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Posts posted by DoctorScandalous

  1. Quick question for all of you traders out there: it seems safe to say that tents are the hottest commodity to own/use as collateral in trades, with the only other close options being sandbags and satchel charges. So here's my question: Do you ever trade FOR tents? Or do you end up just having to look for/find your own? I'd love to trade for tents, but it just seems like nobody really ever has them. 


    Or... let me ask another question that kind of goes in the same direction: What do you think a fair trade for a tent would be? If you were shopping for a tent and someone walked up to you and said "Hey, I've got a tent I want to trade"... what would you offer them for it? What do you think is fair? 


    Just some food for thought... pick the brains of all of my fellow traders. :)

  2. UPDATED 8/26 (5:30AM) 


    Finally got an M40A3 in stock... what an awesome gun! I'll have it listed up here for trade, but you'll probably have to make a PRETTY awesome deal to pry this thing away from me. It looks SWEET if you've already got a ghillie on....


    That being said... I'd love to get my hands on another one, so just because I already have one in stock (and this goes for ANY weapon on my list) I'm always looking to get more! PM me with your offers....
