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Posts posted by energeticsheep

  1. I was a friendly person for around my first 20 hours.

    I also bandaged people (even if they had guns) and supplied them with food, blood and ammunition although obviously there was a few people who threw this back into my face and decided to kill me for my supplies, however this didn't bother me that much.


    There was one time where I met 3 guys at night in Berenzino, I'd only killed one or two people in self defense, or maybe to defend a new spawn. 

    My finger was still twitchy every time I had a gun in my hand. One of the guys asked me if his friend could have food, because he had no color on his screen. I told them that I was just going to get a blood bag test kit I saw earlier since I was out of food, which in all fairness I was. I set up a point in a green building whilst they stupidly remained in the open park-like field on the outskirts of Berenzino. I attached my Red Dot Sight to my M4 and waited, making sure I had my 60rd. Magazine loaded, making sure that I was coming to the right decision, I wasn't.

    I held down the Left Mouse Button, pulling my mouse downwards so I can somewhat control the recoil. I didn't let go, and the muzzle flash was making it near impossible to see my targets. After going through around 40 rounds, I finally released the trigger and scanned the field. I saw 3 corpses with blood spontaneously spitting blood from all of their new orifices.


    I waited in my same position, afraid to leave in case anyone else popped by for a visit. After about 5 minutes of waiting, sure enough I saw two new spawns running directly for the bodies. I instantly assumed it was the guys coming back for their loot. As soon as they got to the bodies I began spitting rounds down range.

    I kept going for about 10 minutes, constantly fending off people from the body until some hero fuck decided to put a 7.62 round through my temple. I got sniped at from the Apartment Buildings, it kinda' put things in perspective about how much of a prick I was being. Oh well ;D

  2. Tips I have:

    1. Keep up the good work!

    2. Take a day or two and randomly explore, then use online maps or in-game maps you've found and systematically plan to explore a few places, including Elektro and Berezino, as well as all 3 airfields. Something else fun - try to find a castle or some of the other neat things out there.

    3. Carry spare can openers and screw drivers - those are solid gold to fresh spawns, ultimate good guy gifts.

    I'm pretty sure Tip #1 is Cardio, if I'm not mistaken.. 

    • Like 2

  3. Personally, I'd like SideChat to be a server-side option, however Hardcore Servers should not be able to have Sidechat no matter what.
    I imagine that the Sidechat would be something along the lines of what is shown below (click spoiler). It looks neat and tidy, although some prick will end up arguing with another prick who then make other pricks join in on the argument and it'll get real messy.. DayZ Problems.


  4. I got murdered on the NE Airfield earlier on today on one of the Experimental Servers, which kinda' sucks. I was calling friendly because I saw a guy trying to be stealthy (which failed, nevertheless he saw me first). I was literally a fresh spawn, I spawned in Olsha, made me way to the radio mast and down to the airfield. I picked myself up a default 1911 with no magazine and 25 rounds.

    I loaded one and pushed up to the hangars (which is where I saw him).

    It turned out to be two guys. I ran inside of the hangar, which was stupid on my behalf since I practically cornered myself. Two guys flooded into the hangar whilst I was yelling friendly. I had nothing, I even had my 1911 lowered whilst doing the friendly dance. Two shots, and then they loot me, and for what? Nothing.

    They had M4's and I was posing no threat.


    I was thinking people would be more lenient on the Experimental Servers, which I'll be honest is usually the case..

    • Like 2

  5. It stops people moaning..


    And to be fair, I can travel the map (from South to North) in about 30 minutes non-stop running, that is as long as I don't encounter anybody.


    EDIT: Obviously, when new maps are introduced there should be more vehicles (or less, depending on the size of the map) in the map.

  6. That is actually a very reasonable request.


    Surprised it has not been added yet.


    An Auto jog key would work out fine but I would imagine it would not be too useful if a stamina system gets added.

    As long as pushing that key makes you go forward even if you're stamina is low (which ultimately makes you walk) it should still keep you from holding the W key.

  7. Yep! That's part of the risk that we all have to live with in a game where vehicles are persistent.


    Camouflage netting and lockable structures would work wonders in adding a layer of protection. Not to mention the always fun game of hiding your vehicle anyhow.

    Hopefully, in an ideal world, the update for cars would come along with base building (or base building would come out in an update close to cars / vice virsa)

  8. Q4 will be occurring this summer the time where SIMPLE vehicles would have already been implemented and they would be working on complex ones.


    DayZ Standalone Development, as you surely know, has been fairly slow. I'm not trying to degrade the developers because I'm sure they want to perfect everything to give us the best experience, but that means that the concept of vehicles will surely be pushed back to the back end of this year or the start of next year.

  9. That's the point though. Cars and camps are fair game. You can't simply have a car like your personal mount in WoW lol. You have to hide it somewhere where you think it won't be found and then pray that nobody stumbles upon it.


    I agree. If you really don't want to lose your car, you'll most likely try your hardest to conceal it.

  10. You should have started with: "Hey guys, I thought I'd make a topic without bothering to use the search function and post a thread identical to dozens of others..."


    In fact, I did use the search function. I found dead topics which noone had replied to for quite some time and lots of moaning on "oh but it's alpha *cry*" 

  11. Hey guys, I thought I'd make a topic about the future of DayZ, more specifically; 'Vehicles'.

    Now, I know these won't be released for another year or so just yet, but I'm just curious as to what you guys would like to see within the vehicular aspect of the game.


    Personally, I would like to see the ability to mount a Backpack to the front or back of an ATV to carry storage, rather than fitting it randomly in the engine or fuel pipes like in DayZ Mod. Similarly, I would also like to see the ability to mount backpacks to Bicycles (However you should be unable to mount Mountain Backpacks on Bicycles for obvious reasons. The same applies for motorcycles if they make their way into DayZ SA too.


    Basically, this topic was made for you guys to discuss what sort of aspects would you like to see concerning vehicles. An example is obviously as shown above.


    Discuss ;D 

  12. The idea of a Kinetic Knockdown effect pleases me, and it's most definitely something I would love to see in the game, I'm sure it would work especially well with the new Ragdoll Effects coming into the game too.


    Onto the subject of water diseases, I'm sure some of you have hard about the leaked game files which evidently show the animation for taking a dump and the pile of shit itself, so I'm guessing that perhaps if you added water diseases then Diarrhea wouldn't be that bad of a thing to add either; although that would be reaaaal messy. 

  13. That flare guy was me, haha. The SKS round also hit me but didn't kill me, it went into my arm so I ran away and hid for like 10 minutes but I kept my flare on and kept tossing it throughout the streets to scare people ;D
