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Posts posted by amadieus

  1. I use the Assault boots too on my current character that is traversing the central land of south Zagoria. So mostly grass and woodland terrain, with some concrete here and there. The amount of kilometers that I traversed is easily similar to crossing the entire map. Currently my boots are worn.

  2. 45 minutes ago, Xnosferatu89x said:

    Why do you keep dodging the suggestion to wipe servers?



    It is confirmed that console servers will be wiped with the patch. 

  3. 2 hours ago, bearjew1101 said:

    With all due respect a “ bit more brighter “ ???? Is quite frankly appalling use of the English language . Please do not try and condescend to me when your command of the English language is that poor . 

    Secondly I believe the word is “ meant “ not ment . 

    Jesus I could go on forever ... however let’s put that aside for a moment. 

    You watched the vid concerning the helis right ? Did that look “ lower quality to you “ my point is you have modders creating content which is truly awesome but the devs themselves cannot seem to get the basic functionality to operate as intended . 

    On consoles it’s a clusterfuck and has been for months. 

    Not a a few bugs to contend with ...

    a complete clusterfuck .

    p.s - what in flyingfuckland is a reeeeeeee ? Genuine question . 

    Pps - it has just occurred to me that your native tongue may not be English , for that you have my condolences . For future reference we can have this debate in either French, Welsh , or German to some degree to avoid any miscommunication . 


    Correct my fellow forum dweller. As a Dutch person, English is not my native language. Nevertheless, my skill in English is ranging from B2 to C1 in the various categories (vocabulary, grammar etc.). But a lack of professional use makes me rusty. Anyway, this is a forum and I assume nobody is that bothered by some hastily written posts. At least I don't, so I won't pick out your mistakes. 

    Also, it was never my intention to be condescending in the first place. It was merely a reaction on your comment stating that I have a ''piss poor IQ''.

    I watched that gameplay, and as I said, I was surprised by how fluent the heli operated. But overall, mods do have a lower quality. And usually this has nothing to do with the skills of the modders, but rather with the limitations of the tools that they are working with. I keenly follow the development of the DayZ expansion mod and I am interested to see how it turns out. I mean, it would be a loss of face for the devs when the modded heli works flawlessly and their version is still nowhere to be seen. 

    Nonetheless, releasing DayZ as a 1.0 on the consoles is of course mind-boggling. But in the end it remains a version tag and it would not change the game's state. It is hard to say if the devs could have foreseen the insane duping problems and what they could have done about it. The only hope is that the 1.04 patch brings significant improvements, because I can imagine that console players want a normal functioning game after all these months.

    The definition of ''reeeeeeee''
    "REEEEEEE" is an onomatopoeic expression of intense rage or frustration typically associated with the Angry Pepe character and used by those who frequent the /r9k/ board on 4chan. The expression is often associated with the Autistic Screeching meme, however it is intended to represent the unique croak produced by several species of frogs when agitated. Additionally, the expression has been combined with the word repost to call out duplicate posts on Reddit, Imgur and other sites.



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  4. 25 minutes ago, bearjew1101 said:

    Jesus .... have iqs suddenly dropped sharply today ??? The point is if the modding  community can manage it , why can’t the devs. Try and keep up . Or failing that don’t comment at all. 

    My bad. Initially I thought you confused the mod stuff as official content that pc players are getting while consoles players still await 1.04. So I wanted to share that most of it won't make it to console anyway, to ease the pain you know. Now it is clear to me that your post was a mere simple "ModDERs cAN DO it, So wHY CAnt tHe DEvs..... reeeeeeeeee"

    So my main mistake was that I'd expected you to be a bit more brighter, so I will explain it to you.

    Game development is not equal to modding. Just because the devs don't push out a helicopter but modders do, doesn't mean the devs can't. Generally modded content is of a lower quality and additionally, the devs need to take into account other factors. Such as the impact on server performance, the relation towards other features in development and elements already present in the game. Modders on the other hand can only be restricted by the tools they have. And yes, I do admit I am surprised by how fluently the chopper was flying. 

    Edit: just to clarify, with my original comment I ment that it is worse for the console players as all that stuff is modded. So you will never see it, with the exception of the chopper. If it was official, you would see it eventually. I can see that you missed that point because of the way I wrote it.

  5. Just like Derleth said, exploring a whole new map will be perfect on itself. So I am not too picky on the location. I do prefer a more North-American terrain (too similar, I know) or southern Europe like Altis.

    Anyhow, besides the map the things I'm interested the most in are possible cross-map improvements. New assets, props, objects for the new map that might be used for Chernarus. We all know that Chernarus looks gorgeous but also has certain ugly objects that are from the Arma2 era. I see this DLC as the perfect opportunity to update Chernarus as a free platform update, similar to BI's style with Arma3 DLC. A new map for people that are willing to pay and improvements to Chernarus for all players. Not sure if it will happen, but we haven't had a map update in a while, even though we still have all these theme park props, overgrown buildings, doors and Windows(?) that have to be re-done and a NE airfield waiting for a rework. All this might happen in some sort of pre-Christmas patch + DLC. 

    Of course, just speculating for the most part.


    • Like 1

  6. Patches are coming on average every six weeks, so next week could be a possibility. But the week of the 5th of August might have the patch as well. 

    12 minutes ago, rickyriot said:

    Are there any notes on what 1.05 will (or won't) contain.

    No, we only know that vaulting/climbing is in the works right now and thus might come with 1.05.

  7. 52 minutes ago, Jonas Levin said:

    Well, I guess there are different opinions on that my man.

    And they said that they console version will have to wait 3 weeks longer for the updates then the pc-version - we are almost 3 months behind right now and I will say that that warrants some serious criticism!

    If you dont agree then enjoy 1.02 and stay focused on that. 🙂

    Well yeah, because of console specific issues that they want to fix. Feel free to criticize them if it stays like this, but the reasons why console players have a longer wait this time around, is clear.

    No, I'm on the pc. But we also only know that a new patch is inbound because the Twitter account says the experimental servers are going offline. 

  8. 2 hours ago, Jonas Levin said:

    @ImpulZ Right now it would be _very_ fair to actually let us have some real information about what is going on.

    As Bent.Toe points out, it does not have to be great news - but just keep us in the loop instead of this joke.

    You guys pretty much screwed us on the 1.03 and we have not seen any updates for month even though you guys stated that we are "3 weeks behind the pc-version"  (yeah right, we are more then 3 weeks after 1.04 for pc and we STILL have not even seen 1.03......) so right about now would be a really good time to actually spill the beans.

    This is turning into a real bad joke by now and any kind of info could be seen as good damage reduction which would be the professional thing to do after pretty much ignoring the console-people for 2-3 months.

    Jeez relax.... They have said why the console versions will have to wait longer for the patches and they have answered console specific questions tons of times. And you should know that they most certain submitted the patch for verification last week for an expected release this week. 

    So no, you don't need any _real_ information. It drops when it drops.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1

  9. 11 minutes ago, Kirov (DayZ) said:

    Exactly. Even with stuff like base raiding I'm in favour of 'authenticity', meaning 'yes, you can dismantle a wooden wall with a sledgehammer/axe'. Because my overall attitude towards griefed bases is 'learn to hide your shit better, this is a huge map'. You don't like it? Fine, there are both community servers with an explicit base raid ban, and mods which make it so much more difficult (by introducing special tools etc). But the baseline should be a 'gritty survival horror game'.

    There will be so many servers for casual pvpers to choose from, anyway.


    What a nonsense.... You build a base that you spend many hours on to just be dismantled by some griefers within 15 minutes. This has nothing to do with hardcore, only unbalance. Also, It is impossible to hide a base, it will be find eventually. Raiding should be difficult and time consuming. Raiding a base should be (time-wise) just as intensive as fixing up a car. 

    • Beans 1

  10. 3 minutes ago, NiK95 said:

    no fractures ?! no fishing? no bears? no bows? no traps? no helis? I'm really disappointed. Thank you for a finished but halved game. Had expected more from Bohemia.

    No reason to jump to conclusions. 

    However, it would be great if Impulz could give a comment on what we can expect from the list on missing/upcoming content, and if anything is being scrapped.

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    • Beans 1

  11. 1 hour ago, ImpulZ said:

    Parity with 0.62 and the DayZ Mod – full parity isn't possible because of the engine specifics

    What does this mean though? Is stuff being scrapped that was on the list for 1.0 and post 1.0 content/features?

    • Like 3

  12. Bipods and the tpg-1 are not in the original game at the moment. Both the weapon and the bipod are from mods. So it completely depends if that mod supports a bipod function.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1

  13. 1 hour ago, Kathosky said:

    This is minor right now but still seems weird: since 1.04 update I have not seen any rain at all.

    I also take the opportunity to suggest that lightnings and thunders need to be in the game sometime.

    Ha, I am on the RunningmanZ server and it rains non-stop over there

  14. My idea would to keep the versatility of the duct tape, but only let it fix badly damaged (orange) items till damaged state (yellow). 

    But like Aux7 mentioned, a lot of stuff gets damaged too fast! Like silencers and clothes. Not sure about shoes though. I had combat boots still pristine after walking around quite a bit, but my sneakers were ruined after after just traversing some forest area near the beach. Guess it depends heavily on what you wear.

  15. 21 hours ago, Asmondian said:

    Thanks for your feedback dude. I really appreciate that you took the time.

    About some methods to avoid the base griefing (people destroying everything just because they can), while I agree that is something that need to be addressed in some way, its quite hard to find a mechanism to limit a player behaviour without losing some of that absolute freedom that, at least in my book, a game like Dayz should have. Thats why I just can´t imagine some kind of base ownership, restricted area or claiming system (I think SCUM had implemented something like this recently). I think the key of a balanced base building feature and endgame should be  focused on making things harder, never imposible.

    IMO, a more natural aproach to this could be limiting the tools that you could use to dismantle the walls to, for example, only the crowbar. Seems reasonable since you are dismantiling a wall and getting all the materials back (nails, planks, metal) we can assume that it won´t happen if you use a hatchet for this task. The problem in this case would be for the base "buildier" that would require 2 different tools to reposition a wall or if you want to recycle some items. Same if you alter or assign a very high damage to that same tool when you dismantle walls. Maybe if we have a more balanced base building system in general, we would take griefing just as part of a fair gameplay since the griefer put more effort, skill or just outsmart us to get inside our base.

    Thanks again!

    ''that absolute freedom''

    I completely agree with this! That's why I would not use the same system that other survival games have. In the suggestion I made everyone should be able to build within the claimed area, the person that planted the flag pole/plot sign, his clan mates and other random players. Only difference is that the objects placed by the clan within the circle will not have any dismantle option, whereas walls from a random still can be dismantled as he is not part of the clan that placed the plot sign. So it would not limit other players, but still remove the dismantling issue and also give a feel of ownership without being to restrictive. 

    However, I like the crowbar idea as well. But as you said, it makes the life of the base owner more difficult as well. 

    Nevertheless, something has to be done about the dismantling issue. Even with all great your suggestions, it still would be way too awful to have your whole base gone after a guy(s) broke down one wall. Even though it took them much more effort than it does now. 

    • Thanks 1

  16. A perfect list of suggestions, thank you for taking the time to type it out in such detail!

    Base building is an important endgame feature, that sadly is still so unbalanced that it is not worth it on vanilla servers, even after half a year since release. All the suggestions you mentioned would have an tremendous positive effect on balancing base building into something worthwhile. I am even positively surprised that some issues already got resolved, such as stacking planks or crawling through the lower part of the wall. Didn't even know that.... Last time I build a base was with 1.01. 

    Perhaps I missed it, but I would also suggest something against the dismantling by other players. As you would know, currently players can easily dismantle it from the inside out. While dismantling should be an option for the base owners to adjust something, replace a section or whatever. I have been brainstorming a bit on this and took as starting point the system that most survival games use. Placing a sign that will claim a certain area. Now that would not directly fit into the world of DayZ. So I came with this:

    A player can craft a certain 'clan document' by combining a regular piece of paper with a 'still to be determined ítem (rope perhaps to make it some sort of booklet?)'. Using a pen, the player that crafts the document can invite others to his clan.

    Next, every player can craft a certain flag pole, or plot sign and plant it into the ground. When doing so, this person claims all the ground in the area (250 meter for example) of the flag pole/plot sign. Now all the things he builds within that circle cannot be dismantled by other players that are not part of the clan. Only he can do so, or his clan mates through the clan document. People can still build everywhere, and a flag pole/plot sign is not a necessity, it only removes the dismantle option on building items for people that are not part of the clan that constructed those walls/watchtowers within that circle. Meaning that walls from a random player still can be dismantled as he is not part of the clan that placed the plot sign. This solution would not limit players, but still removes the dismantling issue and also give a feel of ownership without being to restrictive. 

    Perhaps this suggestion requires a lot of work for just disabling the dismantling option, and there are possibly more quicker development options out there. However, I think that as a bonus it does create a more of a feel that you claim a certain place as your home. Nevertheless, the dismantle option is something that needs to be addressed in its current state. 

    Again, thanks for writing out all your suggestions. I really hope the Devs take notice! @ImpulZ

    • Thanks 2

  17. 16 minutes ago, bent.toe said:

    So when you spawn your not the character you pick at main screen? 

    You choose a character from the main menu and then spawn with that character. However, when you die and respawn you will have a random. Unless you leave the server and go into the main menu again.
