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Posts posted by FrankTheDuck

  1. The Bottom one is the Incorrect one. The sign should be pointing right.


    Can't not recognise that intersection after all the action that goes down there.

  2. Will it make players friendlier though?

    Short answer... No.

    I can't remember the last time I wasn't shot/axed on sight armed or unarmed.

    I try my best to not shoot everyone my self. Unarmed players I ignore, Last time I gave one a gun, He shot me down as I left that pretty much ended my wanting to help players face to face any more. I'm happy to stock a tent up that is marked on the map. But I avoid the players them selves

    If anyone is sniping from a hill/building/bush into a town, I do my best to remove them. Especially in cherno/elektro I'll try to watch to see what they are engaging first but generally I try to remove them.

    If i'm well geared, I pretty much trust no one (Except for the odd times I'll give someone a blood transfusion to liven things up)

    If fresh spawn I'll happily play with randoms happily.

    I constantly get shot as a fresh spawner, So my faith in nice players is dramatically gone.

    • Like 1

  3. I re-updated again about 1h after I made this post and the problem was fixed...

    Guess I had just tried updating it too early.

    Thanks for the notice that it's been updated, Into the stickies it goes!

    Also I'd post the log kick but the file is 90mb and will take me half a week to download as my ISP is having trouble with international traffic. :( can't even play on my own server.

  4. This stared happening upon updating to 1.7.6

    A players eats/drinks anything And kicked for Script Restriction #20

    Running scripts version from this site


    My question is wtf is going on here?

    I thought it may have been related to when you eat/drink a can it creates the loot pile, But it's also doing it with meat food.

    line 20 reads as "createMine !"\"createMine\","" Which to my unedcucated self in Arma II lingo means didley squat

    I changed it from "5" to "1" Which from my understanding is 5=kick 1=log Yet it still kicks for line #20.

    Any help would be appreciated.


  5. Only 5% of my DayZ gaming time has been spent solo playing. Other wise, My Old Man is always one step behind me, We make the bast duo as our style of play and train of though is so similar, We work together with out having to waste time relaying info we both already know.

    Some of the Adventure we've had wether just with zombies, Against other players, or running for our lives after spawning under the scope of Elektro snipers, Wouldn't be the same if I wasn't playing with him.

  6. I've had a similar problem, Just randomly The whole PC locks up, sometimes it might not happen for a week, Sometimes I may have been playing 15 mins. Only in this game also.

    My build

    I7 2600k OC'd at 4.5ghz

    ATi 6970

    8xgb RAM

    5760x1080 Resolution (Eyefinity)

    But I've yet to find a solution been happening for maybe 2-3 months now. My GPU drivers ARE out of date, But anyone with ATi experience knows to stick with drivers they find work, instead of update willy nilly.

  7. Infected?

    I always assumed the cough/blood loss was connected to being sick? You stay on a boat to long it happens (A cold) sit still as a sniper in rain (same symptoms) or from bullet wounds and bleeding out too long.

    Since when has it been called "getting infected"?

  8. Come on FrankTheDuck, do not tell me you agree with this style of PVP occuring right now in dayz mod. That's totally ridiculous,

    I believe I said I think the PvP approach needs to change, But not be removed. Actual thefts need to take place, robberies, hijacking, groups patroling claiming to be the cherno defence force, People can make this game what ever they want it to be.

    It appears all they want is to snipe fresh spawners because thats l337 and just generally kill on sight.

    All we can do to stop such behavior is to be the better person. There's always going to be the kinds that will shoot people who have just spawned on the coast. There is nothing we can do about this. But people can take it into their own hands to hunt said people down.

    On one private server I play on I hunt, I kill, I smash camps, I drive vehicles into lakes, And I shoot at you the instant I see you (Provided you are armed and would be considered a threat) The people on this server (It's a small server) Are all known friends in the gaming world, And I often let them retrieve their kits so I can hunt them again next week.

    But on the public hive, I have a hero status player. I've maybe killed a max of 15-20 people over 5-6 months of game play. 90% of those shots being in self defence.

    I now use my public character to hunt those who shoot fresh spawners (Or I'm assuming are doing that) Just recently I shot someone who was sitting on a roof top in cherno with an L8A5, Sure they may not have been killing fresh spawns (It was 5am server time sun just beginning to rise) But I assumed that with such gear, In cherno, At that time of morning, On a roof looking around over the edges your not exactly up to any good.

    So imo, I maybe did some fresh spawners some good during that process, 20 mins later, A guy with no kit, Approached me (Scared the crap out of me) And he and his mate where simply looking for people to play with. That was the FIRST TIME EVER. I have not been shot on sight, I was laying in the grass with an AS50, Coyote backpack, and goggles on my head, And the fresh spawner with a Lee Enfield Let me live (They had the jump on me, I had no idea they where even there) So this to me is hope. That some people want this game to be, Not easier, But more to belief that yes in an appocaliptic scenario alot of people would go bat crap crazy, But there would also be those, Who group together to do what it takes to survive.

    I've gone completely off track....

    The Approach (Keywords APPROACH) to PvP needs to change, Not that there is PvP it's self.


    • Like 1

  9. All I see is crying here.

    PvP is a vital part of this game.

    All that needs to lessen is the killing on sight. More robberies just need to take place, REAL bandirty and theft and hijacking.

    But still. If you have gear I want. I'm most likely going to go for you if I think I have the advantage. If I consider you a threat, I will shoot. If I talk at on on direct and ask if your friendly or anything, And you simply ignore it, I will shoot you. The only time I really hunt people, Is when I hunt those who shoot fresh spawns. Or shoot a guy who is unarmed asking for a blood bag.

    Conflicts like this would occur in a real life Apocalypse scenario. Get over it. This game is MEANT to be brutal. Rocket has said so him self. Learn to adapt. This ain't no PvE zombie game. Go play left for dead if you just want to mow down brainless enemies.

    • Like 1

  10. If you use steam, there's a trick you can do with the steam overlay. It remembers what buttons you were pushing when you bring it up, so you can use it to effectively auto-sprint.

    People also use weighted items on the keys. Ratchet sockets are good for that I think.

    Yea I also auto sprint, Across massive distances, Although I don't use the steam over lay as it hampers my view, I simply jam a small but of plastic into the keyboard so I can still see everything clearly. I've only or twice ran into people in the open.

    I rarely sneak, Unless there are other people, Even in town i pretty much always crouch running, Unless there is a reason to sneak, I won't waste my time being slow.

  11. I have broken my leg and started bleeding from crawling down stairs, not sure if it is a bug though. I also recently suffered a zombie bite, I was bleeding (you could see the blood spurting from me and my blood level was dropping) but my blood icon wasn't flashing a cross.

    That's because when you have the Debug menu up, The icons wont work.

    It's a debug window It was never meant to remain.
