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Posts posted by Spadis

  1. I still think people are getting the wrong end of the stick.

    This thread could be closed as far as im concerned, as my questions have been answered.

    All I was suggesting was having non-pvp zones in a game.

    Not everyone's game, just mine, just as a test.

    That's against the rules, and now I know that.

    I was making a suggestion and now feel very alienated for trying to contribute.

  2. Don't look at it as:

    I'm paying for a server so we have a place to play.

    Look at it as:

    I'm paying for a server to help the DayZ community' date=' I do not expect anything back from this, I would just like to be a part of this amazing masterpiece of development and gameplay mechanics.

    I've been running UK4 for almost a couple of months now, and regularly myself or my friends are not able to log in, no problem I find another UK server to play on.

    The time and effort I've spent working on/improving/testing the server and it's environment is recompense enough for the actual hosting - and the thanks I get from the community as a whole for providing yet another place for them to play is a happy bonus for me.

    I gladly follow the rules set by rocket, and as he once said (paraphrased because I forget the exact wordings):

    Hosting a server is fine. Having access to HIVE is a privilege that can be revoked if you do not follow the rules. You're doing this to aid development and help the community grow.

    A very altruistic approach to server hosting yes, but it's in the spirit of the mod and in my eyes a way forward for gaming as a whole.

    Too many times have I joined other game servers to be restricted in my actions by some overbearing micro-managing overly aggressive admins who saw themselves as the outright almighty, their word was gospel.

    Well dayz takes it a level higher, Rockets word is Gospel.

    And as stated before: if you do not like the rules, reconsider hosting.


    Thank you for giving some good words of advice.

    The main reason for me wanting to host was to have a server in which I could get to know the regular players and to help build a clan/team up.

    If I can't make some changes to the rules I am fine with that in all honesty. One of the main reasons also was so that I could add another UK server to the list, as most are full most of the time.

  3. The silly thing here is people are jumping on me for things I haven't said.

    I understand this game is in alpha still, and that its being tested, but that still doesn't mean that servers shouldn't experiment. Isn't that the point of testing? To try new things and see what works? It seems like more rules and harder game play is being forced on players, with the recent increase to the minimum slots for new servers being 40 (Limiting the chance of getting on a low pop server to grasp the basics if you're new).

    And the fact that you don't start with a weapon now.

    Adam in reponce to you're "Self-entitled buddies remark." Can you honestly say that you think a main admin and person the funds the server shouldn't not have 100% free access to his/her own server, even in the event of policing the server? That with the current rules as they are, if I hosted and hackers were messing my 40/40 slot server, I would have to wait to join? That seems stupid to me, really really stupid.

    I never said id kick people to get my friends/clan members into a server, I personally like this rule, but the exception to the rules should be that admin's have priority, not a whole clan or admin's but a rule like this, "If no admin is present on the host's server, a player can be removed so an admin my join the server."

    All I don't want to happen is for me to pay for a few months of running a server, then a week later find out that more rules are going into place. And I just wanted to find out the extent of the control I could have over the rules on a server. I can't dictate to players about pvp, that's not a problem. Doesn't mean that I wont try something within the rules anyway, I suppose that way I am testing the game more.

  4. I think the main point I don't really understand is why the rules are so specific?

    Regarding the whole no kicking for friends/clan members I kind of understand, I don't think this is right 100% because server host's should have some benefit for running a server.

    Would me or the admin's I choose to help me have to sit and wait for a spot if the server I/we pay X amount of money for a month is full?

    What I don't understand is what benefit do server host have?

    It says in the rules "Clans can call that server there home" but what's the point if you don't have rights to you own server?

    What's the point if you can't set some rules out for you're own server?

    If say I wanted to set the rule that pvp couldn't take place in cherno or elektro to give players a chance at meeting up players and forming groups as opposed to beginners walking into towns and getting there brains blown out? This would also promote pvp to take place in other areas as it seems like most pvp takes place in the NW airfield and the two major towns.

    If players killed in the main towns they would get a warning in case it was friendly fire and if the continued a kick from the server. They could re-join but would be kicked if they continued ect.

    Would that not mix things up a little?

  5. Player A obviously wasn't friendly? You want people to work in teams against others but you don't want to allow 1 on 1? You can't dictate how others play.

    I understand what you mean. The point I was trying to get across was that I would want the server to be focused on players working with each other, which would lead to group pvp.

    Take yesterday for example. I was low on blood and asked for help from other player. The first response I got was from a player telling me I had just painted a target on my head.

    I would want an atmosphere where players could work together towards a common goal without being deceived by others.

    There are plenty of server out there that are full on pvp servers, nothing against the rules. Would it be so bad if a few servers bucked the trend and allowed players that don't want to be shot ever time they encounter another player, or want to work with a team of people?

  6. I'm considering renting/hosting my own server, but I have a few concerns before I jump in to running my own server.

    The game is incredible, like nothing I have ever played before.

    But if I was to run my own server, how much control would I have?

    Here's an example of what I mean.

    I would want the server to focus more on team pvp as opposed to player A and player B are hunting around for supplies in the same area.

    Player A see's player B looking for some ammo in a store.

    Player B is Friendly.

    Player A is also friendly, but doesn't know that player B is friendly.

    Player A doesn't want to risk dying so chooses to shoot player B.

    Player B dies and get angry thus quitting the server.

    I would like to have the server so that you can join and openly ask to team up with people, and if someone abused this, they would get kicked for a time before they could rejoin.

    I want the server to focus more on working as a team against others, and if a player/small group of players are bandits raiding a town, they have to state that they intend on raiding a town/base.

    What sort of control would I have? Please refrain from replying "No you can't do that." I'd appreciate some advice on the extent of admin/host control.

    Don't get me wrong, the game is great and I know the dev's want a certain experience across all servers, but what I don't get is take battlefield 3 for example. The dev's want player to have this intense 'realistic combat' experience, but don't limit server hosts to have a 64 player knife only 10,000 ticket conquest match on metro.

    I'm not sure why a few different types of servers are out there.

    Thank you in advance.


  7. After an entire day of playing I have still never found a gun. Even being visibly unarmed I have never come across another player who did not kill me.

    They can be close enough to clearly see I have no weapon but they kill me anyway. I suspect the near total lack of loot recently has made people desperate.

    One day I hope to find a gun so I can defend myself but suspect I will lose interest long before that.

    The reason I am so low on blood at the moment was because of this reason. I got killed and started again, made a mad dash into electro and managed to find an AK with some ammo, not before getting beat on pretty bad. And that's where I am now. Low ammo and no blood. I need someone else to help me out, but what's to stop them from blowing my brains out for my loot?

  8. I've been playing Dayz for around a week now, and i'm more or less loving it.

    Easily the best mod I have ever played.

    The only really big issue I have with Dayz is with the pvp.

    Don't get me wrong, the tension and suspense you get when you see another player/players is crazy. Are they going to shoot me? Should I shoot them? Should I try and make a run for it?

    The problem comes when I want to make allies.

    I've had to open fire on players that have tried killing me, and I feel bad for the 5 people that I had to kill, even though they may have been out to kill me. And this is the issue. Where they trying to kill me because they thought I might kill them?

    Currently my character is held up with 4500 blood in a pub in electro, and I badly need a blood trans. I even went as far as to ask players to help me, but was met with people telling me I had painted a target on my head. Would it not be a good idea to implement some mechanic to the game to show that you are friendly? I currently feel like I can't trust another player in the game, apart from the two friends I play with.

    I understand this is part of the game, but I feel like I will eventually become an outlaw. I would really like to show people that I want to help, but how can they trust me?
