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Everything posted by THEGordonFreeman

  1. THEGordonFreeman

    Add money- banknotes to DayZ (PS4)

    They can't get to all the spam messages because they are too busy silencing dissenters and those not drinking the BI Koolaid. I was in BI Jail for quite awhile, and it wasn't the first time either. They do not like me calling them out on the vehicle debacle they created. At first, I wasn't going to post, but I messaged Impulse about a vehicle that turned out to be bogus and he "graciously" allowed me to post again. The rules on this forum are the worst joke ever, almost as bad as the acting in their Reforger launch video. God, that was embarrasing. Literally, our local podunk theater group could have done a better job. So the forum is cluttered with people name calling and spam, and I get put in jail for reminding BI at every turn how shitty their car physics are and the fact that server exploit STILL exists in the game. Some servers are still getting shit on via this stupidly simple exploit. Nice going guys. It makes so much sense.
  2. THEGordonFreeman

    Add money- banknotes to DayZ (PS4)

    Careful Parazite. You will quickly find yourself in DayZ Jail as I have several times here for stating any truth (ie CRITICISM) of the establishment here.
  3. THEGordonFreeman

    Console Creator DLC

    Can someone explain how new math works because those numbers don't add up using regular math. 50,000 hours in 3 years is an impossibility. I guess I'd be "board" too trying to find the missing 24,000 hours or so.
  4. THEGordonFreeman

    DayZ Server Multiple IPs on a single machine?

    Just run it on different ports with the same IP. It's really simple if you just use Omega Manager. It will practically do everything for you, just make sure the ports are open on your Windows Firewall, that is all.
  5. THEGordonFreeman

    oceania server need assistance

    Based on your username alone, I am certain you will get quality people to help.
  6. THEGordonFreeman

    Stable Update 1.18

    LOL! You even call it "the damn thing". Thanks for making my point!
  7. THEGordonFreeman

    Stable Update 1.18

    I would venture a guess that over the years, you would be in the minority.
  8. THEGordonFreeman

    Stable Update 1.18

    More comedy from BI.
  9. THEGordonFreeman

    Stable Update 1.18

    I have issues reported from years ago with no duplicates on at least two of them that still exist in the game today, and they have never been acknowledged. I see alot of what you are saying, and agree with some of your points; however, this is yet ANOTHER failure of BI to properly handle the feedback tracker. They need more than one person on it and they need to engage the community more about it and how to properly work it; otherwise, as you detailed it and what I call it are correct... the pointless tracker.
  10. THEGordonFreeman

    Stable Update 1.18

    I normally would agree with you, but in this case, this is TOTALLY BI's fault. They failed to make sure they had secure, LEGITIMATE connections to their server. 100% their fault. Scripters are expoiting the most basic of weaknesses to ruin and hold hostage servers. Battleye has little to do with this. This was just stupid of the devs... plain and simple. Like I said, simple executables or scripts are available right now for free on the open internet to crash and ruin any server you wish. All you need is an IP and Port and that's it.
  11. THEGordonFreeman

    DayZ Update 1.18

    And just so we are clear... I've been thinking since 2014. 😉
  12. THEGordonFreeman

    DayZ Update 1.18

    Spot on. I think you meant to say "Game devs are worse than politicians." 🙂
  13. THEGordonFreeman

    Stable Update 1.18

    I call it the pointless tracker.
  14. THEGordonFreeman

    Stable Update 1.18

    Actually, you are SPOT ON with your question. Why the hell are they spending any time on Steam Achievements? or new hats, or Grenade Launchers, or any of that stuff when major features of the game are either broke, or just "mostly working"? Or how about the CONTINUED server security exploits that scripters use to completely 0WN servers by filling their database full of junk. Their are two actual apps you can download FOR FREE to destroy ANY DayZ server.... FREE. Even Public Official servers. Nothing has been done about these exploits for years, and once the calamity happened several months ago and BI acknowledged it, they've still done nothing.
  15. THEGordonFreeman

    DayZ Update 1.18

    So what is the information regarding the vehicle simulation? Was it just to tell us that it looks promising but it's not included in this patch? That is extremely, EXTREMELY lame. Could you not have just made a separate announcement about that and maybe give a few details. Why do you consistently show something shiny and new like a new gun, or hat, but then slap everyone down by "oh, that feature that has been broken for years, and years, well, it's still broken, maybe next time.... duh...huh...huh." I know I have been very critical of you guys, but you constantly do the same thing over and over... here's something shiny and new, but the thing you really want is still cooking, and then GIVE NO INFORMATION as to what it is that you are doing about it. My signature is still relevant today as it was in 2018.
  16. THEGordonFreeman

    My Community Server is backlogging all players!

    Go to an old backup, or delete them and start over. There are no utilities to fix broken files. Are you on a Hard Drive, SSD, or NVME drive?
  17. THEGordonFreeman

    My Community Server is backlogging all players!

    Your files are corrupt,
  18. THEGordonFreeman

    The Awesome Vehicle Thread

    The standard has been set by Hello Games. That company and their biggest game went from a complete disaster to a full tilt community driven masterpiece. The devs are all over the community answering questions, working on issues in tandem with end users. I mean, they created a lemon shitshow and turned it into a first class lemonade Vegas act. but with BI, it's wish in one hand and crap in the other to see which on gets filled faster when it comes communication.
  19. THEGordonFreeman

    The Awesome Vehicle Thread

    The title is a bit of sarcasm. Based on the response from Impulz to my and others arguments within the Experimental thread, I have moved the conversation about just how awful vehicles are in their current state here. Console players, feel free to join in as I know you guys are suffering as well. My entire argument is we have been told that vehicles would be fixed and let's hope before the end of the year as it was pointed out by Parazight that support for the game lasts through the end of this year and we have not been told if BI will support it further. Vehicles have been broken for years and little if anything has been done to address the issue. This is fact, nobody should blow up over this statement as a given truth about DayZ. In general, vehicles work OK as long as the pop stays low and their are not a lot of bases in the vehicle vicinity. But vehicles can and will move around even on low pop servers. If two people are in a vehicle and one has a crappy internet connection, in my experience in particular if it is the driver, you can expect to be launched and die eventually. Many community servers are using mods to work around the terrible results from the current vehicle implementation. They use mods like "No Vehicle Damage" or "Car Cover" to keep vehicles from getting destroyed along with their occupants/gear and to remove the vehicle from the simulation so it doesn't move around or disappear until you are ready to use it. The purpose for this thread is for the community to demonstrate just how horrible vehicles are so that new players thinking about buying DayZ can look at what BI calls a finished product and understand just exactly what they will be getting into. So feel free to post videos and tell us your horrible vehicle stories. I would encourage community server admins and hosters to put their two cents in as well. If you've experienced nothing but good things about vehicles, then feel free to tell us. To help gather information, please include what the server pop was, were their bases nearby, did people have crappy internet? As much detail as possible. To start with, here's a video with the current state of DayZ vehicle in 2021.
  20. THEGordonFreeman

    The Awesome Vehicle Thread

    Ummm... the flying vehicle issue in Reforger is TOTALLY different than DayZ. Since BI doesn't communicate with it's community any longer the best theory going is this is a bug where if the driver disconnects while currently moving the vehicle will maintain velocity and continue to move in the direction it was until another player gets in the driver seat to resume physics simulation ecause even after the player leaves, the vehicle does not return to the server's ownership and continues to give the player ownership and, in doing so, input even though they no longer exist. Completely different from waht is happening in DayZ where vehicles are client side PERIOD as it exists today. Seriously, I jsut want to see them fix something of substance in DayZ. The 1.18 patch does not address Vehicles or even more importantly, Server Exploits.
  21. THEGordonFreeman

    Left Trigger ADS pleaseeeee!!

    You're just a delusional fan boy.
  22. THEGordonFreeman

    controversial opinion

    It takes a while to build a base, and while it is risky to loot for base raiding supplies, it still only takes a few minutes to get inside most bases. The best servers I have been playing on are the ones with NO base building and have a lore with places to explore and traps and such. You forget all about waste building.
  23. THEGordonFreeman

    Idea: What if bases would only load for online players?

    This is so on point. Farming in this game is a true tragedy. Another mechanic that should have been thought out more. It's too simple. There should be a lot more variation in the amount of food you get and if it is diseased or not, and there should literally only be a few packets of seed of each variety in the server economy at any given moment. But overall it does feel like farming simulator as it sits in vanilla at the moment. But let's be real, DayZ has it's roots in Arma, so the survival aspect of the game has always been an addon. The gunplay due to those roots in Arma is what people have always enjoyed. It feels real, weighty. That's what draws you in. People saying PvE is what make DayZ fun are kidding themselves. Other than the shooter aspect of this game everything else is just tacked on to make to get more people playing it and fodder for the PvP guys. Don't get me wrong, I still love it, but Christ Almighty, what I would not give for a competent company to put a true survival situation together. I am still hoping for Dead Matter to resurrect itself and be that game that does it right.
  24. THEGordonFreeman

    Idea: What if bases would only load for online players?

    Who says it's not? Reforger is out which is basically Arma 4 Lite. This is BI's "NEW" way to alpha/Early Access a game. They learned with DayZ you can't just let feature creep and all the other nasty development debacles keep your game in Development Hell. Now they just create a fake game to test all the features they plan to put in the real game and call it an evolution. If Reforger is ANY indication on what Arma 4 will be like, well, Arma 4 ain't looking all that great. BI seriously needs to revisit allowing AI to be offloaded elsewhere, like it was in Arma 3 early on. The only way to make servers waaaay more playable and have a living battlefield is to get that AI offloaded, or maybe even optimize the game to use the GPU better for AI.