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Street Elite

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Posts posted by Street Elite

  1. It's all about personal experience. Many people have had no issues with Logitech, just as many have. Personally it's all I use is Logitech and have no issues, anything that does go wrong is replaced without question anyways. They aren't perfect, nothing is, but a lot always depends on what model one chooses.


    I, and friends, use the G35/G930 (Wired/wireless) and aside from a couple tiny complaints they're great. I've only tried the new G230/430 ones a tiny bit so I can't comment there, but they were certainly comfy.

    Its unpredictable.

  2. Yes, Also add more kind of weapons pleasee and dont make akm "hard to find, very hard to find" cause who can spend that much hours just for get proper gun ? I spend my half of day I still cant get akm even I keep change server and roam every airstrip. Already peoples who 7/24 playing this game, they will finish all akm so quick. You adding akm but I could not even test it and cant spend all my whole day for it. Also add RPG-7 and c4 because in realty every military bases have them.

    I really admire the grammar of your post *uncontrollable sarcasm*

  3. Don't worry, I'm sure the devs don't read anything on here anyways.  And improving the descriptions would be nice, but my main complaint is that many weapons don't list what calibur they use... which is just silly.


    Listing the caliber is unrealistic. It would be cool if they incorporated that into a skill where if you got a certain firearms skill the caliber would be listed in the guns desc. as you would have higher knowledge of firearms if you got a higher firearms skill. What are your thoughts on this.

  4. I just spawned, literally. I walked for about 30 minutes and was in Elektro when 3 guys filed out of a nearby house and surrounded me, all sparing camo clothing and heavy rifles. They shot out my legs and tied me up, then strapped a burlap sack over my head. I browsed the forums as they dragged me into the forest for 30 minutes. Then, they took off the burlap sack, shot out my legs again, healed me, filled my health, shot my legs again, healed me, stripped me clean, spun me around, force fed me rotten fruit, and then left me at a complete lack of means of suicide so I had to wander for 3 hours before I found a zombie to kill me. I just got off work.


    If you have encountered a douche bag of bigger proportions, I will piss my beans all over you.

  5. I don't think the OP is saying that a KoSer will ALWAYS have their gun out and be dressed in full camo, or that every person that does IS a KoSer, just that these things are signs of a POSSIBLE KoSer. But you have to admit, it does seem to be a bit of a trend, bordering on stereotype.


    Stereotype bout sums it up. I should have taken more into account that KOS'ers are not always fully kitted but can be fresh spawns with chopping axes. They are just more unpredictable unlike kitted players that I have had to deal with in the past.

  6. Hello. I decided to create this to give new players primarily a rational and strategic way of meeting new people. As most new players know, KOS is abundant in this game and douche bags are a will-find. Socializing in DayZ is a key part of the game and its atmosphere, so as an experienced player, I want to share what I feel is the correct way to approach other survivors, and different styles of doing so.


    Method 1: The Methodical Approach


    The Methodical Approach is the most lengthy but effective way of approaching a player. This method should be used on survivors that have high tier gear and are at the level that they are at first instantly classified as a threat. As soon as you spot a player and use this method, you must secure a good distance between you and the player but one where you can easily keep an eye on them. You must be able to navigate without drawing zombie attention or the persons attention, which can be hard in urbanized or dense areas. There is no set time you should watch them before approach, but you want to get a feel for how they play. After using this method like I have for a while, you will find that even watching them loot can be a good tip on how they will deal with encountering you. Here are some things to watch out for:


    -Ignoring of loot. This can mean that they are out less for looting and more for combat. This accompanied with combing an area, not moving in one direction to determine set travel, can hint that this player is out for blood.


    -Firearm or weapon drawn and ready.


    -Full camo-clothing.


    As you use this method more often, you will find more ways of noticing if the player is hostile or not. If you determine the player is hostile, you should either extend your monitoring of the player to get a final judgment, or leave them. Remember, don't be to frantic to meet other players, it will get you killed. If you determine the player is friendly, find the best method to approach from a distance. Do not encounter them around a sharp corner or in close range. Preferably get in their field of view from down a street, across an airfield, etc, and 'q' 'e', which is the universal symbol of friendly play-style. If they respond, wait for them to run towards you, do not go towards them. If they shoot you, so be it. If they come over and begin speaking, then mission accomplished.


    Method 2: The Aggressive Response


    This is my least favorite method but is usable if you are in the city. Get in talking distance and call that you are friendly and tell them to holster their weapons. Use a tone of voice that demands authority so they feel that you are armed. They will either respond with hostility or with cooperation, which is mission accomplished.



    This guide was mainly for method 1 but if people want me to list out more methods I will. All in all, you dev's are doing a great job. We fully back you guys up!

  7. So I got DayZ and I've been playing for about 3 hours, but haven't been able to find or communicate with another player besides one incident where I was walking on top of a building and my screen randomly went black and informed me I had just been shot and died. All of my playing time has been on well-populated servers of 25-40 people. I tried to find noob-friendly servers, but those don't seem to exist excluding a couple that had no players in them. For some reason, I can't change my chat channel to go to global chat even by pressing "." and "," so I'm stuck in direct communication, which is useless since I've yet to see another player. I briefly heard a couple other players once when entering a server and a list of names appeared to the right, then quickly disappeared upon connecting, so I'd assume there is some sort of global/server chat that I am unable to connect to. Am I doing something wrong? Is it possible for new players to communicate with others? So far it just seems I'm playing a laggy, single-player game that I keep dying at before I can start to have fun.

    Thats how it was for me. At first, I didn't find anyone, and when I did, I was way to happy to see them and trusted them to much. Guess what it got me? A black screen as well. Don't be so needy to find other players. You can get lots out of the game without social interaction. I personally made sure to secure 3-4 good guys to play with via Steam instead of foraging for other survivors in-game.

  8. You have my beans sir!


    Overall there is a lack of dry or preserved food currently in-game, in total there's currently only 3 dry or preserved items those being Rice, Powdered Milk and Cereal. the mod certainly had Trail Mix so I don't see why it wasn't already in the standalone game at this point. Saltine Crackers, Granola Bars, Chocolate Bars, bags of Mixed Nuts, Dried Preserved fruit and even things like Crisps/Potato Chips are all likely additions I could see being added. Powdered Stuff such as Powdered Eggs could also become a component in various recipes in the future.


    I wouldn't mind seeing "Beef Jerky" as a form of food the player can make later in the game as a food crafting recipe for raw meat. And like Rice, Cereal or Powdered Milk, eating dry food causes those to dehydrate faster, requiring water more often.


    Finally! Someone who understands and wants change like me! Food is not a primary right now but a primary down the road.

  9. Aw hell no.


    I will not be able to alt+tab in the forest to post on forum without being killed by AI wolf or bear. This will sucks.




    And how about we make those bears and wolfs sniff out players hidden tents, and stealing food from those tents, sometimes even destroying tent?


    I did that and got killed by a zombie.
