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Posts posted by Kallish89

  1. I just encountered a bandit! ~10 minutes ago


    He was camping on the school @ proximity of Berezino


    (40 players, Hardcore)


    He tried to shoot me when I carefully walked to the school, I ran away, I came back, he was standing on the roof, a few bullets let him flee inside the school. I didn't use the stairs, I took the ladder. After a few minutes we walked the stairs up - down at the same time, but we failed to kill each other. I went back to the roof and took the ladder down :thumbsup:


    I walked up the stairs, ran into the hallway and he was standing in the room (right handed to the stairs, 1st floor) and I passed the doorway. He tried to kill me but he missed me because I continued walking. I aimed at the doorway (while I was standing in the hallway) and I said: "You are trapped now, huh?" :P  He said nothing. I walked (slowly) to the doorway. Then I saw him. He saw me. We both fired, both missed. I had equipped my sawed-off shotgun, he had his mosin equipped (I tried to hit him with my SKS earlier, I also had a Magnum). He tried to leave the room after his first shot, but I killed him with my shotgun. I thought I'd missed him so I took the stairs down, reloading, and running back. He was dead.  ;)  I have recorded this whole story with Fraps, it will be online this week. :D


    I was stunned that I killed him. Taking so much risk... It was awesome! :)

    I love those standoffs. Adrenalin is pumping like hell in those situations and it feels king to be the man walking out alive  :)

  2. Why are you holding up a fresh spawn? you are just spreading the worst interaction and trolling and then saying you felt bad. Sorry but this borders on retarded. If someones new and you want to teach him a lesson, proove that not every person who plays this game is a pre teen with a pyschotic killing streak. give him some food or water and send him along.

    Well some people think its funny ro be evil
