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Posts posted by Redside

  1. Instead of murdering survivors and complaining that the spooks are doing their job too good, try slaughtering the spooks instead. If you've got enough ammo to waste on a harmless person, you've got enough rounds to drop a horde of slimy zombie scums


    I agree! people have been looking for something that makes us cooperate. And this is a apocalypse and ofcourse we should be batteling zombies.

    Yesterday me and my friend went to Svetlojarsk with 2 sawed-off shotguns and the zobies kept rushing at us all the time. It was a really nice challange just to drink some water. THATS A SURVIVAL GAME!!!


    Love the update!!

  2. I would like to join in this operation as a resource gatherer. I have got some medical equipment and works as a medic in my group of friends.

    With my LRS Mosin and sawed-off i roam the land, looking for supplies and give it to whoever i feel deseves it.


    Think this is a really good initiative and would like to be a part of it.


    Send me a message if you need my help. Otherwise i will just come to visit you and maybe give/trade supplies

  3. I use Hunting aswell, mainly because when / if you find all the TTsK vests, shirts, pants you get so many inventory slots anyway so I gladly get 5 less from backpack for better camo.


    I like to use the homemade backpack. I know that it has less slots but i think that this backpack is uncommon and irregular in shape. Wich means that less people will recognice it when you are lying on the ground. It lets me be more invisible to others and thats what i like.

  4. Great job on the guide!


    I have been playing for about 40 hours now (so only a rookie) and think that the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. you describe fits the type of character i play perfectly.


    I would like to join your ranks. My nick is Redside.


    Thanks! Added


    Comstedt, on 03 Mar 2014 - 9:04 PM, said:snapback.png

    Great guide and overrall reading, loved it!


    Thanks! It will only get better.




    Thanks! Added



    Thanks! It will only get better.





    NEAR 10,000 VIEWS?!?!?! I LOVE YOU ALL



    In this post!

    Think you added comstedt instead of me :P


    But it doesn´t matter. As long as I can use the name and people will recognise me as such B)
