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Posts posted by larrylongbottom

  1. Am I the only one getting audio effects jumping in? (Cans opening, zombie grunts) obviously not essential at the minute.

    Or am I going crazy?

    Combat loggers and server hoppers aside, I hope some form of transport is added, even if its just bicycle, 20 mins of running to city's is getting annoying.


    nah this has been happening for a while now

  2. Shadow play requires a 600 series card to work.



    Right you are Sir...I could have just clicked the button to check but...Im very lazy..  ;)


    I hear Shadowplay uses SFA of ya GPU and CPU when running. Could ya tell me if it would it be better, FPS wise, to try and get it going again than running bandicam? 

  3. I haven't figured out how to run video, I guess fraps?? but I don't think the video part is free or w/e... Any suggested programs that do this for free?? And I call myself a gamer.


    If you have a nvidia card (and its above the 400 series) you can try and get shadowplay working, I know a few people have had success with this...not me, mind.


    so for now I use bandicam. Tis free!




    but hopefully nvidia will get shadowplay workin for dayzSA some time in the future...I did get one recording



  4. Wanting to lose awesome HDR colors for a crude on screen colorblind mode indicator of health is as cretinous as it gets.



    And there is many other ways to indicate low health: Different animations, character stumbling around, STONE COLD HARD NUMBERS in an inventory display. All of these are better than ruining visual quality of the game.



     So now the developers are cretins???


    As you might have realized the game is still in Alpha so most of these animations you are lookin for might one day get put in as well as the screen bur and desaturation .


    for now I guess your just gonna have to stop suckin at the game 

  5. nope dats the Confirmed Upcoming Features for the next updates, im guessing these will get priority before vehicles


    ...again try searchin the forums
