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Posts posted by DoctorScandalous

  1. Side note: I'm probably going to be hanging out in the Berezino area to do some industrial looting for a bit (over the next 3-4 days, probably)... if you would like to trade, please feel free to come up to the Berezino area and drop me a message!

  2. UPDATE 8:30AM (9/1)


    Added a G36K, an M24 and a couple more sandbags to the inventory... heads up, I'll be unable to get online today (attending a wedding) but I may be able to get on later (midnight or so, EST) when I get back for a bit. 

  3. I see how it is. We were just offering friendly suggestions, but if you're trying to trade the Bizon for that. Good luck.

    Nuff said. He wants his gear... maybe he'll find someone who wants one. 


    Sincerely, I hope you do find a trader for the gun. I'm sure that if you can find ammo it's a very nice gun. 


    Best of luck, James!

  4. The M4A1 CCO SD is a great gun... but it REQUIRES SD ammo, as opposed to a regular non-silenced M-type gun that can use both. 


    I actually just hid away an M4A1 CCO SD that I was carrying around in the woods last night so I could use my G36K camo again... I like the optics better (holo + acog, essentially) and it uses STANAG, STANAG SD + G36 mags, making it a lot more flexible should you run out of SD ammo. 


    Just my personal preference, though. I will miss that quiet little "pew pew pew" sound the M4A1 CCO SD made, though... *single tear*


    Up to you... some may work better in the field... but others maybe be more desirable as a trading piece. Personal preference rules, as always. 

    • Like 1

  5. That weapon is utterly useless and as long as noone has an interested because of good memories or just for the fun of it, noone's really going to trade for it I'm afraid.

    I have two of them in storage right now and I'm thinking about ditching them because ( A ) it's stupid hard to find ammo for them and ( B ) it really seems like nobody is fighting to get them. So yeah... :(

  6. Me...I'm no fan of The Factory, I'm not one that likes to repair vehicles so all that industrial sites are wasted on me, I can find all the axes, road flares and empty cans I want in barns.

    You're talking about the one SE of Polana, right? I've only been there once and the amount of zombies there was crazy. Only time I'd ever attempt going there again is at night... but even then, all of the ground is either concrete or gravel, so sneaking around the zeds is still tricky without wasting a TON of SD ammo....

    • Like 1

  7. Question for the noob in the room: What's "The Yard?"


    Sorry if I posted something that was out of place/unfit for the forums. 


    I was honestly just surprised to see the zeds spawn at Black Mountain like they did (since to the best of my knowledge there was no loot spawns/vehicle spawns there) and wondered why they were there... and I guess I was trying to figure out if there were any other places in Cherno that people felt fell within the same categorization. 


    Not trying to start anything...

  8. ... Black Mountain. 


    Tons of Zeds, annoying to get to the top and when you get to the top... no worthwhile loot spawns. There's no loot... so why are there so many zombies roaming about? I counted 15 the last time I passed through... there's not even that many zombies at Devil's Castle! 


    Do you have any nominations for locations in Chernarus that every time you go there or hear about it, it makes you wonder why it's even there?


    (just for fun... this isn't really a rant post or anything)

    • Like 3

  9. Go to your original post in this thread and click on report... and then tell them to delete this thread. 


    Not sure how much they read these threads/whether or not they'll see your request on here. The "report" method works really well. 

    • Like 1

  10. Tin can was previously a can of beans. I felt that no other type of can would be fit for consistent post-mortem use in the wilds of Chernarus. Now, if this were back in my younger, wilder days... it might have been a can of "Unknown" that I had recklessly consumed on an arrogant whim. But today is not that day... nor will I ever feel that young and carefree ever again. *sighs*


    I propose that we conduct this trade in the center of the NWAF runway for safety's sake. I will, of course, require an overwatch sniper for this transaction. His modesty prevents himself from you seeing his face, however... so he will be wearing a light tan head covering. I assure you that he will be trustworthy, however. He's told me many stories about how his ritualistic sacrifice of the slack-jawed devil goats who frequent the wilderness earned him the honor of his head-dress bestowed to him by the shaman who live at Green Mountain, who admired his dedication while he strove to craft his own bloodbags (I think he's preparing for the standalone) from the goats' blood. 

    All in all, I feel pretty good about this trade...

  11. I'll trade you one tin can for it... if not just so I can take it to Skalisty Island where it can be properly exiled where it belongs.


    This is not a hasty trade. I LOVE my tin can. Boil all of my water with it. We're tight, if you know what I mean. 


    Serious trade only. Think about it. Major life decision you're embarking on here, buddy.

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