

    - Now use LT or RT to manage your inventory colunms (vest, backpack, etc)

    - After you choosed the colunm just release A, if it has space left the iten will transfer to that column

    - Done

    A lot of people think this feature doesn't work, it does, but the developers forgot to add a tutorial of how to use it, and yesterday's (depending on the time you reading) they fixed this feature.

    I believe people already did a tutorial of this feature here, but they didn't make a tópic of it though.

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  5. I already found wolves, in the town with a military base nearby a train station, pack of 10+, had to run for my life inside a bulding, luckly the zombies attack any living thing so slowly a horde was gathering (i guess they are attracted to howlings ? might be wrong tho) the entire pack was massacrated lol.

    I have yet to find goats, sheeps, cows, deers, foxes, rabbits etc but i know they are indeed in the xbox one version.

  6. 1 hour ago, Baroni88 said:

    Join the lower servers if you are having difficulties. They seem to be easier to get into and almost no lag. 

    Make sure it has lower population (maybe 15-25 people) 

    No point in joining, if you join in a server with low population the loading screen loads for a few seconds and it kick you back to the server selection

    • Haha 1

  7. 1 minute ago, II AJEARLEY II said:

    Hi @Marco Aurelio123

    If you hold a on a item then move the cursor to another item it will swap them around in your inventory.. There is a bug at the moment where the cursor doesn't visually highlight the next item..

    Hope this clears things up :)



    Thank you AJ, so, it does indeed work ?

    • Like 1

  8. 35 minutes ago, HaseDesTodes said:

    ok, that probably shouldn't be like this, if i understood your problem correctly.

    now the question is, is your wiring correct?

    how are your Xbox, your surround system and your TV connected with each other?

    and what surround system do you use?

    Discovered the reason, very stupid: different from all other games, the sound of other player's voices is linked to the sound of the game, since i don't listen to the sound of the game in my headphone but in my TV, the voice of other players also leaves through the TV, i need to configure my phone to listen to the sound of the game in it, and with this, also other players, first time i saw something like this, kind of stupid.

  9. 49 minutes ago, HaseDesTodes said:

    what "phone"? do you mean your speakers?

    what setup (do you use an AV receiver? how's the wiring?) do you have (i simply assume you got a 7.1 surround setup)?

    and how do you talk to them? on the radio, or directly (you wrote proximity chat, but i just want to make sure you are experiencing non-intentional behavior)?

    if it's on the radio, check if it's really your TV speakers, or maybe your center speaker.

    voices from nearby players should come from the directions they're at, so they definitely should not come from your TV speakers or the center channel. 


    I talk with then directly, they do the same, indeed my speakers, yes, the voices from the players are coming from the direction they are, the difference is, they are coming through the TV, not in the speakers of both sides.

    Sorry for the lack of better expanation, this never happened before.

  10. Hey guys, i want to know if this is a game mechanic or might be related to some configuration of my TV or videogame.

    When people talk using proximity chat their voices come from the TV, not from my phone, i want to know if this a intentional thing or not.

    I'm not using a headset, it's one of those phones with microphones that comes with a cel, don't know if it is related.

    People's voices comes from my phone fine in other games and in a party, only in DayZ it's not like that, firt time i see this happening

  11. Yeah, the servers are suffering a lot of issues:

    - Queue all the time

    - Impossible to connect to small servers (with 20, 10, 5 people) the game just dont load and takes you back to the server screen

    - Host lost connection (both in queue and in-game)

    - When you manage to enter a game, the lag is brutal, and later you lose connection

    I don't know what is happening, maybe there are too many people trying to play at the same time and its overwhelming the servers

    They must look at that ASAP

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