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Everything posted by Irish.

  1. Irish.

    Effective deterrent to KOS?

    Oh I know.. I used to be in a very well known KOS clan on DayZ mod. We would kill for sport and only sport. But I am simply asking what you think that idea would do to KOS mentality and if it would be effective as a deterrent? At what point did I make that premise so abundantly clear to you that you had to ask me? LOL.. ok, sorry.. you kind of asked for that. To answer you: No. I know its not cheating, exploits, or blahh-blahh-blahh.. Ive killed more people in dayz than I can count man. My old clan tag was literally [KOS]. Ive prior to that been a bandit hunter, helping others and killing in that manner. I know its necessary. But what about my question, what do you think of the idea I proposed and what it would do to the KOS mentality? Again, to everyone who is just going to jump the gun here: I LIKE KOS. Im simply starting a conversation. Move on from that first part though.. mm'kay?
  2. Irish.

    Best place to find an ACOG ?

    I have a new baby boy and frequently have to log out without much notice in odd places (thank you log out timer :( ). But the airfield thing is just what I like to do.. its super risky I know. And now I know even more so with the server hopper war. So I guess thats better for me. I like the rush of immediately being under threat when I spawn in game. Its so much better than spawning out at your camp in the woods, or in some small town off the beaten path. Its not for everyone, but when I spawn in and hear footsteps.. than shots.. my heart gets going and Im instantly scanning for threats and so far my survival rate is pretty darn high for only sticking to what used to be the hottest locations in dayz (airfields). Now I feel much more threatened in large cities on the coast. That scary FPS being one of them ;)
  3. Irish.

    Universal Friendly Symbol

    Yeah, use proxy. Not trying to be curt or coy. But it works. Just state your intentions over the mic, get a feel for how people act and always, always watch your back before you open your mouth. I dont think anything else works really. Bandits will adapt. You have to go on gut feelings and experience on the friend or foe front.
  4. Irish.

    Trading Post

    I have many things in pristine condition on my regular character (same as hardcore too right?). I am willing to trade item for item for an ACOG. Also looking for any MAGPUL (MP) attachments.. I have them but want pristine not worn. Not looking to trade all my gear for it. But say a pristine protector case for a pristine ACOG would make me very happy. Hope to set up the trade asap!
  5. Irish.

    Best place to find an ACOG ?

    Thats good to know.. I prefer the rush, got the habit of doing it in the mods. Its like exiting the green zone the moment I spawn in.. love it. Ill make a request in the trade thread and hope all works out soon. I would love to get that ACOG and my pristine protector case is just an extra thing helping to hold my currently useless stove to cook with. Hope to trade with you soon
  6. Irish.

    What is the playstyle people would give you.

    So far.. many more people I have met have become my allies than enemies. So I guess that would mean Im a friendly-medic-hero who is prone to go on a localized killing spree if anybody threatens him. :D
  7. I cant help, but maybe you can help me? How much is it to host a server for SA?
  8. Irish.

    Best place to find an ACOG ?

    What if they are not hopping but just spawning in? I ask because this tends to be a trend, shooting people who appear to be hopping but the way i log out.. well, Im usually on the NWAF itself. So simply by joining in and starting to loot Im at high risk of being shot? Good to know! ;)
  9. Irish.

    Best place to find an ACOG ?

    Link to thread?
  10. Irish.

    Best place to find an ACOG ?

    I have yet to find me some rice.. but Ive got extra protector cases for certain. Id be willing to trade under your terms and circumstances as long as I feel safe about it.
  11. Irish.

    Best place to find an ACOG ?

    oh very nice! I thought they were all barren of loot so I ignored them altogether. Thanks man! :D
  12. Irish.

    Pavlovo Miltary Base

    Okay, yeah Im with you on that fully..
  13. Irish.

    Best place to find an ACOG ?

    Well, well, well then... I may be your man for that trade? You have something in mind? And what does he mean above by camo net bunkers? The jails, that used to be the tec buildings? Im lost on that description
  14. Irish.

    The Chernarussian Pirate Radio

    Firestations. I have found about 10 of them lately.. maybe its just my luck tho
  15. ^ thats really the best way to go. Learn the ropes, then use them to do fun things ;)
  16. Irish.

    Best place to find an ACOG ?

    LOL.. learned my lesson about arming freshies back in the mod. Never again! :D
  17. Irish.

    wtf i have just found a tent!

    It would be great if they scattered fake tents throughout the forests prior to adding real tents in.. make it less "easy mode" to hunt peoples camps.
  18. Irish.

    Best place to find an ACOG ?

    Same here.. they seem to be the best so far. Truth is I dont really need an ACOG, but its literally the one thing I dont have. Fully geared to the teeth.. but its like my end game now, LOL :)
  19. Irish.

    The Chernarussian Pirate Radio

    There are so many fun things you can do with the walkies.. Ive been having a blast so far with them
  20. Irish.

    Pavlovo Miltary Base

    I get what your saying, but when it takes me about 10-15 mins to run to a location and not full out run for your life sprint but the normal sprint I feel like that is normal. I mean I can run 3 miles no problem in that time. Winded yes.. but that's it. I hope that they have minor penalties like the shaking you have now if you run for long periods and try to scope in or the plan of having resources drain faster when running long distances. But I dont like the idea of "curbing" sprinting..
  21. Irish.

    Am I the only one looking forward to this?

    We will name you Matt. Unless they add in electric wheelchairs.. then its Wheels McGee.
  22. Irish.

    Pavlovo Miltary Base

    I have to add in my 2 cents here.. after playing the mod for so long I got used to it taking a minimum of 20 mins to make it to the NWAF from most spawns. In the SA, with the sprint working so well.. I feel like the map is smaller. I cant believe how quickly I can make it from NEAF to NWAF now. And from NWAF to Balota.. it still surprises me. Aside from that, I plan on making my way to that very base tonight. Its one of the few "new" places I havent seen yet. When you are solo, the best bet is the North.. less players, more loot. Yes, there is a severe risk of server hoppers at the high risk locations but that you just have to accept
  23. Irish.

    First Thoughts and Feelings (Amazeballs)

    Welcome.. and great story. :)
  24. I mean.. im at least open to the idea of a "class" to choose prior to spawning. 1. Soldier 2. Civilian 3. Medic 4. Mechanic Each could have it ups and downs.. but worth choosing one over the other based on play style. Like soldier is great for bandits, civilians great at survival, medics the obvious, and mechanics are great drivers, pilots, and repairmen. But I dunno if even this has a place in dayz.
  25. Irish.

    Musical instruments?

    I now want to be the Cherno house band.. I will take requests and play for 2 hour blocks outside the church. Look for me :)