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Posts posted by ComplexMinded

  1. Being new to SA, I will say that the concept of the game is pretty evident.  Some gamers ply games to be invincible and do things that aren't humanly possible while others play them to act out the game as a player.  If you want to be invincible, load up QuakeIII and turn on GOD mode.

  2. My goodness.  This argument sounds like "Cigarette smoke is awful and it's bad and it ruins the experience for everyone".  Which is why some cities are smoke free in the public.  They listened to your opinion.  You now have the option to create your own environment but that isn't good enough!?  It's like the non-smokers complaining that since the creation of smoke-free environments anymore, the night-life has suffered (factual statement in my city).  So the resolution is ban smoking?


    People just need something to complain about.

  3. So I'm guessing this would be a fail.  I guess in my mind it would have been cool to see an ever changing most wanted list or some type of clan ranking.  I wasn't thinking a forum but a custom application built solely for DayZ SA that would evolve with the mod.


    But there's no need to reinvent the wheel if it's already there.  Thanks!

  4. Hey all!


    My first post, obviously, but I want to give back to DayZ and the community the best way I know how.  I did not play the mod but as soon as I heard about SA, I had my browser on constant refresh looking for the alpha.  I'm not here to complain about KOS, combat-logging, zoom, randomized loot, etc..


    I'm actually here to see if an idea I have is worth exploring.  Maybe something like this exists so you will have to excuse me if so.  I'm a developer/programmer by trade although I've never dabbled with game development.  I have a lot of experience in web development and I was thinking of a one-stop-shop utility website for DayZ.  Here's what I'm thinking:


    • Find a loot partner - This would be based on location/time-zone/ and time of play.  The system would find potential candidates and allow you to set up a meeting.  A potential thought is to add some type of confirmation to say the meeting was successful.  Possibly an email generation.  This would prevent people from trying to abuse the system by looking for people to rob
    • Add a clan - This would allow you to add members and events with dates for your clan.
    • Join a clan
    • Most Wanted List - (rough concept) Allow users to denote players as bandits.  Optionally put a bounty on them.  The system will generated the most dangerous players across servers
    • Red Cross - The opposite concept of the the Most Wanted List
    • Census - No real functionality other than to provide statistics about the general population/overall being of the Dayz community

    This is just a preliminary list but I'll stop there in case people think there is no value to something like this.  Of course this would be much more valuable if there was some type of API from DayZ that allowed for basic information to be sent back (character name, life span, etc).


    Feel free to tell me this is dumb as well!  Just trying to give back where I can!!
