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_Anubis_ (DayZ)

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Posts posted by _Anubis_ (DayZ)

  1. Sure, The game is exceptionally good in creating the adrenaline rush when you meet another player (especially outside a town).

    What I was pointing out is that it may be worth (YMMV of course) to take the risk to be killed against the reward to have met a friendly player, after all what is lost by dying can be quickly recovered.

    To be honest I did not use to think in that way at the beginning and the first time I was killed shortly after having found the NVG... Well that was hurtful.

    And I am pretty convinced that a certain KOS behavior is also triggered simply by fear of losing the gear.



  2. ... I have been KOS'ed. I was in the bush around Zeleno, saw a player running in front of me, he hadn't obviously seen me. I stop, lower my gun and keep looking. The guy looks around and see me. Bang bang. Dead.

    No problem :)

    To each his own. I suffer no inferiority complex nor had a troubled childhood hence I do not need to kill everyone on sight simply because others enjoy doing that.

    Time to re-spawn again, it will not take much to find what I need, and maybe next time the other guy will lower the gun as well. Who knows? There are many reasons to like dayz...


    • Like 1

  3. The message is not coming through. Let me try again:

    Now in dayz you may get an infection (random) according to certain events. The chance is rather low according to what I have seen in the source code.

    Does this really make the game realistic/brutal/challenging/survival struggle/zombie apocalypse/bla-bla-bla ? Nope. It takes one single trip to Elektro/Cherno or harvesting deer stands (things you do anyway if you have half a brain...) to find 1-2 boxes of antibiotics.

    Matches to light a fire you must have so I do not even mention them.

    Problem solved forever. What does the random-infection-risk add now? Nothing at all. Forget about it.

    What would add a cleverer zombie to the game? What would add animals that run away from you if you make noise (as it happens in real life... Ever been in a REAL forest?) ?

    A lot. You would have to deal with those issues every day.


  4. So you're arguing against sickness?


    I dislike cheap random problems (e.g. random sickness) which take nothing to be avoided and are just annoying.

    If there was in dayz the "one in a chance to be hit by a lightning while being outdoor with a thunderstorm (because it could happen as well in RL)" I would consider that stupid as well.

    As I said, make the SA difficult by having worthy problems to solve and not random events.


  5. One thing I dislike in dayz is the artificlal difficulty added by the random 'issues':

    - you get a chance of infection by eating raw meat

    - you get a chance of infection by drinking not boiled water

    - you get a chance of infection by being hit by a Z

    ...and so on

    That's just a cheap way to make the game appear more difficult and challenging when all you need to defetat those 'issues' is either a box of matches or 2 antibiotics you can pick up in Elektro when you start.

    I have no problems in having the game more difficult and to die for a good reason (e.g. I was cornered by Zombies), but this 'one of chance' thing does not add anything and it is only annoying.

    Make better Zombies, or less loot and game (make them run away from you as well) instead - that is a real problem to deal with.


  6. The paranoia mentalilty is out there. I spawned and visited Elektro (nothing to loose) found a few basic stuff and decided to leave - I had enough to carry on my journey.

    Before leaving, since I had a L-E with ammo and an M-16A2 without ammo I decided to leave the M-16 near the barn NW of the power station and I typed on the chat a message to everybody explaining where it was so anybody could have collected it. I moved further away and I waited maybe 15 minutes looking at that barn.

    Nobody arrived.


  7. I found it interesting to have several 'lives' in parallel on different private servers. My avatars are at different stages and when I am bored with one, I switch to the next.

    Also interesting to try different tactics, locations, paths and meet/talk with more players.

    Like Garblax, I find the initial collector phase the most interesting one.


    • Like 1

  8. If you're bored, spawn new character, find a very basic weapon and wait for a new player who doesn't have a weapon. Proceed to chase him around the map while saying random things over the microphone.

    Actually something like that happened to me: fresh spawned in Cherno I run to the hospital hoping to get some medical stuff. I had nothing, not even a tin can to throw against the glasses. Here comes a moron with a L-E, see me and freeze like he had seen Alien. "Uh oh" this is not going to end well, I run away and I am promptly shot IN THE BACK by that guy. I fall and die, but I have the pleasure to see him swamped by tens of zombies.

    What a total, clueless idiot. No wonder a KOS mentality is so ingrained in people.


  9. I propose to add a stranded ship on the coast of Chernarus. This is not about just adding something, but introduce more depth and alternative/teamwork gameplay in dayz:

    1. The ship should be rather big (several floors) and offer some basic shelter

    2. The ship should have loot (e.g. 12 points, like a barn but also some medical and NO weapons)

    3. The ship should be the center of the spawn area: meaning new spawns should always start within viewing distance of the ship

    4. The ship would maybe explain why we are in Chernarus: we were passengers of that ship?


    Because then everybody will have an initial reference point, a place where to meet and team up and maybe start a dayz journey with other players. Heroes and other friendly players could be there to help and guide and living team-mates could meet there their dead (now respawned) comrades.

    The only negative aspect is that such a spot would be a magnet for lowlifes who enjoy killing unarmed new spawns.


  10. Nah. You can still play just surviving. I refuse to murder other people who are just trying to survive, so when I get bored, I just disappear for a couple of months.

    That seems to work.

    That seems to nail it, at least the mod.

    Interesting, so the KOS/COD mentality is either coming from boredom (too easy to hunt cows, let's hunt players) or fear (especially players who have just started).

    Once you conquer fear (and it does not take much) you haven't a lot of motivation left (personally I would add exploring as a possibility, maybe the far north).


  11. I am slowly reaching that conclusion after weeks of playing. So what makes it really different from CoD at the end? A bigger-than-usual deathmatch arena?

    The 'survival' stage lasts 2-3 hours (if you know what to do), the time to get a couple of water bottles, hatchet, knife and matches. Then you can survive forever, going occasionally to the nearest barn to integrate your diet with canned food and beverages. You do not really need a weapon beside the hatchet, since all the animals can be easily hunted (except for the rabbit).

    Other than that, it is pure, total PvP. I consider myself kind of average/lousy but I have not died due to Zombies (other than they glitching through walls) since ages. I only die due to other players KOS mentality, even freshly spawned... What's the point of killing an harmless player? Must be some kind of sick fun.

    I really like the sandbox concept, but after a steep learning curve you reach quickly a plateau where you could stay forever: no Zombie can catch you while raiding a town.You may be wounded in a building fight with them but it requires a few meat to recover if you bandage yourself quickly.

    The loot respawning mechanism guarantees that after enough attemps you will find what you need. You will have all you can have, even a military weapon and ammo if you have the perseverance to visit enough Deer Stands, no need to go to fabled NWAF or Stary Sobor. Even if for the occasional PvP (if you play lone wolf) a crappy L-E is enough: 99.9% who sees first kills first. End of story.

    It is almost like the entire concept is driving you toward the endgame: kill or be killed by (because it will statistically happen sooner or later) another player. Nothing more.

    So paradoxically, you get "more" from dayz the "less" you know. Map, compass and gps make navigation a breeze and to be honest, you do not even need those tools after a while. As I said I am lousy but the landscape of dayz is excellent and after a while you can navigate by using visual landmarks only. The unknown environment challenges you, but only at the beginning.

    What I am trying to say is that I am surprised in seeing the zombie-apocalypse-fight for survival side fading so quickly after having understood the basic survival rules: it means that part is only a facade, a scenario where the 'real' fight (the PvP part) takes place.

    I wonder whether this could be counter balanced somehow, or I am simply wrong in assuming dayz is solidly different from a typical multiplayer/deathmatch stuff: the only thing that comes to my mind is the "medic" idea.


    • Like 8

  12. That's weird, I think Kamenka is one of the best... Cherno is pure suicide unless the server is almost empty.

    From Kamenka, you can go NE and hit 6 Deer Stands and a Barn, so you have pretty good chances to get a nice weapon, medical stuff and maybe a good backpack plus hatchet and food/beverages.

    From there, as other players said, you have a nice supermarket in Zeleno where you can complete your setup, all in a couple of hours (maybe less) from spawning.

    From Zeleno, if you are lucky, you have enough to move to NWAF directly.


    • Like 1

  13. Today I logged to a public server to start a new parallel life (I play private), played for a couple of hours, managed to reach Zelenogorsk with full tools to survive and a basic but trusty L-E. Had to log-out for a break.

    Coming back, I can see something is wrong: there is the Arma2 radio chatter, I am wearing the uniform of a soldier and I can see over the horizon the diamonds showing other players.

    It does not last long, we are all teleported to Skalisty Island where the hacker has also conveniently arranged piles of ammo and weapons.

    I run like hell to escape the firefight killing half of the players but I am teleported to the Debug Plains, looking at a lot of dead bodies.

    Teleported for the 3rd time back to the island this time with nothing at all, I grab a L85A2 AWS, ammo and leave by swimming.

    Reach Elektro, manage to get geared again (I had nothing but the rifle), leave Elektro fully geared. log-out and log-in again... Zap: dropped dead in the water surrounding Skalisty.

    Oh well, at least I tried the L85A2, never had one before :)


  14. There is hardly need of the game map if you use, as already pointed out, the dayzDB map. It is far better and detailed.

    However, IMHO the player marker is fine on regular servers: players need to learn. As time goes by you will know Chernarus, but that takes some time and experience.

    By night in a forest, without a compass, it still takes 2 seconds to loose your orientation unless you have visible landmarks.


  15. In RL a blood transfusions may need hours, not 5 seconds of rummaging.

    In RL sniper rifles need to be zero'ed and adapted to your eye relief.

    In RL a single shot from a M1911 or a revolver is enough to bring you down.

    In RL weapons should be maintained.

    In RL morphine does not fix broken bones.


    There are tons of things which have been adapted (sometimes well,sometimes not so well) and are unrealistic. The game is full of compromises and you must drawn a line somewhere.


  16. On the positive side, if you manage to kill one of those (with grenades maybe) you could invite the entire server's population to a feast. The amount of meat slabs on those beasts should be in the order of hundreds.

    Just imagine all the players happily sitting around fireplaces and cooking meat on a big, open field with the giant carcass against the rising moon...


  17. Yep - dayz life...

    Coming back from NWAF loaded with M-16 and STAMAG/STAMAG SD magazines, fresh Czech backpack, happy as an hopping bunny.

    Stop briefly at a cow stable to get some coke cans and hack a few Z to pieces, when an unseen zombie glitches through the right wall and hit me: one-of-a-chance random instant knockout, go down, zombie feeding. Regain conscience, kill the zombie, try to bandage but fail because random "panic mode" blocks everything and eventually run out of blood and die with a backpack full of every possible goodies on earth.


  18. What i think would have been amazing is if the servers got a "Karma" system. Like, if you shoot a survivor, you lose karma. If you kill for example 5 peoples, you will get banned for 24 hours. If you kill a hero, that counts as 2 karma. Which means that you can only kill 3 more survivors. If you kill a bandit, you will get back karma, up to 5 karma. The server owners are gonna be able to choose the karma system if they want to have it. It's not default, but you can enable it from a list.

    It is not so black and white. Most of the times the situation is grey and you must decide whether to shoot [first] or most likely get killed.


    p.s. also you do not remain bandit forever if you kill another player

  19. Short answer is: No, unless you find a low-pop private server where you can know (and maybe meet) people as time goes by.

    In dayz resources (loot) are limited, especially after so players must compete for food, beverages, tools and weapons and everyone is afraid of loosing his M4A1 CCO SD.

    Weapons is really what you need less due to the new aggro system. If you have an hatchet, a L-E and a clip you are good to go. You will not shoot around towns and for the occasional PvP who sees first shoots first, so it ends quickly.

    Zombies are fine if you have the hatchet and can find a building nearby.

    Food and beverages,meat, tools... Those you have either to find around, or in the backpack of dead players.

    Find stuff around requires patience and time. Kill others is quick and some people have fun with it, must have had a difficult childhood but to each his own.

