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Everything posted by eno

  1. eno

    Combination lock...

    I’ll say the same thing here that I said there- This is so fucking stupid.
  2. eno

    Stable Update 1.02

    This is so fucking stupid. What the fuck is experimental even for? Sorry but this is just idiotic. Rufus that is not at all pointed at you, btw.
  3. eno

    How was your Day(Z)?

    I made it back in and was able to meet up with Bam and Oli in Svet for a little rochambeau. We had our blue armbands on and were hoping to provide some support to fresh spawns working off the coast and heading inland. We picked a high pop server in hopes this would help accelerate our exposure to doing Helpy Helper things. We took up our stations to cover as much of Svet as possible. I had my attention to the east beach that swerves over to Berezkhi to the North while the other two had their eyes on Svet proper. It didn't take long for us to start getting restless and I ended up heading down to meet Bam on the docks. "Freshie here... he's just coming along then docks from Riffy." "Rgr-" He made it to the guardhouse as I approached from the north, but then there were sudden intermittent single gunshots immediately to the west in the hills. "Was that at you?" I called over to Bam as I headed into the hills to the west, sweeping around to the north to flank. "No I don't think so... I'm in a sea can- I think they're shooting at the freshie?" "Oli you got anything?" "I'm looking... looking at the ridge on the north side of town." "I see him! He's got his weapon up... he's aiming at something. He's on the rocks just behind the guard shack." "On my way- flanking NE." "Okay- I see him," Oli announced from further south across town. He had a CR-527 he wanted to dust off and was putting the hunter scope to good use. "Taking the shot-" There was a couple second delay for the sound to reach me so I realized Oli was still quite a distance away. That would be relevant to me if it came time to get some cover fire from him if things went stupid. "I missed that shot... I was way low- Wait... there's 2 guys there. They're both running along the ridge to the west." I shifted my flanking path slightly. "Okay, I'll head over towards the train station and try and cut them off there." The guys apparently stopped a couple times to try and figure out who shot at them- but I couldn't see them as I approached the ridge. They dropped out of sight of all of us and my pressure started to build as I hunkered down trying to blend into a tree with my "loud" blue / white tiger stripe police outfit. "They're headed up the hill... I can't see them." "Rgr." I sat motionless, watching towards the ridge that was to the south of me... thinking these two were going to come into view and transition from my left to right. "Fuck... Footsteps are close..." I 3PP viewed around a little but had to wrestle my view around branches... I didn't want to move. "Okay, I have both of them- they're past me and heading east." "East?!" Bam sounded like he was spitting out his drink. "They're coming back to th-..." "Sorry, North. I meant North." "Oh okay." "They've gone past the rocks out of my sight but I'm on the move." A few minutes passed with no contact. Bam and I joined up after almost killing each other on 2 separate occasions and started to track more to the west as we approached the top of the hill. "I've got them again," Oli announced from his vantage point. "One of them is standing out in the open with binoculars... the other is behind a tree." "Which tree?" I asked. "Which TREE?!" Oli retorted. "Sorry... I mean- what general location? Any landmarks?" "Oh- yeah they're almost under the radio tower." That was way further west than we were so it was time to get a jag on. "I'm taking a shot-" Couple seconds... "Fuck... that was WAY low. What is going on with these sights? I can't hit anything?" Oli is one of our best marksmen so something in this last patch has thrown him off. We didn't have time to settle that one. "They're on the run back up the hill again towards the tower. "We're on it..." Bam and I had traversed the top of the ridge. "We're about 2 towers length to the east." Oli was thinking out loud. "What's this now? Is that a tent I see? Quite a bit west of the tower but not as far as the tents. I see a car tent and a military tent." "I think we know who's camp that is..." Bam and I skulked past the radio tower and back down the west side along the yellow route. He's better at games than I am so after sitting on the tents for a few minutes waiting for our two new friends to show up he approached while I stood to. "Nothing much in here... I'll take a few of these though." We found ourselves short on FX mags so he grabbed a few of those and we put those tents on our list of "things to do" for later. With no sign of any movement after about 10 minutes of scouring the area we pulled back to the beach and resume our mission of mercy. "I wonder what happened to that freshie?" I said over my shoulder to Bam as we trotted through the woods. As we emerged from the treeline the body of a dead fresh spawn laying on the docks- far from any crane. Far from any crane so not a suicide and probably not the same guy, we knew... But that shit is still going on and we're going to keep trying to stop it.
  4. nevermind... this isn't worth the time. Good luck in getting a dev response.
  5. eno

    strange bullet holes

    Well obviously you have all the answers so problem solved.
  6. Look into the resource monitor in windows... configure it to monitor cpu loading and play some DayZ and you will have your answer.
  7. eno


    Yeah- except it has an actual destination.
  8. eno

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Like many we've been tip toeing through the latest patch trying to make the most out it. It was off to a bit of a rocky start when Bam worked out a trade over in the trading post for an SVD. He put it down for a second next to a tent in Tisy and it disappeared on him. My guy was still down in Sol on the coast from a patrol we'd done earlier. That patrol with Bam had been uneventful other than the fact that he shot me by accident with his then coveted KA as I tangled with a zob ... I was lucky to survive that one but I did. "Don't get mad at me for shooting you; thank me for saving you!" I'm not really a "glass is half full" kind of guy... So we're back in it again... I was heading back to Svet from Sol and Bam was making his way from Tisy. I was just on some random official just trying to make the distance and didn't take any time looting. I ran through the trees on the hill north of the factory, bypassed to the west of Niznoye and cut a little bit east to the north of the orchard there. There's a small wooden barn there and I have zero idea what made me want to just go and check out that one barn... The slight chance that someone parked a finished car in it maybe? I can't remember. I popped the door open and it was like the door didn't open. "Stupid fucking game glitch what the fuck is-" Oh wait... "There's actually a fence built there?" I checked around the other entrances and each had a fence built. "There's a little base here," I said to Bam as he kept running in from out West. "You going to check it out?" "Yeah... but I'm going in the cheesy way." If people can ghost into our base then I'm happy to ghost into someone else's so I bumped around a couple times and ended up spawning back into the original server. While the timer ticked down I thought out loud about fortifying a structure on a high traffic area may be a great trap to set for geared players... just wait there for them to ghost in and kill them to take their gear. Easy peasy. I also realized I was in a somewhat high traffic area and that this could be exactly what was about to happen to me. 3...2...1... I'm in... Quick look around- no players but there was a generator and a couple of sea chests sitting in the corner. Relieved and just wanting to get out of there (knowing the only way in is to ghost in so expecting a surprise any second) I just grabbed the first sea chest and bounced back to our server. I stashed it and went back to grab the other one. Spawning in 90 seconds... ...3...2...1... *Thump *Thump *Thump. Wtf? Occasionally when I spawn into our normal base I'll hear this weird clanging like something being thrown into a chain link fence so originally that's what I thought had happened. Sometimes there are weird sound glitches (or used to be) when people logged out ranging from gun shots to doors closing... I wrote it off. I shuffled over to the second sea chest practically cracking my knuckles in front of me as I get ready to heave this sea chest up over my shoulders. This was a good find. I grabbed it (full, I might add) and noticed the *Thump * Thump *Thump was still happening. "That's weird," I thought as I hit the log off button and my character sat down... Just as my finger was drifting towards the mouse button to click exit some movement caught my eye- before I could stop myself I realized it was a guy trying to smash into the fence with a hatchet- Click. Fuck. Was that his last strike? Is he going to break in and kill me? Fortunately, he'd started smashing the top of the fence first... if he'd started at the bottom he'd have already been in there and probably would have dealt me a nasty surprise when I spawned back in. Spawning in 90 seconds... Or am I?
  9. eno


    I don't know to be honest- there's so much food in game right now I haven't bothered to test it.
  10. eno

    Stable Update 1.02

    I think the catalyst for (my) frustration is that nothing has changed since my earliest days of Early Access other than the fact that I had to acknowledge it was an unfinished game every time I logged on back until December. Now I don't have to do that anymore. Things got a polish but we lost 2/3rds of the content and what's worse it's 2/3rds of the content that guys in experimental and stable already helped to fix during 5 years of grinding early access. And that content is truly lost since it wasn't ported over to the new engine and needed to be "enhanced" or whatever the smart person speak for it is... Many of the people who were most passionately engaged in the bug mashing on experimental since early access are exhausted and I suspect that passion was a perishable commodity. I am highly doubtful that enthusiasm for testing and bug reporting will be regenerated by the new induction of players across Xbox and PC. Experimental just evolved into a separate hive of throw away characters where people can fuck around... why would they want to do homework afterwards? Generally they don't... and the people who used to have been enlightened to the futility of it. It's like: "Drive the car and report your findings in sufficient detail that they may be used to make that car better." "What do you want me to do?" "Anything." "Anything?" "Yes, but report your findings." "Which findings?" "The ones you find." "Okay, but how do you want me to report them?" "In the greatest detail." "Greatest... detail?" "We need to know the road you're on, the speed you're driving, the temperature of the air, pressure in the tires, the music you're listening to and how many hands you had on the wheel." "That sounds like a lot of work." "It's progress." "How will my findings be used?" "They won't be since we're introducing a whole new car next year." Sounds almost Clarke and Dawe... Which is funny until you live it.
  11. eno

    Stable Update 1.02

    @schwaBAM Our group is also experiencing these two issues... one guy put down his svd and it evaporated. and we ended up having to cut our original lock since it didn’t work after the patch and put another one on from the inventory. That one worked for a bit but then didn’t last night. I’m not sure how it is that I paid about 30 bucks for this game about 5 years ago, have played over 2000 hours of it since and still am made to feel like I’m getting robbed and pissed on with every - single- update... but it is a feeling that BI is getting exceedingly good at perpetuating. I do look forward to getting into the game for the hard choices that need to be made during player and environment interactions- But surviving the patch glitches has always been an exhausting and excruciating endeavor and having to tolerate them has become the true brand of DayZ.
  12. eno

    Trading Post

    I haven’t been at tisy for over a month but last time I was there I walked away with 10 mags for bondi. He said he didn’t need them so I dumped them since none of us had an svd at the time. But yeah mags must be on the back end of the loot cycle on official servers or something... in your travels at tisy did you see a metric fuck ton of some other item? Eventually I predict you will need to hand carry a backpack to pick up all the svd mags you find. Provided of course you don’t put your svd down and have it evaporate on you. Oh, wait...
  13. eno


    When you grow plants sometimes they get covered in bugs. The disenfectant dealt with that otherwise bugs would ruin a bunch of your crop.
  14. eno


    thought alcohol tincture was for disenfecting rags / sewing kits etc and disenfectamt spray for plants
  15. eno

    hs zombie info

    Something bigger than your thumb... ie: Rule of thumb.
  16. eno

    strange bullet holes

    An invisible hacker. Or Some dude on a balcony across the street took some pot shots at you... Thought he killed you or drew attention to himself and decided to beat cheeks out of there. Not sure what the big mystery is... You got shot at in DayZ.
  17. eno

    Trading Post

  18. eno

    Server Choice

    I’m doubtful there is such a thing.
  19. eno

    Returning Player

    And handheld optics don’t currently work in stable.
  20. Yeah the network bubbles have existed since I remember and I don’t recall them ever having been fixed. I put a barrel down and guys I’m playing with - within a couple hundred meters anyway- remark that they get a bump. There’s wind bumps and darkness bumps and weather bumps where the server is raining and the client isn’t. Nothing but pure amazing from our silent friends in the devgru.
  21. As a stable official only player I’m not interested in even trying out the night light. I appreciate that they’re looking into different ways to manage the issue and very happy to see they started at the most ridiculous adaptation and will hopefully evolve to something just a tad more realistic. I’m sure nothing other than pure vanilla night will be good enough for some idiots who run an empty server with much zombies because for some reason the number of zombies isn’t good enough in vanilla but the night is- but having sex lights under my character’s balls doesn’t strike me as the fix that is appropriate for the game. People who have more than 2 brain cells have figured out the gamma correction anyway so why not just pull back on the night shift just a little.
  22. The was the suggested base / storage wipe lane map too, wasn't it?
  23. eno

    Next patch wipe

    Stable wipes now would officially merge us with the early access bullshit we used to have to acknowledge and accept every single time we played. They wipe stable now that they filled their pockets with money at Christmas and dropped a full release dud on us and I suggest we burn the world down.
  24. eno

    Locking barrels

    Well true but... you CAN find a place to stash (though it takes a ridiculous amount of time) them but you CAN’T lock them... My point was more about the fact that it’s the only measure of locking we currently have- whether it’s desirable or not.
  25. You’re welcome back anytime you know!