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  1. Rhombvs


    Force-feeding (or drinking) is something due for a change. Yes, it makes for hilarious videos when you force-feed someone a human steak and they then wonder what is the reason for them being sick, we've seen that million times and every time, we laughed at it, I'm sure. But it makes no sense for someone to just ingest something they can smell and taste is raw meat or gasoline, and even less so, when you imagine someone is stuffing them from behind. Therefore, you should only be able to force-feed someone - when you're facing them - and/or when they're tied up - and/or when they first activate an emote "Feed me" We already have all sorts of other onscreen indicators (blood loss, illness, hunger, bleed), but there's nothing to indicate someone is stuffing your face with something and you swallowing it - when the intention is 9 times out of 10 to make you sick for teh epic lulz.
  2. Rhombvs

    Exp Update 0.61.137826

    I suspect the tracks (why are there even tracks on the tarmac?) left by the vehicle. I start with my usual 90ish FPS. After driving around the map, the frames get lower and lower, resulting in 7 (SEVEN) FPS. Restarting the game gets me high frames again, which then get as low as 7 when I ride a vehicle, don't really need to drive. A little test I did with my friend: Was driving for a while, at half of my FPS. Picked up my friend who reported no frame loss. After several kilometers, my game has become unplayable while his was already losing frames. I restarted, everything was fine while he went slideshow. Next example - we crashed, bus got stuck at a bollard, leaving rear wheels above surface with no contact. Speedometer showed 60km/h, yet there was no frame loss as the vehicle was not moving.
  3. You don't get my point. This is a game - specifically, a game revolving about players making choices that decide whether they survive or not. For that, you need variety and choices that are either positive or negative. If you add only stuff from your book "What to do when you need to survive" without anything that can kill you or atelast make your ingame life harder, then you just go around and do whatever because there's nothing to harm you. And yes, different mushrooms have different level of toxins.
  4. So basically, you're saying "don't add them cause you can mistake an edible one for poisonous one and generally it isn't the simpliest and best survival option there is". Drinking disinfectant isn't the best for survival either, but it's an option in the game. How come? Isn't the fact that you can distinguish what you can and cannot eat the part of survival? Afterall, it's written in the guide you posted. Also, I myself go pick mushrooms every summer and I know very well how to identify which one's which or what it feels like to eat a slightly poisonous one. It's not as hard or drastic as the survival guides for city folks say.
  5. Reason? Yes, picking and eating raw mushroom as it is wouldn't probably be the best idea, but same goes for raw meat or whatever else you can find and eat while not being real food. Just as you hunt an animal, quarter it, cook it and eat it, you could search for mushrooms, clean and cook them, possibly add some other ingredients to make a stew or soup. And make it fun - normal edible types like bay bolete, semi-edible amanitas that would make you sick and trip balls, or poisonous amanitas that would simply kill you.
  6. Rhombvs

    Guns and Attachments

    I play exclusively on private hives (don't like server hoppers) with different loot settings, but I've come across many weapons with various attachments of different quality, including loaded magazines (usually with 3-10 bullets). Just yesterday, I found a fully equipped MP5 - silencer, ACOG scope, half-loaded magazine - made me think that someone must have discarded the weapon, but there's no way a player could arrange it on a desk like that. Just to add to what others suggested - when I find a weapon with loaded magazine that I don't want/need, I take the mag out and throw it away - just to make sure.
  7. Have you ever been outside at night? Outside of a city, far from light pollution? If not, you won't probably believe it, but... YOU CAN ACTUALLY SEE. Why? 1.: your eyes adapt to the darkness and 2.: even the slightest moonlight provides enough lighting so that you can see stuff around you. While in DayZ, the night (without adjusted gamma, brightness and clouds) is simply black. So before you start with locking people's game settings by your standards to make it "real", as some put it, you gotta fix things that actually ARE unreal.
  8. Rhombvs

    Hotfix changelog: Stable Branch: 0.35.115188

    I think something like this is already implemented. For example, if you're inside the construction site and look outside with 3pp, you can notice how trees and other objects you wouldn't see in 1pp disappear. I don't know if this is tied to some specific buildings (like the construction site) or perhaps it only applies to old object placement (pre-Dayz SA). But some sort of this tech definitely IS in the game already.
  9. Rhombvs

    Allow Iv Bag Use On Yourself

    Yeah, let's remove one of the last features that actually makes people interact with each other and not just KoS the crap out of anyone who happens to walk by. While we are at it, why not let us use the defibrilator on yourself, cause muh playstyle.
  10. Rhombvs

    Wishlist Handsigns

    1) DayZ is often promoted as "FPS MMO" or "hybrid MMO". Also, many other games are not an MMO neither and they still use slash commands. 2) That's why I said there would still be option to bind them. Slash commands allow you to use the emote/gesture even if not bound and you want to take a cool screenshot or just goof around with friends for example.
  11. Rhombvs

    Wishlist Handsigns

    None of the "emotes" actually have to be assigned to a key, why not make it just like any other MMO and make them slash commands? Like /wave. Ofc the option to bind them would still be there, it's just that slash commands would offer you a possibility to use the emote without having it bound to a key.
  12. Rhombvs

    Vehicle: Longboard skateboard

    Well maybe you shouldn't ignore a valid opinion. And maybe then you would realize how ridiculous your suggestion is - sure, longoard looks like cool and hip thing to have with you to show everyone around how cool and hip you are. But something with tiny wheels that can go only downhill isn't really good way to get around. Not even mentioning how terrible the roads (in countries like Chernarus is supposed to be) are at this moment, now combine that with a zombie apocalypse...
  13. Gotta agree. So far, I've noticed one pile of dead infected at the military base near Balota and random blood stains in houses. We need more scenes that will make you sad/disgusted/wonder wtf happened there... Like a dead guy with a gun in his hand and his brains blasted on the wall behind him, maybe with a goodbye letter in his other hand. Or a guy who hanged himself in the woods, slowly swinging in the wind with flies buzzing around. Another idea - a camp in the woods with torn tents and maybe some corpses. Also there are many wrecked vehicles, but no bodies nearbie - let's change that. There could be also an option to "examine" the bodies - both arranged and players. For players, you could get something like simple "this person was shot in the head" or more specific descriptions, like "You can see no mortal wound. After closer examination, you can tell this person died of starvation." And as for the arranged scenes, the options are almost endless and provide great way to tell some story, rather than having "discarded letters" everywhere. As the poster above said, there is certain importance of being able to tell if that Z is laying there, because a player killed it, or if it was arranged. That could be solved by making the arranged bodies a little bit more decayed or something like that - and also handled as a static object (with less details - just like the pile of bodies in Balota) for performance reasons.