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Everything posted by VahidkinG

  1. it is weird and un-playable. i can barely survive one zombie and bleed. also worth nothing to say that it looks like melees are a useless items for fighting zombies now.
  2. i'm experiencing the very same issue, zombies and i rubberbanding all over the place, it takes me 2~5 second for any interaction with server (Opening doors, switching hotbars etc) i never experienced such things after that net code patch (from very begging of development i dunno exact version) till .55 , this patch is screwing with my internet (or whatever) somehow that i can not play the game as i could in .54 i'm waiting for new patch to come along so that it may get fix with that inventory matrix stuff and i'm going to tweet this threat to eugen and he may take a look at it.
  3. i had an issue like this some weeks ago (with .55 stable) i see you already tried deleting your launch parameter, just add this one now "-oldui" it fixed the issue for me.
  4. VahidkinG

    Persistence wipe for 0.56

    i don't think a character wipe would be necessary since what you have on your character do not count on central economy system, but a persistence wipe is reasonable.
  5. VahidkinG

    Player running speed. Dev response appreciated.

    they will change the speed once the stamina system is in.
  6. VahidkinG

    "drink from fountain until full"

    i think it will be implemented with the new charachter controls. there is an action key in the new controls and as long as you hold it, you can do drink from fountain i guess.
  7. VahidkinG

    500 - 1000 Slots for loot. Per Account

    A no to this, this is one of those things that killed WarZ and this devs won't do that mistake for sure.
  8. VahidkinG

    Map Improvement

    yepe, you can even print it if you want or have it on your smartphone thanks to iZurvive. but the point is, in-game map needs some changes to be useful or to encourage us gather maps in the game.
  9. to be honest, once i wanted them (zombies) to be as you describe them, i wanted them to be slow but alot more. but once i realize that they meant to be a danger, and thanks to the movie "World War Z" i get it now. imagine an infection that make you hungry for blood and also increase your adrenaline level, they can be fast this way and they can be a threat like devs want them to be. i also suggest you watch tv show named "iZombie" from CW or Supernatural S10 E15, those will change your perspective about this infection :D (now i look like a nerd who watch tv show :D ) i know your feeling about the loot situation, they just have firearms configured so we should wait till .56 but still i could find pretty good stuff at homes in Zelenogorsk last session i played the game so start moving inland, you will see some loot there. i got 2 cans of food out of 10 house so yeah i'm pretty happy with that. the game can be hard and funny at the very same time, you just need to be creative, i and my friends made a fight club (imagine UFC) and had fun then after that worked on our farm and also rescued someone from a zombie horde. it's a sand box, you should make your story <3 and yeah, i hate those KoSerS :|
  10. hey mate, not to be aggressive, but you better gather some info before posting such threads.you can find pretty good info in the FAQ. 1. Zombies in this game aren't dead, actually they aren't zombies, they are infected. they are alive but infected with a virus that makes them hungry for your blood. infecteds were made to be a threat. they are made to kill you and that is what make dayz, you know, DayZ :D and imho, they aren't that much of a threat right now. 2. i agree with some points here, the system isn't complete yet. first of all Central economy is configured for only firearms right now so you get the point. they will tweak it in this week and we will see the improvement in .56 cause it need a client update. also, don't expect to find loot that easy anymore. the system will not get back to what it was in .54 you should move inland, don't cycle berzino/elektro/cherno anymore, it won't work. you should go to cities that you never went, you should look at places you never looked before (Hint:Toilets). 3. i also agree with you, but once they get cars maintenance in, they will be hard to get. 4.i agree with you in this too. they should tweak basic tools. 5. nah, there are KoSers every where :@ :@ :@ :D
  11. VahidkinG

    persistence off=boring

    i agree with this too, i wanted to game to get hard and more survival focused since day one an i'm really happy with the game right now. but i really can't play public hives, i just stopped playing till this gets fixed. i don't think giving the option of switching between persistence on and off is a good idea, after all it's one of the core features of this game. (Also devs said this too) BTW when modding is in, you can change the game in the way you want.
  12. VahidkinG

    No Loot Spawning?

    stop whining. go read the post named Central Economy in service thread. pretty sure you will know what's going on in this game since eugen answered almost all the questions. first of all, for now foods are not configured in the new loot system. second, it's not going back to prev .55 patch. all the knowledge you had about the loot is going to change and you should adapt to this not whining about it. you should start looking in places you never looked before(Hint: Toilets :D ), you find a town empty, don't waste your time on searching it because it's been looted before. you should stop elektro-->cherno cycle, go inland and search the towns you never looked before and the important one, if you have issue with food it's because you never grow food or haunt or went to fishing for it. it's not like before you know, finding cans that you don't have an slot for them because your pant is already full of it. you should work for the food and it's not going to change. in another word, Adapt or wait for modding through steam workshop.
  13. VahidkinG

    Adjust loot spawns

    well, i'm not agree with 90% of what you said. i think dayz mean to be harsh and i like where the devs are going with this game, and that is why dayz is a hardcore game. after all it's a survival game (the core mechanic of the game should be focused on surviving and not pvp or even pve). food should be a challenge, diseases should be a challenge, even the weather, it's not just about killing. dayz is a unique game which isn't about gear up and kill, it's about how long you can survive. ofc, the game is not complete yet so it can not bring this experience atm, the whole loot system is a very early version which get better over time. i think we should be able to find basic stuff like matches or seeds or other tools where we spawn or a town ahead in order to survive but it only come when the loot system is more complete(like spawning item logic and so). but don't expect to find a weapon easy in this game, not anymore anyway. this is vanilla dayz, you should search a couple of days in order to find a mosin imo. for all who can't handle vanilla dayz, there would be modding so they can play games like epoch or maybe an Chernarus life (who knows :D)
  14. VahidkinG

    Side by Side error when starting game.

    Well, i'm not able to help you with this. your best shot is to send a ticket at https://feedback.dayz.com note that, it's better to send them a log file, to do that you should start the game with -dologs launch parameter, then after the error happens click Ok, go to users/&user&/appdata/local/dayz and you will found log files, the should be 3 files named dayz.rpt, dayz.mdmp, dayz.bidmp compress this files and attach them to your ticket.
  15. VahidkinG

    Side by Side error when starting game.

    hey mate, we need more details in order to help you. a picture of the error would be nice. also you can head up to feedback tracker and send a ticket.
  16. VahidkinG

    Exp Update: 0.55.126981

    it's an old bug, happened to me several times already (perv builds)
  17. VahidkinG

    Exp Update: 0.55.126981

    Ok i'm sorry about that, but i don't have anything else to ask do i ? :D think i should stick to dota and neighbor survival game till it gets fixed. :)
  18. VahidkinG

    Exp Update: 0.55.126981

    @Eugen, any chance of fixing for this in .55 stable ?
  19. VahidkinG

    Exp Update: 0.55.126884 Discussion

    i searched my pc with a dll fixer software and now i can run the game <3 EDIT: forget it it was just for a moment :( i was joining a server then crahed again :D
  20. VahidkinG

    Exp Update: 0.55.126884 Discussion

    Ok i got it now. so take your time and make the best of it. BTW it is really nice of you answering to questions and work at the same time :D also thanks to team <3
  21. VahidkinG

    Exp Update: 0.55.126884 Discussion

    So why some of us can and some can't play it ? i got 8 gig of ram and a 64 bit Window 7, it's me or it's a random thing ?
  22. VahidkinG

    Exp Update: 0.55.126884 Discussion

    @ٍEugen, Any chance on getting this memory leak fix anytime soon ? can't even run the game due to this:
  23. VahidkinG

    Exp Update: 0.55.126884 Discussion

    damn, i can't fix that memory leak at all :@ every time i end task steam and re launch it shows up, any other fix ?
  24. Ops,i thought it's the problem with the new UI it seem i'm wrong anyways if it doesn't work, your next move is validating your game data. i can't think of anything else, so your best chance is heading to feedback tracker and send a ticket: feedback.dayzgame.com i'm so tired right now, there was a launch option which create a log from your game, do some searching and you will found it, and attach those logs to your ticket.
  25. Use this launch parameter "-oldui" it will fix it :) Edit: If you don't know how to use a launch parameter in steam, follow this : 1. Right click on DayZ in steam 2. under general tab, you will find a button named "set launch options...", click on it. 3. a textbox shou up, copy/past "-oldui"