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Posts posted by cookiemonzter

  1. i worked at bk the burgers arent to great.

    Name (Screen Name) :CookiexMuncher
    Age : 21
    Location (Country) :usa
    TeamSpeak: Yes
    Steam Name/URL:http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198088606478/home/
    Role (Sniper/Assault/Medic):sniper/assault, depending on how many people are with us, and what we are doing.
    Average Hours Per Day:5hours depending on work scheduled
    Experience On DayZ:i use commander so you cant see how many hours i have, but its around 400
    Other (If necessary): been in a clan before they didnt really have ranks you can move up threw, but they taught me everything i know.

    • Like 1

  2. Hello dayz players. I am trying to get about 3 more players for overpoch so there can be 5 of us. We play on a pretty full server. looking to make new friendships we don't really play as bandit or hero as every situation is different. Not looking for some bad ass just some people to hangout, and play with. If you happen to be a bad ass well awesome sauce. my steam name is IxEatxBabies the profile pic well it speaks for its self. just message me, and lets take back cherno!




    -has some game experience

    -can play for a few hours a day








  3. Hello I am currently playing on a epoch server with one other person we have started a base, but could use some help. we play on a very well populated server just hard to take ai missions with 45 people playing... both of us are getting back into the game. use to play a lot just had things come up, and lost interest for a little while. just steam friend me or message me for any question. Steam- IxEatXBabies.


    -Some knowing of the game/map.

    -Mature preferably around 20.


    -Can play  more than a few days a week.

    -Can speak english


  4. I am looking for a small group of people around 5 or so preferably. Use to play dayz as a relegion, but working took over. I would like to get back in it just have no one to play with. Bandit or Hero doesnt really matter to me just looking for some fun. Mature players i am 21 somewhere in that area. played with a clan on another server they taught me everythin i know tactics, and what not. Must have teamspeak or skype. Steam name is IxEatxBabies just send me a message or a friend request for any questions or just to talk.
