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pablo escabar

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Posts posted by pablo escabar

  1. I was well armed with an m107 and ghillie going on 5 days alive 22 kills when I happened to find a well armed group cooking meat like idiots north of prig, 5 of them to be exact so there they are 4 watching for bandits the fifth cooking something yummy, bang! The cook got smoked the others frantically trying to hide and see where I was, (about 400m away), another shot... down goes their sniper only 3 guys now with lmg's one broke from cover and tried to run away like a little girl and in doing so gave away another's position so I shot his freind followed by him in the back, happy now there was just one remaining I slowly advanced, the last guy stood up and started spraying wildly I took a breath leant out from the tree and blasted him right in the face, I waited a while happy that no 1 else was around looted what I needed and then hid the bodies then on my way to electro killed one of the same guys and tea bagged his corpse and hid it again

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  2. I became a bandit the day I realised I loved killing people and then taunting them, it started small I had a hatchet and a guy with a dmr was in the buildings at kamarovo he saw me and without hesitation began to shoot so I run to cover, he watched patiently hoping I would try to run from there, but instead I waited for him to slip up, he switched to his side arm and took his eyes off where I was I ran at him swinging wildly fire in my eyes.... Crack, his leg broke I could almost see panic on his bearded badly animated face I let out a harrowing laugh over direct chat I circled behind him as he tried frantically to turn and face me to get a shot off as I hacked at his back he died and I let everyone know exactly how, so then I took the sniper and began my year long murdering spree making the forests along the coast a very unpleasant place to be.
